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Does it feel odd that Rockstar excluded a 3rd protagonist for GTA 6?

Mister Apoc

Demigod of Troll Threads

seems like its going backwards from GTA V which had 3 completely different personalities with Michael, Trevor and Franklin

we know the two leads for GTA VI are Jason and Lucia, a white redneck guy and a Hispanic lady that seem to be a "Bonnie and Clyde" couple

why i am sure the story will be good and they will be written great. Miami has a huge Caribbean cultural presence i.e Haitians, Jamaicans etc. It would of been cool to see a 3rd protagonist that could of been Caribbean or even Cuban etc. That way we get a bigger set of diversity between characters

going from 3 characters in GTA V to two seems like a downgrade


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
You have no idea what you just started lol. Here's my take as someone who believes that diversity in storytelling is important.

If you want to include Haitians, Jamaicans, etc just for the sake of checking diversity boxes, you're doing it so incredibly wrong. That's called pandering. Like you said, there's a huge Caribbean cultural presence in Miami, so those characters will show up. Some of them will likely be major characters. They don't have to be added as a 3rd protagonist just for the sake of diversity.

going from 3 characters in GTA V to two seems like a downgrade
That's like saying if GTA6 doesn't have 4 protagonists, and GTA7 doesn't have 5, and GTA8 doesn't have 6, etc, they'll all be downgrades. The writers/designers have the creative freedom to tell a story with however many characters they want.

If the requirement for this particular story to be the best it could have been was to only have 1 protag, that's what they would have gone with. But they decided it would be best with 2, so that's what they went with. Just like they decided GTA5 would be best with 3, so that's what they went with.

Mister Apoc

Demigod of Troll Threads
You have no idea what you just started lol. Here's my take as someone who believes that diversity in storytelling is important.

If you want to include Haitians, Jamaicans, etc just for the sake of checking diversity boxes, you're doing it so incredibly wrong. That's called pandering. Like you said, there's a huge Caribbean cultural presence in Miami, so those characters will show up. Some of them will likely be major characters. They don't have to be added as a 3rd protagonist just for the sake of diversity.

That's like saying if GTA6 doesn't have 4 protagonists, and GTA7 doesn't have 5, and GTA8 doesn't have 6, etc, they'll all be downgrades. The writers/designers have the creative freedom to tell a story with however many characters they want.

If the requirement for this particular story to be the best it could have been was to only have 1 protag, that's what they would have gone with. But they decided it would be best with 2, so that's what they went with. Just like they decided GTA5 would be best with 3, so that's what they went with.
I agree with you, and Rockstar has been pretty good in terms of diversity in the GTA series in the past

I assume they went with the white guy because that's the character/story they wanted to tell



seems like its going backwards from GTA V which had 3 completely different personalities with Michael, Trevor and Franklin

we know the two leads for GTA VI are Jason and Lucia, a white redneck guy and a Hispanic lady that seem to be a "Bonnie and Clyde" couple

why i am sure the story will be good and they will be written great. Miami has a huge Caribbean cultural presence i.e Haitians, Jamaicans etc. It would of been cool to see a 3rd protagonist that could of been Caribbean or even Cuban etc. That way we get a bigger set of diversity between characters

going from 3 characters in GTA V to two seems like a downgrade
Hispanic lady DEFINITELY NOT Cuban

Mister Apoc

Demigod of Troll Threads
Hispanic lady DEFINITELY NOT Cuban
well her presumed actress is Manni Perez who I think someone mentioned is part Dominican and Puerto Rican so Rockstar could base the ethnicity of the character off the actress

(although not always...Luis actor is Puerto Rican even though he is Dominican)


well her presumed actress is Manni Perez who I think someone mentioned is part Dominican and Puerto Rican so Rockstar could base the ethnicity of the character off the actress

(although not always...Luis actor is Puerto Rican even though he is Dominican)
See 2 islands > 1 take that for SUPER DEI


Well, these games take forever to make so they have to shake things up one way or another otherwise people'd be playing the same thing for 20 years.

Besides, going from IV to V, you can tell Rockstar had to make commercial concesions to address IV's main criticisms (the sunny setting, the wackier story tone, the more arcadey driving model).

Since V's release, several key members of Rockstar has left so I wouldn't be surprised if having two protagonists being a couple was a publisher note, specially since Dan Houser has gone on record explaining that there were no female protagonists in GTA because "the concept of being masculine is key to the story".

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Gold Member
Nah, I’d rather just go back to having one.
Having split protagonists, two of which were unlikeable af, was one of GTA5's main issues.
The fewer protagonists, the better.

Although not being complete assholes and being at least somewhat relatable is definitely more important than the number of characters.
I'd prefer a single protagonist, but if the two on offer I actually like you won't hear me complain (much).

I just hope they will offer a bit more gameplay and a bit less cinema and "you earn money via apps now".
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This is NOT a downgrade.

I think they want to try and blend the strengths of multiple protags (more action packed missions jumping from one to another) with the strengths a single protag (immersion and roleplaying).

This is why they've gone with only two and them being intimately close, they will most likely share safehouses, vehicles, weapons, money etc. The intimacy and focus between the two both mechanically and narratively allows for an easier emotional access point for the player, as it's easily communicated what players should care about here and what the "point" is so to speak. The relationship will be by far the most focused, central aspect of the game, where as 5 on the other hand it felt like they started with "we want 3 different characters because it will be new and different" then figured out on how they're gonna intersect afterwards.

GTA5 is still entertaining regardless, its just very messy and all over the place because it's asking players to lock in to 3 very different characters with entire different personalities, equipment, money, side characters therefore making it more difficult to feel like you're really inhabiting "real" people and a "real" world because you're being ping ponged all over the place.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Not really.

3 characters was never a norm to expect it again and they might be going for a different type of Bonnie and Clyde type story

And no fucking way can I see that as going "backwards" as if design wise, the way forward is 4 characters, then 5 and then 6 lol


That is a choice, its an option, they don't need to add 3 or 4 to advance the series as some didn't even like the whole 3 character thing to act as if more or the same number is this massive deal lol
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Codes 208

I dont care. On top of the fact that multiple protags wasnt the norm for gta in general it means nothing to me if they added or removed one.

Secondly: i only plan on playing gta6 online so the campaign was already a non-issue to me

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
What sucked about GTA V was that the three protagonists weren't time sensitive.

Good concept - Bad execution.
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We still know very lil about GTA6, everything is possible, including 2 protags we know getting killed/jailed/taken to the side MGS2 style and us getting 3rd totally different MC, even more crazy one 10-15h into the game.
We simply need way more info here :)
Not at all. It felt odd and usually out of place to have 3 protagonists in GTAV anyway.
2 protagonists in GTAVI seems fine. Personally, I prefer having only one protagonist but two works.


I mean, no. I wish that Rockstar had the stones to go with a solo female protagonist but I'll take this Bonnie and Clyde thing as a consolation prize since I've been begging for a female main protag in a main series GTA for almost a decade now.


when it comes to narrative, 3 isn't better than 2 nor is 2 better than 3, it's whatever the game/story is made for. Otherwise Suikoden would be the last game ever made.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Have a feeling 2 will work better than 3. The 3 in GTA V very much had their own identities and was a nice little nod to the PS2 trilogy's protagonists, but they didn't really gel at all as a trio for the same reason. All their best stuff was individual stories. Having an existing couple with presumably largely the same motivations should create a more consistent narrative.

Also imagine they'll do the same thing with the ending, where the player has the choice to kill one or neither off.


You have no idea what you just started lol. Here's my take as someone who believes that diversity in storytelling is important.

If you want to include Haitians, Jamaicans, etc just for the sake of checking diversity boxes, you're doing it so incredibly wrong. That's called pandering. Like you said, there's a huge Caribbean cultural presence in Miami, so those characters will show up. Some of them will likely be major characters. They don't have to be added as a 3rd protagonist just for the sake of diversity.

That's like saying if GTA6 doesn't have 4 protagonists, and GTA7 doesn't have 5, and GTA8 doesn't have 6, etc, they'll all be downgrades. The writers/designers have the creative freedom to tell a story with however many characters they want.

If the requirement for this particular story to be the best it could have been was to only have 1 protag, that's what they would have gone with. But they decided it would be best with 2, so that's what they went with. Just like they decided GTA5 would be best with 3, so that's what they went with.
Sure, everything is pandering. The Haitians were already in Vice City and had problems with the Cubans. If I recall correctly,there are like 3 million+ Black people in Florida,there population isn't insignificant.
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John Bilbo

If GTA was an arcade style game with the protagonists having different move sets or ways of achieving high score three protagonists could be justified.

For story purposes multiple protagonists often make a game convoluted. I'd prefer one protagonist with a tight campaign. For different stories they can release DLC campaigns.


I don't believe you can have Bonnie and Clyde and a third wheel. Also, there probably testing the waters to see how the fanbase will respond to the female protagonist. If they hate it this, will be the last time, we ever see a female protagonist again. If the response is positive, then a future game may feature a solo female protagonist. Probably not the next game though, so maybe in, gosh 20 years.
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