The thread is Anti-War, it's talking about the scope of our discussion, I don't want it to spawn any of the discussions it's complaining about.

I love games, that's why I'm on NeoGAF in the first place. So why is it I've barely said a thing on the Gaming forum in months now? Why am I putting all my effort into magnificent Off-Topic posts?
Because, as the bans list would suggest, it's all [when I say "all" I'm of course saying "regularly but not entirely"] console warring, hardware/graphics comparisons, breaking news alerts about pixel counts, frame rates, magnitude of cross-gen upgrades, or the lack thereof.
I have very little to contribute to any of that stuff. Time was the 'graphics whore' was a pretty widespread (if distasteful) epithet aimed at people who cared too much about these things, and I still generally think we should all STFU until there's a post-release consensus on gameplay and artstyle, rather than squeeing over technical features.
I'm here to ask you to examine your soul, your innermost self, and try to face up to just how much you ACTUALLY CARE about FPS, 4K vs Upscaling, RT, visual upgrades between generations, etc.
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