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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze |OT| There's always money in the banana stand

I'm currently up to 6-2. I think the game took a dive at world 4, and hasn't really recovered. The first 3 worlds are by far the best so far.

Also, I'm not enjoying the music as much as Returns, which is disappointing, as I adore David's work in the original DKC trilogy.

I'm still having fun, but I no longer think it's the masterpiece it first seemed like.

Oh, and only
minecart levels in the game is incredibly disappointing.
Man just started the game. The visuals are really quite spectacular and that music, wow.

Forgive me if this has been covered extensively and I am just bringing up a issue buried by now but:

Why can't I listen to the games audio through my headphones if I choose to play primarily on the TV? There has to be a way to hear the game on the gamepad but play on the screen right?


Why can't I listen to the games audio through my headphones if I choose to play primarily on the TV? There has to be a way to hear the game on the gamepad but play on the screen right?

No reason. You just can't. Same with Wind Waker HD and it is an obvious overlook for sure.
Going through the music, I'm getting a seriously Metroid vibe from parts of Frosty Fruits. The bass reminds me of the beginning section of Brinstar in Super Metroid. Makes you wonder what Retro + Wise could do with a 2D, WiiU Metroid. I wouldn't even mind if it were 2.5D -- clearly, Retro knows what they're doing.

You mean 3D. 2D would be horrible for Wii U, there are more than enough 2D games on the Wii U. Now we need atmospheric 3D titles.


Shows the quality of the game that these are the only things we can find to complain about.

I find it somewhat annoying to have to press the A button about 5 times just to get into the game.


Shows the quality of the game that these are the only things we can find to complain about.

I find it somewhat annoying to have to press the A button about 5 times just to get into the game.

Yeah, I know it's stupid. The game is basically perfection and yet we complain. On the other hand, the game iIS basically perfection. So you'd expect it not to have all these press A-choices and stuttering loading screens separating you from the perfection. And I really expect it to have a "restart level" option. These things can be patched up in preparation for the DLC (I would like a minecart-pack).
No reason. You just can't. Same with Wind Waker HD and it is an obvious overlook for sure.

How crazy. I assumed it didn't work with WW because of the old engine base. Seems so odd the controller features are not implemented on a OS level. The fact that it has to be built in seems like a huge oversight on Nintendo's part.


Got to World 3 in hard mode before I realised that if you collect all the KONG letters while doing it you get a blue star at the end..... Back to 1-1!
Luckily bosses and K-levels don't have the letters - they're the worst in hard mode.


Really don't think I've got the time/skill for hard mode in this game. Not with Dark Souls 2 coming out in a few days.

Gonna stick to trying to find all the puzzle pieces in normal mode.
The last puzzle piece on Irate Eight is just cruel and Squawks is getting less helpful as I go.
I thought I had to get all the bananas up that point...well, now I know how to swim.

Sitting here in my underwear on a Tuesday morning swearing at a cartoon bird.
Got to World 3 in hard mode before I realised that if you collect all the KONG letters while doing it you get a blue star at the end..... Back to 1-1!
Luckily bosses and K-levels don't have the letters - they're the worst in hard mode.
Bosses are pretty awful, but K levels are easier in Hard mode than they were in normal for me, since you have Dixie and there were never checkpoints in the first place anyway. I feel like the hardest levels in hard mode (outside of bosses) are long levels where they expect most of the challenge to come from avoiding enemies and hazards rather than Platforming (2-2, 3-2, and 4-5 come to mind). Levels where the main challenge is not falling to your death (like 3-A I think, the one that isn't Bramble Scramble) are competitively much easier due to Dixie.

Like I think 2-K took me <5 tries on hard mode as opposed to ~1 hour in normal mode, but freaking Baobob Bonanza and Deep Keep took forever in Hard mode when they weren't particularly hard in normal mode.


I'm currently up to 6-2. I think the game took a dive at world 4, and hasn't really recovered. The first 3 worlds are by far the best so far.

Also, I'm not enjoying the music as much as Returns, which is disappointing, as I adore David's work in the original DKC trilogy.

I'm still having fun, but I no longer think it's the masterpiece it first seemed like.

Oh, and only
minecart levels in the game is incredibly disappointing.
Man, this is crazy to me. I didn't think the game really picked up till World 3 and World 5 was by far my favorite, though World 6 was pretty amazing as well. Also thought World 6 had some of the best music.

I'm like... completely opposite on you here.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
BTW, can I just say that the transition in 4-1, from the beach scenery to the underwater segment with that futuristic stuff and the Aquatic Ambience song playing is like... the greatest thing ever?

Because playing through that level again... man, it really is awesome.

5-K is the hardest one after 2-K in my opinion. 6-K is rather easy though.
Yeah, that's how it was for me. 6-K might have been the easiest one, but that's probably because you get Dixie at the beginning. I can't imagine why you'd want to go through with just DK and no checkpoints haha.


I'd love for retro to explain the thought of having load screens that are so choppy. Its really jarring and while they are beautiful I have to wonder why not just put something in that wouldn't perform so poorly


Just finished the final boss! Whew, he was pretty tough. I don't know if he was the hardest in the game, but I had a really tough time figuring out some of his patterns.

For the life of me, I
could never time my jumps properly to deal damage
and I didn't "get" the
platforms falling into lava segment until way too late. Prior to that, I was relying on dixie to float me for long enough.

Now I just need to go back, finish a few secret levels to clean out the remaining Kong pieces and then
on to world 7!

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I'd love for retro to explain the thought of having load screens that are so choppy. Its really jarring and while they are beautiful I have to wonder why not just put something in that wouldn't perform so poorly

I was wondering the same thing. Just put a prerecorded video there or something. Well, if that's the biggest complaint I have with the game (which, it is), I think I'll survive.


Am I the only one that likes World 4 the best? It's just so good.
As far as scenery it's up there, music is really strong in that world too. I hate controlling water DK in this game though, so it was my low point.
I'd love for retro to explain the thought of having load screens that are so choppy. Its really jarring and while they are beautiful I have to wonder why not just put something in that wouldn't perform so poorly
Maybe in 10 years Miles will run this game at a GDQ, and a programmer from Retro will Skype in and take questions. *crosses fingers*


Just finished world 2, but still need to find some puzzle pieces and get the last few Kong Letters to unlock 2-K.

Those alpine levels were amazing. Such beautiful backgrounds, catchy musik and the whole build-up to the world's boss. And lol at those little owls blowing the alphorns - haha, so cute! :3

But good god, that rocket barrel level is a nightmare! I missed so many Kong Letters. I'm gonna own it tomorrow, though! :D

The owl-boss was fun and challenging.

Sawmill thrill wasn't that hard actually, but I never had problems with the mine-cart levels in Returns, too, so...

Maybe I'm crazy, but world 2 boss' music reminded me quite a bit of the last boss' music from Final Fantasy VII, "one winged angel" (at least the beginning) ^_^

Nice homage to another, incredibly great game, haha.
Just finished world 2, but still need to find some puzzle pieces and get the last few Kong Letters to unlock 2-K.

Those alpine levels very amazing. Such beautiful backgrounds, catchy musik and the whole build-up to the world's boss. And lol at those little owls blowing the alphorns - haha, so cute! :3

But good god, that rocket barrel level is a nightmare! I missed so many Kong Letters. I'm gonna own it tomorrow, though! :D

The owl-boss was fun and challenging.

Maybe I'm crazy, but world 2 boss' music reminded me quite a bit of the last boss' music from Final Fantasy VII, "one winged angel" (at least the beginning) ^_^

Nice homage to another, incredibly great game, haha.

You are not crazy, i had the same impression. Some other user had a little bit more insight in this, maybe he will show up. I still say it is heavily "inspired" by One Winged Angel.


world 4 is killing me

pls save me

Swim better, homie!

Just kidding, sort of. I'm not gonna say you lack the skill or anything, but is it the actual swimming mechanics that you're having trouble with? Because they're pretty accurate when you get used to them.

Here's a little something I posted earlier that might help you.

The swimming controls are great. Being able to dash, swim normally, and swim quickly, as well as the different abilities the partners give you, give you a lot of motility options underwater. Being able to cancel the dash attack by pressing the swim button can help you avoid running into walls, which happens a lot if you only dash attack. DK's ability to change direction instantly by just flicking in the opposite direction (I use the analogue stick) is also incredibly useful. I've gotten into and out of several sticky situations without a scratch because the controls are just that good.

Master the bolded and the swimming in this game is smooth as can be.


Yeah I think I lost about 30 lives on Harvest Hazards either by doing dumb fuck up moves due to level unfamiliarity or by getting too distracted by the music that allowed for even more dumb fuck up moves.

Either way, I was all smiles the entire time.
Am I the only one that likes World 4 the best? It's just so good.

I absolutely loved it. It comes in 3rd place for me, following Juicy Jungle (5) and Autumn Heights (2) which are perhaps the two best "worlds" in a 2D platformer I have ever played. Usually I enjoy water stages for their atmosphere more than their gameplay, but these levels were incredibly fun to play and were designed well. And the few land based stages they had were amazing as well.
Water levels became a lot easier for me when I approached them like I would any other level. The air meter makes you want to rush through, but bubbles are abundant enough that this is rarely the case. I enjoyed water levels a lot more when I started breast stroking more than attacking to move places, attacking is really hard to control. If you play on a land level and you try to get around by mostly rolling, you're not going to get very far unless you know exactly what to do, same goes for water levels and the spinning attack. You get a better feeling of control when you just swim around with A.


Only thing missing from this game is Cranky's wit:


Also, I'm working on something -- someone entertain me with screens of the squid from Irate Eight, and/or Frantic Fields.


Just finished every level in the game and
unlocked hard mode.
Some of the levels I have done over the last few days were grueling but I think 2-K remains the one that took the most time and lives to complete. May go back later to get the remaining puzzle pieces and play around in hard mode, but I have to say that I'm pretty damn satisfied with how great and consistent the game was throughout. I may write more about my overall impressions later, but safe to say that every change Retro made from Returns to Tropical Freeze was for the better. (Except secret exits which were tedious)


Just got the game yesterday and I think I need to just run through the levels without worrying about collectables first so I could actually enjoy the game. Some of the puzzle pieces are very well hidden and I don't particularly like replaying levels just to find them all. The mine cart levels should be more fun in this regard.

Btw the fur is amazing. Cranky's beard is a little off, but that fur is amazing. AMAZING.


Just "finished" the game. 66% in 17:47.

Quick impressions:

The game kicks ass. Both in the sense that it's very fun and it's very hard. I definitely lost 10+ lives on a few of those levels, and still haven't got into any of the "secret" levels yet. Looking forward to it. The level design is fantastic, and puts the level design of the first game (and every NSMB game!) to shame. If I had to say something bad about it, it would be that some of the boss battles felt way too long. I have nothing against long boss battles, but the general pattern I noticed was:

phase 1: easy

phase 2: easy

phase 3: FUCK YOU

having to spend 5 minutes replaying phase 1 and 2 every time just to die again at the more difficult phase 3 got tedious. But it's a little thing.

Tropical Freeze is one of the best, if not the best looking game on the Wii U. Retro's art design comes through once again. There's something new to see in every stage, and I found myself stopping to admire the art. Usually, the platform I was standing on would crumple and I would die, but it was worth it!

David Wise is god, plain and simple.
TF has the best soundtrack on the Wii U, and one of the best soundtracks I've heard of the current AND last gen. Just fantastic. This one is definitely going on the iPhone.

I can't see myself going back to the original DKCR after playing this. Like NSMBU did to NSMB Wii, it's basically the same game, just better in every single way. That's not a bad thing... but I do hope Retro is done with the Donkey Kong franchise after this. Time for something new.

Now I shall hunt collectables :)


Whoa, let's not diminish the level design of Returns when celebrating Tropical Freeze. I probably prefer Tropical Freeze, as well, but the level design in Returns was also excellent. More challenging on the whole, as well.

But yeah, definitely blows the entire NSMB series out of the water from a sheer entertainment and production standpoint.


Returns got its credit when it came out and there's no denying that tf uses returns as a very sound foundation.

Tf credit for me comes from retro actually doing what a lot of devs can't. Make a sequel that's better in every single way.

Nsmb is a nice distraction and Luigi is good stuff but I sure hope Nintendo realizes people have way higher expectations from 2d Mario.

Expectations shown that can be achieved by this game.


The NSMB games have been destroyed by both 3D World and Tropical Freeze in the last year. I like 2D games but I think Nintendo should either put the NSMB franchise to rest or actually try and make something new with 2D Mario games.
Whoa, let's not diminish the level design of Returns when celebrating Tropical Freeze. I probably prefer Tropical Freeze, as well, but the level design in Returns was also excellent. More challenging on the whole, as well.

I agree, but I think it's just the excitement of a new release results in a bit of hyperbole. I would argue that Returns has every bit as strong as level design as TF, but TF has more variety, prettier graphics and David Wise magic, so it leaves a stronger impression on some.

The NSMB games have been destroyed by both 3D World and Tropical Freeze in the last year. I like 2D games but I think Nintendo should either put the NSMB franchise to rest or actually try and make something new with 2D Mario games.

It's time to move on from NSMB and reinvent 2D Mario with Super Mario Bros. 4. Make it happen Nintendo.


It's time to move on from NSMB and reinvent 2D Mario with Super Mario Bros. 4. Make it happen Nintendo.

Pssst, you can't mention Super Mario Bros. 4 without someone posting the Japanese SMW box. Because the game has a SMB4 subtitle over there. Which means we'll never get a numbered sequel because there won't be worldwide naming parity which Nintendo insists on having for mainline Mario games these days.


Ugh, these time trials. Trying to do Shipwreck Shore with Cranky (even though he will always be worse than Diddy since he doesn't have an underwater boost), and it is tough! I have a good pattern worked out, and there's no wasted movement, but nailing everything is gonna take me some time.

And that's just one level. I don't know how some people do it having the top rank in multiple levels.
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