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Doom 3 benchmarks are here!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Were did you get the X800 XT Platinum Edition for $300!?


Yeah, we knew this was coming.. Doom 3 is an OpenGL game, and Nvidia has always dominated in that. Wait until we see the HL2 benchmarks.. they'll probably be the exact opposite of this (and since more future games are likely to be D3D..).

Pestul made this very true statement long ago...I didn't see any reason to comment anymore on this from an ATi POV. The rest of the comments seem like damage control :).

Most games are made, and will be made, on D3D...but there is the possibility that many devs will license the DOOM 3 engine for their own titles, so it's important for ATi to be able to fix any issues with new drivers.

Secondly, this game is one of those games that cause people to buy new cards and upgrade, in the masses. So it's important for ATi, because as this game is released, I can see many gamers replacing what they have now. Heck, I've got a P3 with a GF2 MX 400...I've been waiting for this for a while, gonna get a new PC when HL 2 is out (to make sure that it can run both games nicely).

ATi's gotta fix something quick. Sure, they've had the best hardware for the past couple of years, but there were few blockbuster hits that caused people to upgrade. HL 2 and DOOM 3 seem like the best reasons to upgrade during the last 4 years (IMO). It's a critical time for ATi.


Setec Astronomer
First of all: Competition Rocks...

Second... I would have liked more benches for "Medium" or "Low" quality settings. All those benches really illustrate is that you need a massively overspec'ed system to run High Quality.
Izzy said:
Even the AA and AF at 1600*1200 doesn't help:


Wow, ATI got smoked if these numbers can be believed. Why the sudden change in framerates for ATI X800XT PE in 1600x1200 4XAA 8XAF from other games to Doom 3? I thought Carmack said Doom 3 would work best with ATI architecture? Is this a case of Nvidia money hats?
rastex said:
I just ordered an x800 XT PE today as well :(

Of course I got it for $300, but still!

WTF? Where did you get it for that cheap?

To those claiming the spec systems are unrealistic--well, they're certain top-of-the-line, but not completely crazy (well cept maybe for the 4GB of memory). But OCing a 3.0-3.4 processor up to 3.6 isn't that hard.

To the poster that mentioned Windows actually performing slower with more RAM, is this still true? I recall that on my old P2 400Mhz system, it actually ran slower with 256MB of RAM than with 128. I would hope that with today's powerful CPUs and GPUs and DDR RAM that this wouldn't be an issue, but I guess it's all dependent on the OS.


DJ Demon J said:
Wow, ATI got smoked if these numbers can be believed. Why the sudden change in framerates for ATI X800XT PE in 1600x1200 4XAA 8XAF from other games to Doom 3? I thought Carmack said Doom 3 would work best with ATI architecture? Is this a case of Nvidia money hats?
I think you're thinking about Gabe's comments on Half Life 2.

Half Life 2 is ATi's Doom 3.

Buy Nv for Doom 3 or Ati for HL2, both cards will run the games great, just one at a few frames higher than the other.


No, Gabe Newell is the trumpeter of ATI propoganda. Carmack has always been relatively neutral.


akascream said:
I think people just assumed because it was running on R300 hardware at e32k3.

That made since in 2003, because nVidia had nothing that remotely challenged the R300 back then. Now the lines are blurred.


DJ, 45 fps versus 60 fps isn't going to make or break your gameplay experience. Choose either of the cards, they'll both play Doom 3 and HL2 really well.


Heck, even a 9800 Pro will probably play both these games at highest detail, as long as you don't mind running at 1024x768.
So is now a good time to buy a completely new computer? Or should I wait?

F.Y.I., I presently have a P4 1.5 GHz, 512 Rams, Radeon 8500 LE 64 Mb, and some shitty drives and hdd.
But I must have 1600x1200 with Ultra High Quality! *twitch* :(

Eh, I've made my decision...unless a deal like $300 for a X800XT PE, I'm just holding on to the 9800 Pro 256 until the first set of 512MB cards come out.


I wasn't planning on buying a x800 or 6800, but if rastex will tell us where he got that x800 xt pe for $300, I wouldn't be able to resist either.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Slo said:
DJ, 45 fps versus 60 fps isn't going to make or break your gameplay experience. Choose either of the cards, they'll both play Doom 3 and HL2 really well.

Thats a big difference, if you were talking about constant framerates then fine. But these are timedemos...I'm pretty sure the card scoring 45 fps is going to get some shitty framerates when the action gets heavy. I'm hoping thats not case as I have a 9800 pro :( I'm sorry a pc thats less than a year old with a $300 video card should run ANY game released now at 60 fps with the highest of settings.

Of course if i upgrade the story will be different :p

Ah the joys of pc gaming.


Doc Holliday said:
a pc thats less than a year old with a $300 video card should run ANY game released now at 60 fps with the highest of settings.
you're thinking of console games. one of the nice things about pc games is that it's possible for them to look better as computers get more powerful. it stands to reason, then, that the highest setting will tax even the most advanced hardware. hell, it's not even possible to run doom 3 at the highest detail level until the next generation cards come out.


Nvidia's performance in HL² is going to be much, much better compared to ATi's performance in Doom III. ATi will have the edge probably, but there won't be a huge gap. The 59xx series was the abysmal performer, the 68xx fixes just about everything. Check these HL² alpha benchmarks: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/video/display/r420-2_12.html

A lot faster in Doom III, equal performance in HL² = Nvidia wins this round.
Littleberu said:
So is now a good time to buy a completely new computer? Or should I wait?

F.Y.I., I presently have a P4 1.5 GHz, 512 Rams, Radeon 8500 LE 64 Mb, and some shitty drives and hdd.

Just Buy the game. play it. Then upgrade to a 6800GT and you'll really appreciate the difference. You dont need to upgrade your whole PC.


Doc Holliday said:
I'm sorry a pc thats less than a year old with a $300 video card should run ANY game released now at 60 fps with the highest of settings.
Ah the joys of pc gaming.

Nah, I disagree. For me, the whole point of PC gaming is to be on the bleeding edge of technology. I don't spend all this money on components to have my games look like a last gen-console game. I'd much rather have PC games written to bleeding edge hardware then optimized for 2 year old garbage. After spending $350 on a GeForce 3 and not having it be taxed until 18 months later, I'd like to see my brand new hardware flexing it's muscles right out of the box. I don't like the idea that I just spend $1000 on computer components when I could have gotten by on much less.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I like the idea of spending less and getting by. There are barely enough great games coming out on the PC as it is, so grabbing the latest hardware seems like a waste to me...


dark10x said:
I like the idea of spending less and getting by. There are barely enough great games coming out on the PC as it is, so grabbing the latest hardware seems like a waste to me...

See, I don't quite get that. Unless you just want to play CS, BGII, and Starcraft, PC gaming is a huge money pit. You have to know that going in. Compared to PC Gaming, the Xbox is a great value. Any PC you put together for $150 dollars is not going to be able to run Chronicles of Riddick or Halo 2 at the levels the Xbox can. Not even close, it'd probably cost more on the order of $500-600. Personally, I'm not willing to spend $1000 on computer components to have Xbox level games running at 100+ fps, I need to see a bigger leap in quality for me to keep justifying this hobby. I say bring on the heavy hitters, I want to feel like my money was well spent. Otherwise, I'll just be satisfied with my Xbox.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Slo said:
See, I don't quite get that. Unless you just want to play CS, BGII, and Starcraft, PC gaming is a huge money pit. You have to know that going in. Compared to PC Gaming, the Xbox is a great value. Any PC you put together for $150 dollars is not going to be able to run Chronicles of Riddick or Halo 2 at the levels the Xbox can. Not even close, it'd probably cost more on the order of $500-600. Personally, I'm not willing to spend $1000 on computer components to have Xbox level games running at 100+ fps, I need to see a bigger leap in quality for me to keep justifying this hobby. I say bring on the heavy hitters, I want to feel like my money was well spent. Otherwise, I'll just be satisfied with my Xbox.

Hmm, not quite sure how to reply as there really isn't much to address. Basically, I don't want to spend top dollar on just one of my gaming platforms (with the least number of games I want to play on it) when I can spend a little less and still run the best. While you sit there and eye the $500 cards, I won't even consider a video card until it is at least HALF of that. I've been running a Radeon 9700 Pro for a year and a half now and I purchased that for $200. The way you are talking, it seems as if you would prefer devs to go even MORE hardcore and pretty much snuff out people not running the latest and greatest. While the results could be impressive, it would require people to spend a lot more money more often. Even if you are willing to do so, most people aren't. So, I'm going to be playing Doom 3 on a 9700 Pro and put the money saved by not buying the latest hardware towards more games.

The thing that drives me crazy, though, is people trying to go for framerates well over 60 fps. There are a lot of folks who seem convinced that pulling 100 fps is better than 60 fps, when in fact, that isn't the case. I'm not even talking averages here.
when I upgrade I'll be looking to play 1 or 2 of the latest games like Doom 3 and HL2 with pretty good performance. And "last gen" PC games like Toca Race Driver 2 and Halo should look phenominal.


Bregor said:
I wasn't planning on buying a x800 or 6800, but if rastex will tell us where he got that x800 xt pe for $300, I wouldn't be able to resist either.

Corporate purchasing plan, 40% off, oh ya! I haven't heard a reply from my order yet though, so hopefully it goes through.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
seismologist said:
when I upgrade I'll be looking to play 1 or 2 of the latest games like Doom 3 and HL2 with pretty good performance. And "last gen" PC games like Toca Race Driver 2 and Halo should look phenominal.

Halo PC has some serious graphical issues that can't be resolved by newer hardware, though... :(


Dark, just stick with your 9700PRO. Wait for the 6800GT to drop in price and go for that when it is around 200-250.

Although, I would like to see some 6800NU benches myself. Preferably at 1024 X 768 resolution at High Quality settings. If it is a significant jump, I may unload my 9800PRO I have now and may get the 6800NU. There will be a ton of games based off the Doom 3 engine, and if your card can handle Doom 3 at a high setting you will be set for other games.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Gantz said:
So it's going to run like balls on my 1.8 Athlon XP, 1 gig ddr ram, ATI AIW 9700 pro? :(

No, obviously not. You won't be running at 1600x1200 with 8x AF enabled...but who cares? You should be able to get solid framerates in medium detail at 1024x768.


Heh, I'd love to see pictures comparing all the different quality modes. I wonder just how much difference there is between them.


miyuru said:
I don't even care about benchmarks, because the test systems are unreal.

Same with me. What is the benchmark on the Xbox? That's the version I'm getting.


dark10x said:
Hmm, not quite sure how to reply as there really isn't much to address. Basically, I don't want to spend top dollar on just one of my gaming platforms (with the least number of games I want to play on it) when I can spend a little less and still run the best. While you sit there and eye the $500 cards, I won't even consider a video card until it is at least HALF of that. I've been running a Radeon 9700 Pro for a year and a half now and I purchased that for $200. The way you are talking, it seems as if you would prefer devs to go even MORE hardcore and pretty much snuff out people not running the latest and greatest. While the results could be impressive, it would require people to spend a lot more money more often. Even if you are willing to do so, most people aren't. So, I'm going to be playing Doom 3 on a 9700 Pro and put the money saved by not buying the latest hardware towards more games.

The thing that drives me crazy, though, is people trying to go for framerates well over 60 fps. There are a lot of folks who seem convinced that pulling 100 fps is better than 60 fps, when in fact, that isn't the case. I'm not even talking averages here.

Heh, I understand what you're saying. And don't get me wrong, I'm a long ways from having top of the line hardware. My 9800 Pro isn't going to set the world on fire, and I'm not planning to upgrade just for Doom 3. I just don't understand why people would prefer a mediocre looking game running at 100 fps over a phenominal looking game running at ~30 fps. If I want mediocre graphics, I'll stick to a $150 console. I spend $400/year on computer components because I want something beyond that.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I just don't understand why people would prefer a mediocre looking game running at 100 fps over a phenominal looking game running at ~30 fps. If I want mediocre graphics, I'll stick to a $150 console. I spend $400/year on computer components because I want something beyond that.

I kind of agree. It depends on the genre, but I generally prefer 60 fps with good visuals over great visuals at variable (and much lower) framerates. The thing about PC gaming is that it isn't always ahead of consoles. It took a while for the PC to exceed the current consoles and that will occur again next gen. So, when games like GT3, ICO, MGS2, and Silent Hill 2 were being released on PS2...there was NOTHING on the PC that could match them. They were ahead in all areas (except resolution, which doesn't matter when everything else is low quality) and certainly weren't mediocre. Were you spending $400 on your PC during those years?

The thing is, graphics are not only defined by technology. I think Metroid Prime is more visually appealing than most new and upcoming PC games because it runs at a perfect framerate, is polished as hell, and has a very solid art design. The technology behind the game is nowhere near matching what Far Cry achieved...but it just feels so much more solid. I will almost always take polish, attention to detail, and incredible artwork over more technology.

Still, I realize that PC games will never be able to match the polish of console games, so I'd prefer a game that runs a bit slower but looks superior than something with lacking detail that runs very fast.
dark10x said:
I think Metroid Prime is more visually appealing than most new and upcoming PC games because it runs at a perfect framerate, is polished as hell, and has a very solid art design.

Still, I realize that PC games will never be able to match the polish of console games, so I'd prefer a game that runs a bit slower but looks superior than something with lacking detail that runs very fast.

Wha? Contradictory.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DJ Demon J said:
Wha? Contradictory.

Still, I realize that PC games will never be able to match the polish of console games, so I'd prefer a game that runs a bit slower but looks superior than something with lacking detail that runs very fast.

No, not at all.

PC games will NEVER match the levels of perfection you can reach in a console game simply due to varying hardware configurations. As a result, there is no way a PC game could be created that pushes the boundaries of the hardware while still running at a perfect 60 fps. Without that possibility, I'd say my second choice would be to focus on better visuals.

The point is that many of the VERY BEST looking games on consoles run at 60 fps. On the PC, that just isn't the case.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Tre said:
"The point is that many of the VERY BEST looking games on consoles run at 60 fps. "

Erm, Bullshit?

Oh, so games such as DOA3, Ninja Gaiden, Panzer Orta, Metroid Prime, MGS2, Burnout 3 and GT4 DON'T run at 60 fps? Coulda fooled me...
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