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Doom 3 not cutting the mustard? Try THE THING!

User 406

Just got finished beating The Thing, one of the games I got from the $5 Circuit City sale, and it was quite a lot of fun. The game put me in mind of Freedom Fighters, what with the squad combat, although the command set isn't as deep. At any rate, after hearing a lot of complaints in #ga about Doom 3 being yet another id triumph of graphics engine over gameplay, I had an epiphany, or at least a stupid gag to post.

If you want yucky monsters to jump out at you, but are sick of nonsensical corridor levels, try trading in that copy* of Doom 3 for a copy of The Thing! It has icky enemies, sensible architecture, lots of ammo, and it's bright enough to see in most places! It also boasts squad allies that are good at killing enemies, puking their guts out over mangled corpses, flipping the fuck out in terror and shooting your ass, and turning into big wet messy nasties at inconvenient times. The Thing, it's got twice the gameplay of Doom 3, with none of the graphics! Operators are standing by to put you on hold, so order now!

* trading in a pirate copy isn't allowed, milhouse.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Best $7.99 game I ever bought from Best Buy. Cam Clarke(Liquid Snake) voices over a character too.
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