Had to spend 10 minutes recovering a Bethesda account just so I can play a single player campaign. Fuck off with this shit.
Not sure what you think, but in the options or social or whatever if you add 3 people who are playing the game too, you will share XP. Which may make it so that you can unlock some of the better skills that could help alleviate some of the issues. Though, you are right, the game is crazy fast and there isn't much other than getting better at it that anyone can do.
If Arnold tells you to do something, you do it.been spending too much money recently...
As far as I know it's for when you want to go back and replay a level. The upside being though is that it doesn't stop you from making progress in any level other than the slayer gates. But as far as I know, you can't use them as soon as you pick them up.Are cheats usable when you find them?
As far as I know it's for when you want to go back and replay a level. The upside being though is that it doesn't stop you from making progress in any level other than the slayer gates. But as far as I know, you can't use them as soon as you pick them up.
I mean if you're playing on the easiest difficulty I don't see the issue with it. For the most part anyways it's a single player game. Especially in the context of disabled gamers. I wonder if you could get ahold of someone's save that's beaten the game that let's you use all the cheats right from the get go so you can play through it the way you like?Been wrestling with this, as I'd never want them to alter their intended game design, but maybe a small compromise they could make, is to make cheats usable immediately only on the easiest difficulty?
I mean if you're playing on the easiest difficulty I don't see the issue with it. For the most part anyways it's a single player game. Especially in the context of disabled gamers. I wonder if you could get ahold of someone's save that's beaten the game that let's you use all the cheats right from the get go so you can play through it the way you like?
This gen's consoles do not allow such things. Saves are locked to PSN/Xbox Live IDs. Man i miss the PS2 days, gamesharks and save downloading, those were the days.
I ain't giving up on it just yet though, maybe they will make some tweaks later on. So far i have cleared every battle, but only on the second mission, its pretty clear its going to escalate beyond my abilities. I will however carry on until such time comes...
Besides, even dying ten times on the same battle, and despite exhausting my hands, this game remains stupid fun.
It's all about ammo and damage management and player movement. It get's crazy shooting off the rocket pods of Mancubus/Revenants/Arachnotrons all while managing shield soldiers and nimbly ass Imps with a Hell Knight chasing you all around. It becomes a dance. It's hard to learn, but once you do, it's crazy addictive. Like I'll flame belch a group of zombies, run to the other side of the level, fight my ass off until my supplies are low, chainsaw and get ammo and run back to where all the armor I burned off the zombies is lying around.Jesus I suck at this game and I'm only playing on "Hurt Me Plenty." I might have to put it on the easiest difficulty.
Isn't their a metrics toggle in the options? I just use the Nvidia overlay though.I thought this game had an in game fps overlay on PC? Trying to see how these different options impact my system but can't see any metrics.
Isn't their a metrics toggle in the options? I just use the Nvidia overlay though.
Just bought it. I have Animal Crossing and DOOM now then Persona 5 Royal. Never been a better time to stay at home
Had to spend 10 minutes recovering a Bethesda account just so I can play a single player campaign. Fuck off with this shit.
They're gonna be super easy to get. Trust me. You get so many Sentinel Batteries through the next few levels that you could probably get both after the next level.Just finished the second level and unlocked the ability to unlock skins. Reeeally want those classic and 2016 outfits.
THIS IS GOD DAMN BRILLIANT I LOVE IT!! Thank you for sharing it with me
The balancing is a bit over the place, Nightmare is meant to like, be done with "back tracking" in mind because there are some secret encounters which basically are close to impossible with the basic loadout but later on they're a cakewalk. Also I'm not a fan of how it kind of is reliant on "key spots" in arenas to exploit, as well as the damage stacking with the freezing etc in mind to basically go nuclear
But like, Ultra violence difficulty and below is basically a walk in the park. 2016 was better on that end
Yeah, this game plays differently than Doom 2016 enough that I recommend most experienced Doom players start on HMP and new players start on the lowest difficulty. Especially in the 4th chapter, shit starts getting really tough (and I’m sure even harder as time goes on).It's all about ammo and damage management and player movement. It get's crazy shooting off the rocket pods of Mancubus/Revenants/Arachnotrons all while managing shield soldiers and nimbly ass Imps with a Hell Knight chasing you all around. It becomes a dance. It's hard to learn, but once you do, it's crazy addictive. Like I'll flame belch a group of zombies, run to the other side of the level, fight my ass off until my supplies are low, chainsaw and get ammo and run back to where all the armor I burned off the zombies is lying around.
I wanna see you play From Software's The Adventures of Cookie & Cream on the PS2 solo.
Why do that to yourself? (On a console?) That's like playing on ultra-ultra-nightmare with m/kb.Playing this on Nightmare with a controller instead of mouse and keyboard.
I have it both on Xbox and PC. >.>Why do that to yourself? (On a console?) That's like playing on ultra-ultra-nightmare with m/kb.
I mean seriously ultra violence and under are easy. I understand the design decision as far as Nightmare goes but I thought that it was better handled in 2016. Hp of monsters and whatnot were not changed, you'd die in 2 hits no matter what until you'd upgrade armor at the maximum and a bit of health.
In Eternal essentially they move more and take more hits, while you also take more damage so like yeah you need to kinda backtrack at times to deal with some shit (that one secret encounter in cultist base that like has 2 whippers, 3 normal monsters and one fucking mancubus popping at once basically in a totally closed space is a good example of what I mean)
Outside of that, I'd like to have a more clear indicator for the grenades cooldown since they don't share the same one
So the game....
- Makes fun of political correctness, "call them Mortally Challenged, not Demons."
- Has a rememberance to Total Biscuit
- Has a folder of girl pics on Doomguy's PC even if you can't open them
- Game is unashamedly dudebro from beginning to end
Ffs it's about time a AAA game developer gives no shits and tries to pander to the far left. This is seriously a breath of fresh air. If I had money to spare I'd almost support this game (albeit it seems like it's an unfinished game without the day one patch) and I'm not even a Doom fan.
lol this is greatLots of neat easter eggs in doomslayer's crib