I thought something similar was already created with SnapMap?i'm hoping to see a co-op horde mode sometime in the future
It would be the shit
I thought something similar was already created with SnapMap?i'm hoping to see a co-op horde mode sometime in the future
It would be the shit
Feel like that would ruin secrets, but if the text was limited enough so you couldn't just say secret then it could work lol. I'm still picturing summon circles for co-op, like I really REALLY think that could work on a very hard mode (ultra nightmare+ or something)Now I'm imagining Doom 4 with messages on the ground like Dark Souls.
gets ambushed by revenants
I thought something similar was already created with SnapMap?
Yea I'm pretty sure you can make 4 players survival mode maps with Snap Map.
I thought something similar was already created with SnapMap?
Really this game feels like Snapmap and Multiplayer were farmed out to other developers. Like they took 3 distinct games made by 3 development studios and slapped them together. With the single player campaign being the shining star.
SnapMap needs a lot of work. Two weapons max for players to hold, lack of real sorting options of levels, especially if you use the filter to find specific game types. There is no way to sort for highest rated or whatever. Level size limitations that make the max size extremely smaller than the main campaign levels.
Really this game feels like Snapmap and Multiplayer were farmed out to other developers. Like they took 3 distinct games made by 3 development studios and slapped them together. With the single player campaign being the shining star.
SnapMap needs a lot of work. Two weapons max for players to hold, lack of real sorting options of levels, especially if you use the filter to find specific game types. There is no way to sort for highest rated or whatever. Level size limitations that make the max size extremely smaller than the main campaign levels.
Really this game feels like Snapmap and Multiplayer were farmed out to other developers. Like they took 3 distinct games made by 3 development studios and slapped them together. With the single player campaign being the shining star.
That is exactly what happened
I think you just need to reach a checkpoint. I completed a level after missing a secret rune trial, went back and completed it and exited the level because I didn't want to replay the rest. I went to the mission select screen to check my progress and it was there (the mission select menu allows you to see what secrets you have found in each level).this has probably been asked a lot before
but if you replay an old level to get secrets/collectibles, do you have to finish it for them to be saved or can you exit the level as soon as you got it?
The multiplayer actually was done by different developers. I think SnapMap is pretty cool but could have been significantly better without the multiplayer restrictions.
Didn't know UltraNightmare had this feature, I like it!
Yes you can, thats is what I play, you revive teammates and stuff.Yea I'm pretty sure you can make 4 players survival mode maps with Snap Map.
Well I hope whatever happens, we get two things. SnapMap updates to make it better. Single player campaign content.
Because right now it looks like the weakest mode of the game is going to be the only one seeing content improvements.
Anybody else find the sound mix a little bit shit? Sometimes it seems like the gory squelching during glory kills, like with the chainsaw, are nowhere near as loud as they should be.
You guys need to watch this
I honestly don't know. I'll check in a little bit for you.
That is fantastic. Now how easy are these maps to get going (I'm at work right now and can't try it) Must you download the maps? Do you "stream" them, and can you play them offline as much as you want once you've downloaded them?
Doom PS4 has put my play-through of UC4 on indefinite suspension. It's GOOD.I caved and bought the PS4 version. The overwhelming positive reactions here on GAF sold me.
Anyone know whats up with the weird blue forcefield effect that you see when you hit enemies? I expect my demons to bleed, not have halo shields.
Doom PS4 has put my play-through of UC4 on indefinite suspension. It's GOOD.
Anyone know whats up with the weird blue forcefield effect that you see when you hit enemies? I expect my demons to bleed, not have halo shields.
You don't review for polygon by any chance ?
Its the thing that tells you to use melee (stagger). I think you can disable it from the settings if you want to.
Can someone post in spoiler tags the gist of what what said after you kill the last boss? My gf and her friend literally talked over the whole thing and I missed it.
Can someone post in spoiler tags the gist of what what said after you kill the last boss? My gf and her friend literally talked over the whole thing and I missed it.
Samuel reverses the tether while he's talking to you and tethers you to Hell. He says it could all be stopped if you killed them all, but he wants his research to continue. He also says he knows he can't and shouldn't kill you. He takes the Crucible full of an enourmous amount of Argent Energy, and throws you back into hell and keeps you there via tether.
edit:actually i dont think its stated where he tethered you to. I just assumed back to hell but its closed so idk
So on Giantbomb podcast today they all profess their love for the new Doom, it was satisfying to hear considering I've been playing it constantly since Friday, hah.
I've managed to make it to Argent Tower on Nightmare, it is a lot harder than Ultra-Violence! But damn its super fun still.
Once you have the upgraded Rune that speeds them up, they're barely even there. Combine that with the Rune that gives you a speed boost after a GK and the Rune that makes enemies easier to stagger, and you can just fly through the battles at incredible speed.Clicking R3 to perform a Glory Kill never gets old. Super-satisfying input and mechanic.
multiplayer progress is saved locally? ugh.
Putting use on R3 feels pretty great too. It works shockingly well.Clicking R3 to perform a Glory Kill never gets old. Super-satisfying input and mechanic.
I'm not done with the game yet, but I heard that monster was in the game and I had to see for myself how they implemented it. So I looked up footage... I think it looks incredible! The model/animation is perfection.Completed the game yesterday.
The reveal of the Spider Mastermind is also very underwhelming. Wouldn't it make more sense if Samuel turned out to be the Spider Mastermind by transferring his consciousness to the VEGA's central processing core (which, in itself, kind of looks like the Mastermind sans legs) which would have made him hyper intelligent?
That being said, it's hard to be mad at this game when the combat provides me with the most fun I've had with a game in years.
This sounds amazing. Can't wait!Once you have the upgraded Rune that speeds them up, they're barely even there. Combine that with the Rune that gives you a speed boost after a GK and the Rune that makes enemies easier to stagger, and you can just fly through the battles at incredible speed.
Clicking R3 to perform a Glory Kill never gets old. Super-satisfying input and mechanic.
Yeah, I think GK and "use" feel so good on R3 because when you click the stick, it's like you're pushing forward and hitting something hard, be it an enemy or a switch, just like how your arm/leg reaches forward in-game.Putting use on R3 feels pretty great too. It works shockingly well.
Doom is finally here and installing. The first thing I did was flip the cover, of course.
I wish the flip cover had the company logos and "PC DVD" on it to make it look more like a real game cover - now it's very obviously an alternate thing you can put on instead of the shitty normal cover.
Yeah I flipped it back to the regular cover because of that :/
I'm probably going to get the steelbook off of eBay though