Air controlWhat runes are you guys using? I'm going with the air control one (seems mandatory), the glory kill distance increase, and the armor after glory kills. I really like the faster glory kills too but there are only 3 rune slots and the armor seems more useful, considering the iframes in the glory kills mean it doesn't matter too much how long they take.
Also, is it just me, or is the rocket launcher really weak? Like, very low damage on direct hits.
More ammo, armor from glory kills, and extended range glory kills. I gotta haves my super shotty and gauss ammo, and the chainsaw comes out the moment I start to go dry with one of em. Extra range on glory kills helps put those heavies (including aerial ones) to rest quickly, while replenishing my goodies.What runes are you guys using? I'm going with the air control one (seems mandatory), the glory kill distance increase, and the armor after glory kills. I really like the faster glory kills too but there are only 3 rune slots and the armor seems more useful, considering the iframes in the glory kills mean it doesn't matter too much how long they take.
Also, is it just me, or is the rocket launcher really weak? Like, very low damage on direct hits.
What runes are you guys using? I'm going with the air control one (seems mandatory), the glory kill distance increase, and the armor after glory kills. I really like the faster glory kills too but there are only 3 rune slots and the armor seems more useful, considering the iframes in the glory kills mean it doesn't matter too much how long they take.
Also, is it just me, or is the rocket launcher really weak? Like, very low damage on direct hits.
What runes are you guys using? I'm going with the air control one (seems mandatory), the glory kill distance increase, and the armor after glory kills. I really like the faster glory kills too but there are only 3 rune slots and the armor seems more useful, considering the iframes in the glory kills mean it doesn't matter too much how long they take.
Also, is it just me, or is the rocket launcher really weak? Like, very low damage on direct hits.
Theres a combat shotgun that has grenade or burst shot powerups and then there is a SSG which has no path, it pierces and fucks shit up.
What runes are you guys using? I'm going with the air control one (seems mandatory), the glory kill distance increase, and the armor after glory kills. I really like the faster glory kills too but there are only 3 rune slots and the armor seems more useful, considering the iframes in the glory kills mean it doesn't matter too much how long they take.
Also, is it just me, or is the rocket launcher really weak? Like, very low damage on direct hits.
cool. What level do I find it in? LOL
cool. What level do I find it in? LOL
I wish there was a stat on how many kills i've had on the Glory Kill system haha.
Just so I'm clear, what are weapon masteries?
It should be in the menu with all the enemy info - lists overall kills of a particular enemy, and then glory kill count.
What runes are you guys using? I'm going with the air control one (seems mandatory), the glory kill distance increase, and the armor after glory kills. I really like the faster glory kills too but there are only 3 rune slots and the armor seems more useful, considering the iframes in the glory kills mean it doesn't matter too much how long they take.
Also, is it just me, or is the rocket launcher really weak? Like, very low damage on direct hits.
I have been sitting on Multiplayer (PC) waiting for a match for 10 minutes now
Is it really dead or is something wrong on my end?
What runes are you guys using? I'm going with the air control one (seems mandatory), the glory kill distance increase, and the armor after glory kills. I really like the faster glory kills too but there are only 3 rune slots and the armor seems more useful, considering the iframes in the glory kills mean it doesn't matter too much how long they take.
Also, is it just me, or is the rocket launcher really weak? Like, very low damage on direct hits.
If it's anything like beta then it just bugged out on you. Back out from matchmaking and queue up again, repeat if needed. Got into TDM matches in few seconds earlier today, on PC.
Once you fully upgrade the pistol, super shotgun, or a weapon mod for the other weapons, you unlock a final bonus weapon mastery perk to the weapon that only unlocks once you've completed its weapon or weapon mod specific challenge.Just so I'm clear, what are weapon masteries?
I seriously have to take a break between each encounter in the last level lol. So intense!!
My god, I'm going to reiterate what many others have said in the thread. The music in this game is so fucking awesome! Like I want to get the OST to it and headbang to it for an hour.
What controller settings do you guys have for playing on console? The look sensitivity is a little too touchy for me right now at 65, which is usually about what I play on or higher for FPS. Aim assist is off as well.
I tried lowering the sensitivity to 40, but Doom guy turns so slowly now. Can't play Ultra Nightmare on that setting, that's for sure! Lol
i honestly rarely use the rocket launcher. almost always using the shotguns, and for big damage I use that big beam rifle charge up shot
the only fucking thing the rocket launcher ever manages to kill is myself, otherwise it's way too weak imo
I didn't like how the other version had the doom logo slapped on to it so I made this one for fun.
I agree. Doom 2 is best FPS of all time IMO. I never got into Quake. I don't hate it or anything. It just doesn't hold my interest like Doom or Wolf do.Now that I've had a few days to reflect on my SP experience, I'm going to make a pretty bold statement (to say the least):
DOOM is the best 3D first-person shooter ever made. (When I say 3D I mean true 3D, as in Quake and beyond.)
Anyone feel the same way? I'm not alone here, am I? I know it's a huge statement, but I can't for the life of me remember the last time I felt this way about a FPS.
Oh my gosh that ending and end credits. So good!
I hope Id listens to player feedback and focuses more on single player content dlc instead of multiplayer.
Edit: I have no idea how people completed the game on anything above hurt me plenty lol. Even that difficulty put me through the wringer!
Can anyone confirm the changes Nightmare contains compared to UV or below, if any? Considering you can't select Nightmare as a difficulty, in the same game slot you beat it in on a lower difficulty. I'm trying to find out the reason behind this. I'm still working on collecting everything before I start my Nightmare run.
If you choose Nightmare you can't change the difficulty. It locks you out once you start.
That's why you have to start over on a fresh save.
Thanks. It still bothers me that I have to recollect everything. I can understand the upgrade stuff but I think the Codex stuff should be universal or something without forcing the player to find everything, do all the rune trials again, etc. I can at least understand upgrades and even challenges. Still looking forward to replaying.You can't change the difficulty on Nightmare, you are locked to it.
Enemies do insane damage and have more health. More enemies in general. Harder enemies earlier. Ammo, Health and Armor pickups give you less.
I think that's about it.
The regular shotgun however, is a useless piece of shit. Though the explosive is sort of good.
The Super Shotgun needs a nerf, lol. Well maybe not as I love it.
I blast mancubus with like 3 shots on UV. Thats harder hitting than the rocket launcher. Sure you need to get into their face but thats no problem in this game.
The width is also rather insane, I'm sure I miss sometimes but I still body 2 enemies. The regular shotgun however, is a useless piece of shit. Though the explosive is sort of good.
Rockets are glorious for taking out minor demons. Anything short of a hell knight gets one shot, and the remote detonation upgrade path means you can always plant one dead center of a group regardless of your position or the terrain. The burn effect it applies is super good too.
For runes:
- Glory kill range
- Armor on GK
- Infinite ammo at >75 armor
Stay healthy, stay deadly. The last one in particular makes the chaingun an absolute monster.
I really want to get this. How meaty is the campaign? Not big into multiplayer but would definitely try it out.
I really want to get this. How meaty is the campaign? Not big into multiplayer but would definitely try it out.
I really want to get this. How meaty is the campaign? Not big into multiplayer but would definitely try it out.
I really want to get this. How meaty is the campaign? Not big into multiplayer but would definitely try it out.
13 missions, each of significant length with a shitload of secrets and collectibles to find.
Plenty of meat... literally.
Get the game, you won't regret it.
Have not touched the MP, but have been playing the Campaign for around 10+hrs hard mode and i am not sure if i am close to the end. Can't wait to go back and 100% other levels and then do Hardest mode. Its an amazing game.
Thanks a lot guys. Gonna try to get it as soon as I can.It's comfortably 8-12 hours depending on if you go searching for everything, can be more time or less depending on how much you explore the levels. Good replay value too. I finished it with 10 hours played and immediately started again on a higher difficulty because it's so much damn fun.
Yeah, it's clearly the workhorse of the game and fills that role beautifully. Was really surprised at how viable it was for the whole game.The basic shotgun is my most used gun: great for keeping enemies of all sizes at bay and instag gibbing tiny enemies.
It is a fantastically balanced weapon.
Hahaha, awesomeWhat must it feel like for a demon to port in on a Doom marine currently using a power up