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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done


Yea the waves of monsters is probably the most annoying thing about this Doom

I died a couple of times just because a monster spawned behind me while I was gunning another one in front of me. Feels cheap.


Can you go back and replay episodes during the campaign?
Yes. I'm not done with the campaign yet, but last night I went back and found all of the secrets in the first two levels. Each time you replay a level, it sends you back to the main menu at the end. You keep all of your new progress. You can then go back to your latest level in the campaign. Also, when your replay earlier levels, you have all of your gear and upgrades from later levels!


Not sure what I expected after beta, but holy hell that multiplayer is hot pile of mediocrity and bad design decisions. Nothing changed or improved from betas to release, such shame.

Singleplayer definitely is where it's at for DOOM, and it's glorious!


I'll probably revisit the earlier levels before I finish the game. Some of the later levels lock you out of earlier parts after progressing, I have almost 100% secret discovery on the ones that allow you to backtrack freely. I missed two rune trials on the last one I did, even.
Not sure what I expected after beta, but holy hell that multiplayer is hot pile of mediocrity and bad design decisions. Nothing changed or improved from betas to release, such shame.

Singleplayer definitely is where it's at for DOOM, and it's glorious!

Really disappointed that there is no cohesion between SP and MP/Snapmap. SP is done so well, the arenas are quite large (my favorite is when you hop into a portal and drop into a room full of open cargo boxes, portals, and jump pads) and I think they could have just put those in MP within a normal FFA deathmatch so you get that SP experience in MP without that disconnected feel.


Yea the waves of monsters is probably the most annoying thing about this Doom

I died a couple of times just because a monster spawned behind me while I was gunning another one in front of me. Feels cheap.

That's actually one of my favorite aspects of the encounter design, because it gives you even more incentive to be continually on the move.


Yea the waves of monsters is probably the most annoying thing about this Doom

I died a couple of times just because a monster spawned behind me while I was gunning another one in front of me. Feels cheap.
Gotta keep moving. Circle strafe.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Is the game update (showing as 1.02 for me) on PS4 needed to play singleplayer or is it only for multiplayer? Just got the game and want to play already lol

It improves performance and gives you more graphics options such as a FOV slider. I am really not accustomed at having so many customisation options in a console title :).


Sup guys, having a blast with the game, single player, mp, snap map everything is awesome, playing on xbox one btw.

Just one thing, last night i was trying to play snapmap maps with a friend but we were getting a couple of errors. Something like "The room is closed" or "The room does not longer exist" anyone have any idea what it could be?? Thx in advance!
Now that I've had a few days to reflect on my SP experience, I'm going to make a pretty bold statement (to say the least):
DOOM is the best 3D first-person shooter ever made. (When I say 3D I mean true 3D, as in Quake and beyond.)

Anyone feel the same way? I'm not alone here, am I? I know it's a huge statement, but I can't for the life of me remember the last time I felt this way about a FPS.
Completed the game yesterday.

I definitely feel that the game takes too many cues from Serious Sam, Shadow Warrior, and Painkiller in the sense that you enter a seemingly empty arena-like area only to be ambushed by enemies. I would have wanted more levels like the foundry level that allow for a ton of exploration coupled with fixed monster placements rather than spawning enemies. The boss fights are generally very boring too (especially regarding the environments, or lack thereof, where you get to fight them in).

The reveal of the Spider Mastermind is also very underwhelming. Wouldn't it make more sense if Samuel turned out to be the Spider Mastermind by transferring his consciousness to the VEGA's central processing core (which, in itself, kind of looks like the Mastermind sans legs) which would have made him hyper intelligent?

That being said, it's hard to be mad at this game when the combat provides me with the most fun I've had with a game in years.

IMO they were hinting really heavily at Olivia being the SM, her body being half organic and half machine, especially as the Classic manual refers to it as a "she".


Yea the waves of monsters is probably the most annoying thing about this Doom

I died a couple of times just because a monster spawned behind me while I was gunning another one in front of me. Feels cheap.

Never stand still. ever. Play this like, say, CoD and kiss your ass goodbye.

Jump around and get into their face with shotgun. Use judgment on glory kills, its not a gimmick as it can work against you as well.

I play this game like I played UT online. Move and hop all day, using portals and every weapon in the book (plasma stun charging enemies, mow them down with something that hits hard, downward rockets while aerial etc). I forgot to take the power up quite a bit, but it makes harder parts of the encounters trivial.


Just started this weekend. Is the super shotgun everyone talks about just the normal one all modded out or is there another one?

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Theres an achievement for finding all secrets in a single play through. Im guessing if i go through mission select it won't count
Just started this weekend. Is the super shotgun everyone talks about just the normal one all modded out or is there another one?

Theres a combat shotgun that has grenade or burst shot powerups and then there is a SSG which has no path, it pierces and fucks shit up.
I need to zoom in and stop my momentum to use explosive round on the shotgun?

fack no

I fly while using it

In snap map though, which uses multi player shit and balance, it has a larger wind up time for animation and even getting the shot off. It is terrible. Snap map needs to switch over to SP balance, animations, and wep function ASAP.


Enemies spawning behind you is just a replacement for the old Doom staple, monster closets. You no longer have a door that gets triggered to open just filled with a bunch of monsters standing around. I like the warp-in method that everyone arrives. Monster closets are dumb, but were a necessary accessory to ramp up the difficulty in the original game.


The Super Shotgun needs a nerf, lol. Well maybe not as I love it.

I blast mancubus with like 3 shots on UV. Thats harder hitting than the rocket launcher. Sure you need to get into their face but thats no problem in this game.

The width is also rather insane, I'm sure I miss sometimes but I still body 2 enemies. The regular shotgun however, is a useless piece of shit. Though the explosive is sort of good.
Theres an achievement for finding all secrets in a single play through. Im guessing if i go through mission select it won't count

You sure? On PS4 I'm pretty sure the only single playthrough achievement is getting all the Praetor Upgrades in one run

The Super Shotgun needs a nerf, lol. Well maybe not as I love it.

Its nerfed from the Doom II version where you could kill like 5 enemies in 2 shots on UV

The Flash

I didn't like how the other version had the doom logo slapped on to it so I made this one for fun.



So on Giantbomb podcast today they all profess their love for the new Doom, it was satisfying to hear considering I've been playing it constantly since Friday, hah.
Love this. Every time the prospect of a new Doom came up on the podcast over the past couple years, they would all question what a modern Doom would even be, and if there was even an audience for it. Great to hear that they had their skepticism addressed, and are loving the result.


The Super Shotgun needs a nerf, lol. Well maybe not as I love it.

I blast mancubus with like 3 shots on UV. Thats harder hitting than the rocket launcher. Sure you need to get into their face but thats no problem in this game.

The width is also rather insane, I'm sure I miss sometimes but I still body 2 enemies. The regular shotgun however, is a useless piece of shit. Though the explosive is sort of good.

That's not really different than it was in Doom 2. If you got a full blast on an enemy like a Cacodemon for example, it took two hits to kill just like the rocket launcher. It was basically a rocket worth of strength spread out amongst all the pellets. Honestly it seems like the rocket launcher got nerfed from where it was in the old games.


The Super Shotgun needs a nerf, lol. Well maybe not as I love it.

I blast mancubus with like 3 shots on UV. Thats harder hitting than the rocket launcher. Sure you need to get into their face but thats no problem in this game.

The width is also rather insane, I'm sure I miss sometimes but I still body 2 enemies.

I'm guessing this only comes into play when you unlock the double shot because it feels weak to me. I can't even kill a Revenant or Hell Knight in the duration of an upgraded stun bomb with it. Makes way more sense to swap to the railgun and do a charged headshot.

It certainly has its uses (pinky demon butts for sure) and I use it often for enemies it one-shots, but why would I risk getting that close when I can just use rockets or the railgun.


Unconfirmed Member
Snapmap is awesome, SP is awesome and after playing it the MP is serviceable.

The disco map in snapmap made me laugh so hard


I'm guessing this only comes into play when you unlock the double shot because it feels weak to me. I can't even kill a Revenant or Hell Knight in the duration of an upgraded stun bomb with it. Makes way more sense to swap to the railgun and do a charged headshot.

It certainly has its uses (pinky demon butts for sure) and I use it often for enemies it one-shots, but why would I risk getting that close when I can just use rockets or the railgun.

Its a beast once mastered.


Second phase of the
Cyber demon
is impossible for me. I have 200 health and full ammo for every weapon. I'm dead after 15-20 seconds.

Are you jumping and ducking the 3 horizontal slashes? those will do quite a bit of damage. The missiles are the easiest to dodge. I found that Rockets do quite nicely, mixed with the Gaus rifle and the Machine gun homing missile alt fire. Just keep your distance and keep on moving.

Unless you have some specific moves that are getting you into trouble.
Now that I've had a few days to reflect on my SP experience, I'm going to make a pretty bold statement (to say the least):
DOOM is the best 3D first-person shooter ever made. (When I say 3D I mean true 3D, as in Quake and beyond.)

Anyone feel the same way? I'm not alone here, am I? I know it's a huge statement, but I can't for the life of me remember the last time I felt this way about a FPS.

Gotta disagree, but I'm glad first person shooters that are similar to Doom (I define these as arcade style first person shooters) are still being made and that there is still a market for these types of games. The game is definitely a very solid and well made game, but I personally had more fun and enjoyed games like F.E.A.R. 1, the Serious Sam games, and Shadow Warrior far more. And I know that you're only comparing true 3d first person shooters, but I still think Doom 1 and Doom 2 stomps all over this Doom.

Looking at the bigger picture here and into the future, the fact that this game is selling very well is great news, especially for fans of these types of "arcade style" first person shooters like me. It tells developers that, hey, not all first person shooters need to mimic Call of Duty and Battlefield in order to succeed and that there exists a sizeable audience for games similar to Doom. This bodes well for the future, as maybe other developers will then take a stab at these "arcade style" fps. For me, there simply aren't enough of these types of games, and I hope that more games like this are made in the future.
When the walls show up use the BFG to stun him and then whatever weapon does the most DPS, probably siege mode gauss cannon or turret mode chaingun

Are you jumping and ducking the 3 horizontal slashes? those will do quite a bit of damage. The missiles are the easiest to dodge. I found that Rockets do quite nicely, mixed with the Gaus rifle and the Machine gun homing missile alt fire. Just keep your distance and keep on moving.

Unless you have some specific moves that are getting you into trouble.

Oh yeah, that was easy, lol. Thanks!


Gotta disagree, but I'm glad first person shooters that are similar to Doom (I define these as arcade style first person shooters) are still being made and that there is still a market for these types of games. The game is definitely a very solid and well made game, but I personally had more fun and enjoyed games like F.E.A.R. 1, the Serious Sam games, and Shadow Warrior far more. And I know that you're only comparing true 3d first person shooters, but I still think Doom 1 and Doom 2 stomps all over this Doom.

Looking at the bigger picture here and into the future, the fact that this game is selling very well is great news, especially for fans of these types of "arcade style" first person shooters like me. It tells developers that, hey, not all first person shooters need to mimic Call of Duty and Battlefield in order to succeed and that there exists a sizeable audience for games similar to Doom. This bodes well for the future, as maybe other developers will then take a stab at these "arcade style" fps. For me, there simply aren't enough of these types of games, and I hope that more games like this are made in the future.

FEAR was amazing because of the AI and the tight level design. I do love the open and maze like level design of this Doom. I always have options, and its pretty hardcore.
What runes are you guys using? I'm going with the air control one (seems mandatory), the glory kill distance increase, and the armor after glory kills. I really like the faster glory kills too but there are only 3 rune slots and the armor seems more useful, considering the iframes in the glory kills mean it doesn't matter too much how long they take.

Also, is it just me, or is the rocket launcher really weak? Like, very low damage on direct hits.
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