I'm a Doom fan from 1994,1995. but I only finished the first Wolfenstein and didn't play other games in that series for more than 1,2 hours.
As a person who LOVES new Doom, should I play Wolfenstein: The New Order?
My biggest pet peeve with this game is the unskipable cutscenes, why make about Doomguy not giving a shit in the intro and then not let me do the same thing?
Really? So you have to play until level 6, then halfway start from beginning if you want to play Nightmare? Or is it possible to change difficulty in the middle of campaign?
Nightmare and Ultra-Nightmare unlock when you beat level six, you can't select it earlier.
Thanks! will buy it without doubt.i'd say its even better.
wolfenstein also has a pretty good story and likable characters etc.
it has similar satisfying level-design and gunplay but is nowhere as crazy fast-paced as doom.
just check a few gameplay vids to get a feeling of it.
playing doom made me wanna replay it badly.
That's great! I really like these games, and The Darkness was one of my favourite games of last gen. (I know it's very different from Wolfenstein)Just a note that Wolfenstien: TNO is not DOOM 2016, at all. It's a narrative heavy shooter in the vein of Half Life 2 with the character work the members of MachineGames are great at (Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay, The Darkness). It's actually a little odd to see it mentioned alongside DOOM so often besides being a great shooter under the Bethesda publishing arm. It's not anywhere near as adherent to the old school as DOOM looks to be (haven't played it yet but I've seen enough).
Still, it's a fantastic game so go for it. Just know what you're going into.
Thank you too! I think I'll enjoy it. I really like a game like Riddick with more shooting.I didn't like TNO at all and I love Doom 4.
As other posters have pointed out, TNO isn't really like this game at all. It's basically the chronicles of riddick with a completely asinine RPG leveling system and with way more of a focus on shooting vs melee.
Also: be prepared to mash E a lot T_T
If you're on PC you can skip them with a launch option.
Pretty sure it's this one:
"+com_skipKeyPressOnLoadScreens 1"
What are those for? They confuse me. On some maps they appear and on some they don't.
I didn't like TNO at all and I love Doom 4.
As other posters have pointed out, TNO isn't really like this game at all. It's basically the chronicles of riddick with a completely asinine RPG leveling system and with way more of a focus on shooting vs melee.
I'm a Doom fan from 1994,1995. but I only finished the first Wolfenstein and didn't play other games in that series for more than 1,2 hours.
As a person who LOVES new Doom, should I play Wolfenstein: The New Order?
They're your Combat Rating. It fills up I believe as you kill enemies and if you kill all the enemies in the mission then it's full, IIRC.
I'm a Doom fan from 1994,1995. but I only finished the first Wolfenstein and didn't play other games in that series for more than 1,2 hours.
As a person who LOVES new Doom, should I play Wolfenstein: The New Order?
But I killed everything...
But I killed everything...
I'm in the same boat. Wolfy didn't work for me at all, but Doom's a seriously great shooter. That said, I appreciated TNO's leveling system, which Doom's adopted and successfully expanded upon.
Nightmare and Ultra-Nightmare unlock when you beat level six, you can't select it earlier.
Some enemies spawn by certain trigger points you likely did miss. One of my minor pet peeves with the game, hunting down the last few enemies can be real tedious, almost aimlessly backtracking until you find the right trigger spot.
Are you sure? lol
I know like some enemies pop up if you only follow a specific path, like that section in the foundry where there's armor at the back of the room that has a Gore Nest you need to jump and navigate the pipes and broken bridge above the molten lead and if you travel one way an Imp jumps up onto the platform behind you. lol
That's incorrect. You can select nightmare right off the bat even though it's highlighted in red, on the PS4 version at least anyway. UN is locked though.
But I killed everything...
As others have said, The New Order has far, far more in common with something like Half-Life 2 over DOOM.
Some enemies spawn by certain trigger points you likely did miss. One of my minor pet peeves with the game, hunting down the last few enemies can be real tedious, almost aimlessly backtracking until you find the right trigger spot.
That's great! I really like these games, and The Darkness was one of my favourite games of last gen. (I know it's very different from Wolfenstein)
I will try it. it's very cheap these days.
My biggest pet peeve with this game is the unskipable cutscenes, why make about Doomguy not giving a shit in the intro and then not let me do the same thing?
I can only imagine that the few long, unskippable cutscenes are leftovers from development hell.
This is the same on PC. I had the same perception as him though. I picked UV at the beginning of the game because I thought it was the highest available difficulty. I didn't realize my mistake until I was two levels from the end of the game.
It's aim/turn acceleration. The speed of your aim will always start out slow and then quickly ramp up to max aiming speed based on how much you're tilting the analog stick. Try it with 100% and than 0% and you'll feel the difference. I greatly prefer it at 0%, personally.What exactly is the aim smoothing setting on console?
Yeah, same as the few cutscenes and animations which cap the framerate to 60 for some reason.
I can only imagine that the few long, unskippable cutscenes are leftovers from development hell.
ok I'm not crazy. I noticed this in one of the cutscenes with Hayden. It was especially weird because you can walk around during it.
My only reservation about the game so far is that I went into it not wanting to engage with the melee system as much as just shooting, but it seems like it forces you to melee to keep the rhythm going at all. Like, I want to blow a room away with a shotgun, but in this, instead of the satisfaction of just gunning through, here you have a room full of staggered enemies flashing gold. It won't be impossible to get used to melee in nearly every encounter, but I'm not a fan of it being forced on you in a way.
Very early on and I'm having a blast but it's really difficult to find the secrets on the map, even when you know where the icon is
Wasn't a huge fan of TNO, though i enjoyed it. I'm tempted to buy this but the speed of the gameplay has me wondering should i buy it because i only have PS4 and not PC. How is the gamplay with controller?
You don't "need" to melee. It's best served as a situational option when you're suddenly in a pinch, since most combat scenarios so far have plenty of health packs or ammunition sitting around for you to discover if you keep moving.My only reservation about the game so far is that I went into it not wanting to engage with the melee system as much as just shooting, but it seems like it forces you to melee to keep the rhythm going at all. Like, I want to blow a room away with a shotgun, but in this, instead of the satisfaction of just gunning through, here you have a room full of staggered enemies flashing gold. It won't be impossible to get used to melee in nearly every encounter, but I'm not a fan of it being forced on you in a way.
Are the first two Doom games unlockable/included in this?
You can unlock a few levels from the first Doom game. Old map layout, old textures, new 3D enemies. The old levels are missing the lighting tricks from the original game too.
Nothing to do but to go back and do it again with your superpowered loadout.
OK, thanks. No idea why I thought that, must have heard it somewhere.
You can't, unfortunately. Just set the door to locked, and don't provide an unlock/open trigger. Not ideal, however it works.Snapmap question. Does anyone know how to put a door cap over a door which is connected to another room, my only options when attaching another room is a selection of doors when all I want is a wall.
On first Hell mission. How do I do these "Leg Sweep" Glory Kills? I know I've seen them before but I'm not sure how I activated em'.
On first Hell mission. How do I do these "Leg Sweep" Glory Kills? I know I've seen them before but I'm not sure how I activated em'.
On first Hell mission. How do I do these "Leg Sweep" Glory Kills? I know I've seen them before but I'm not sure how I activated em'.