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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done

My only reservation about the game so far is that I went into it not wanting to engage with the melee system as much as just shooting, but it seems like it forces you to melee to keep the rhythm going at all. Like, I want to blow a room away with a shotgun, but in this, instead of the satisfaction of just gunning through, here you have a room full of staggered enemies flashing gold. It won't be impossible to get used to melee in nearly every encounter, but I'm not a fan of it being forced on you in a way.

You don't have too glory kill if you want. All it does is cause enemies to drop some extra health when they die, which happens randomly already when you kill enemies by shooting them too. If you need a little boost in health or in need of help, you can go for a glory kill. But as long as your doing good enough in the game, you can go whole sections without having to ever glory kill.

The game is very giving with health pickups laying around and enemies when shot will randomly pop health or ammo out of them.


A few thoughts after playing a decent amount of this over the past few days...

More games need to follow suit with less story and more shoot shit.
All FPS games need to use a Weapon Wheel. No questions asked that is the way to go.
I own the game on both PC and PS4 (long story) and I just do not know if I can ever play an FPS again on the consoles. The difference in precision is drastic. Now I am sure if one only played the console version they would not only not notice this and therefore not see the issue, but having both copies really, really just hammers home the fact there is a drastic difference. I know I am stating the obvious here but felt it was worth noting. It was night and day. I am upset at myself for abandoning the PC for several years, but I had to do so for medical reasons (DeQuervain's tendonitis in my right wrist), but even still, I am wondering why it took me so long to get a new PC. Thanks Oculus for inadvertently being the reason to get me back where I should be.
My two favorite FPS's in the past couple of years have been developed by id. Much respect.


So I'm having problems with the PC version. The game plays buttery smooth on my PC but it often crashes to desktop without warning. Is there any way to fix this?

Specs: i5 4690k 4.0Ghz, GTX 980 on latest Nvidia drivers, Windows 10 64-bit

It crashed like three times today.

Yeah, I have the same system and I have had over 15 CTDs in about 20 hours of play. Frustrating indeed.


I like the latest addition to the gameplay
Granted i am progressing slow thru the game but i am having a blast
Currently in ch 3 and gettin upgrade points just for killing demons shouldve been introduced earlier but what the hey the game is delivering
Now if only these stronger demons didnt soak up so much anmo :v
So I'm having problems with the PC version. The game plays buttery smooth on my PC but it often crashes to desktop without warning. Is there any way to fix this?

Specs: i5 4690k 4.0Ghz, GTX 980 on latest Nvidia drivers, Windows 10 64-bit

It crashed like three times today.

Yeah, I have the same system and I have had over 15 CTDs in about 20 hours of play. Frustrating indeed.

My setup is i7 4790k, gtx 970 latest, and Win10 64 bit. I've had a single crash in 8 hours. I doubt Win10 is the issue since I think a lot of users are on it. 980 performance/drivers should be comparable to the 970. Nothing shady about that cpu, either. I wonder what's wrong.

How much ram do you guys have? Are you overclocking anything?

I have 64GB DDR4 and have had 1 CTD so far in 16 hours play.

Holy shit dude, and I thought I was being a little gratuitous getting 16 haha (actually I assume you have other uses for that ram)
To those with CTD: are you running any overclocks?

Have you looked in the event viewer to see if it shows any reference to driver crashes or processor issues?

I am running a 970 with an overclock on the core clock and memory clock but haven't had any issues. I am using latest drivers.


What have I gotten myself into, don't think I have the patience to fully populate this level I've created with enemies, health, armour and ammo. It'll take hours!


Someone post an awesome screenshot. I want to promote/recommend this game on Facebook to friends.

My setup is i7 4790k, gtx 970 latest, and Win10 64 bit. I've had a single crash in 8 hours. I doubt Win10 is the issue since I think a lot of users are on it. 980 performance/drivers should be comparable to the 970. Nothing shady about that cpu, either. I wonder what's wrong.

How much ram do you guys have? Are you overclocking anything?

Holy shit dude, and I thought I was being a little gratuitous getting 16 haha (actually I assume you have other uses for that ram)

To those with CTD: are you running any overclocks?

Have you looked in the event viewer to see if it shows any reference to driver crashes or processor issues?

I am running a 970 with an overclock on the core clock and memory clock but haven't had any issues. I am using latest drivers.

I've had three crashes in my playthrough, running 16gb ram, GeForce 970, and an i7 4770k. Nothing OC'd, latest nVidia drivers. Event Viewer showed no issues when I checked after my second CTD. I've tried a few bandaid fixes I've seen on forums, but I have no idea if they work. Specifically, people have said to switch from Fullscreen to Borderless (did this after my first CTD) and switch v-sync from Adaptive to On (after my third CTD). I haven't had another CTD yet, but that doesn't mean it won't happen. I hope iD finds out what's causing it and fixes the issue, but I have the feeling I'll be done with the campaign and playing Overwatch by the time that happens.


who in their right mind leaves on the glowy stagger highlight?

I leave it on, I didn't like it when I saw gameplay videos, but playing the game it doesn't really bother me anymore

plus I play on nightmare so I need all the help I can get


My ps4 Bros

Can anybody reccomend any settings that I should be adjusting and changing from default?

I've always found gaf an excellent resource to this question and I find it usually improves my experience by a large margin

I'm playing on the hardest available difficulty because I've been playing since the first doom and figured it would only be fair to myself.


Neo Member
Finally beat this game yesterday, according to steam it took me 16 hours which is fairly long for a single player game now a days. Now playing on ultra nightmare and damn do I miss the later rune abilities/gun upgrades. I keep wanting to double jump onto platforms but can't :( This shit is definitely a challenge on ultra nightmare, got half way through the first level before I blew myself up on a barrel.

Doom is now crashing so much that it's pretty much not even worth playing anymore. That was the third time in the last 2 hours of play.
Try updating your drivers to the latest if not already, also lower your virtural texture cache/page file if you haven’t done that already either.
on higher difficulties glory kills are actually pretty risky.

there are plenty of times where I exit a glory kill to be 1 hit KO'd by a hell knight or Cacodemon.
on higher difficulties glory kills are actually pretty risky.

there are plenty of times where I exit a glory kill to be 1 hit KO'd by a hell knight or Cacodemon.

I'm only playing on Ultra Violence but I still have to be very mindful of what situation a glory kill will put me in. When I've got two Hell Knights running around it usually results in me being surrounded.
I'm a bit stuck. On the Into the Fire misson
I have to get back to Mars, currently in hell. I am at a dead end at a door with a big skull on it. It's yellow on the map and I don't really know where to go?


I have a problem on PC where I need to launch it greetings to work. First time it quits out at the red square logo; second time it quits out at the iD logo; third time it loads fully.

Any ideas?


I'm a bit stuck. On the Into the Fire misson
I have to get back to Mars, currently in hell. I am at a dead end at a door with a big skull on it. It's yellow on the map and I don't really know where to go?

There is a yellow skull on the map that you have to collect, like a yellow keycard. It's down near the arena where the fight took place, not up by the door or anything.
You know what I don't like? Being kicked back to the main menu after a rune trial found during a mission replay.

Ouch. That sounds like an oversight. We already know replayed missions are per-instance and since rune trials interrupt that instance, I get why it's happening. But it shouldn't.


So I'm having problems with the PC version. The game plays buttery smooth on my PC but it often crashes to desktop without warning. Is there any way to fix this?

Specs: i5 4690k 4.0Ghz, GTX 980 on latest Nvidia drivers, Windows 10 64-bit

It crashed like three times today.

i had similar crashes (no warning or anything straight to desktop)
have the same cpu with 4.3ghz overclock and 970 also with a slight overclock.
and 16gb ram.

not sure if its related but,
i strated to close some ram hungry porgrams (chrome, android studio etc.) before running the game and i doesnt seem to crash anymore.
Quick question : If I'll never touch the multi part of the game, how is the solo campaign ? (length, quality...)

Is the game worth is just for the solo ?


Quick question : If I'll never touch the multi part of the game, how is the solo campaign ? (length, quality...)

Is the game worth is just for the solo ?

I'd say so. It took me about 8 hours total to run through the campaign on the "normal" difficulty and I missed about 60-65% of the secrets. I can see the game length being closer to 12-14 hours if you try to get everything. If you value replay (which you should because this game is baller) it's a very long game.


First Wolfenstein: TNO, now this. We are not worthy. Much like Overwatch recently, this is a FPS that NEEDS to be played, no amount of footage will tell you just how good the controls feel. And that opening, damn, Doom Marine just doesn't give a shit, dude will tear open Hell's gate and stomp every single demon that stands in his way, powered by inspired notes of Mick Gordon (TNO, Killer Instinct). Magnificent game and already GOTY 2016, alongside Uncharted 4, for me.


Quick question : If I'll never touch the multi part of the game, how is the solo campaign ? (length, quality...)

Is the game worth is just for the solo ?

You can play survival maps on snapmap, there is already lots of maps to be played.

Even without the competitive MP portion this is a great value for SP and Snapmap alone IMO.


Could someone post a picture of these levers that open up the old Doom levels. I've just arrived at
and I've not found any yet. I'm doing pretty well with the other secrets but I just can't find any of these at all.


I think they were pretty well hidden. I didn't find a single one on my first playthrough. I'm at work so I can't post pics but many online guides have pics and videos.


on higher difficulties glory kills are actually pretty risky.

there are plenty of times where I exit a glory kill to be 1 hit KO'd by a hell knight or Cacodemon.

That's my main issue with the glory kills as well. I think it would have been useful to make them work more like throws in a beat em up (which kind of work the same way in giving a canned animation with a few invincibility frames) and be able to throw a couple of surrounding enemies off balance using the one you just glory killed.


Well snapmap seems to be pretty broken, mid way through adding enemies to the level the spawns have just stopped responding to the triggers I've setup. No idea what's going on.


Finished it last night on Ultra-Violence. Played on PS4, took me probably close to 20 hours, being pretty thorough about exploration and getting all the secrets (had over 80% in one run). The game was at its absolute best towards the end, where you have all your combat abilities at your finger tips and the game throws the proper gauntlets at you to "Test Your Might" and see if you can keep up. Great final boss and one of the coolest ending credits sequences I've seen in a game.


Well, just got finished playing "Harvest Doom" on snapmap. And yep it is exactly what you're thinking. That was dumb and amazing at the same time haha.

Makes me real excited for things to come from this.


Well, just got finished playing "Harvest Doom" on snapmap. And yep it is exactly what you're thinking. That was dumb and amazing at the same time haha.

Makes me real excited for things to come from this.
Did... did someone recreate Harvest Moon gameplay in DOOM??

The Flash

Finished it last night on Ultra-Violence. Played on PS4, took me probably close to 20 hours, being pretty thorough about exploration and getting all the secrets (had over 80% in one run). The game was at its absolute best towards the end, where you have all your combat abilities at your finger tips and the game throws the proper gauntlets at you to "Test Your Might" and see if you can keep up. Great final boss and one of the coolest ending credits sequences I've seen in a game.

GOTY for now?
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