It would be a triumph over the odds, because boy, do I ever hate the Battlefield 3 and 4 campaigns.
I doubt anything will top DOOM for a while if you like old-school shooters (i.e. no ADS, no cover, no health regen, no reloading, minimal story, super-fast movement, double-jumping, enemy fire you can see and dodge, huge complex maps, smart backtracking, loads of secrets, etc, etc, etc). The best part is, calling it purely "old-school" sells it short, since DOOM also modernizes the formula in all the right ways.
It would be a triumph over the odds, because boy, do I ever hate the Battlefield 3 and 4 campaigns.
Well after thinking about whether to buy or not I said fuck it and brought it earlier today. Main reason I held off was I wasn't sure whether I could get decent performance with my system (GTX 760, AMD 955 BE, 8GB RAM), but game looks and plays really well. I'm running mostly high at 1080p and I'm averaging around 50fps. Very happy with the performance, looks great and plays amazing.
one, I find myself only really using about half of the weapons. This isn't fully the games fault, but I really don't see any reason to use the chaingun, pistol, or even rocket launcher much (if ever)
My problem is how big the gap is from being able to shoot someone to oblivion and being able to just press F to finish them. The difference is fucking staggering (no pun intended). I need to either shoot them for another 5-10 seconds with something like the rocket launcher or even machine gun, or hell, even another 5 shotgun blasts, for them to die.
Red is chainsaw fuel, green is BFG shots.second question: wtf are the red and green pill-bars under your weapon in the HUD?
The first level or two don't do much for the game IMO. I started to become underwhelmed until the levels opened up into the multi-tiered mazes that they become. When that happened and I found my first secret (a classic Doom level) I started to grin.
One underrated feature I absolutely love is that enemies will follow you nearly anywhere. You can't just hide behind a box and pepper enemies till they die. Even Mancubi and Pinkies will leap 2 stories just to find you. Stuff like this is just great.
Ran into a weird bug on what I think is the 2nd to last level. You have toand there's one of those red force fields blocking the exit until you kill everything. I accidentally mantled the red force field and was able to proceed before finishing the area.shoot 4 core thingsI was able to advance to the next level and everything.I had only shot 3 of the 4 cores.
Is it meant to be so dark at the beginning, I'm struggling to see where I'm going, let alone seeing enemies.
9/10Doom Twitter account justed tweeted this
I think it's safe to say that we'll get a sequel now
Is it meant to be so dark at the beginning, I'm struggling to see where I'm going, let alone seeing enemies.
"Look at all that juice!"
Having a blast so far.
The only thing I've loathed is the platforming sections but thankfully they don't seem to prevalent.
Can anyone tell me how far into the game I am?
Random lady just opened the portal to hell or something. I saved and quit but I assume i'm in hell now
Sorry for the shoddy explanation. I have no idea what's going on in the game but that's absolutely fine. The game does not need a good story to be captivating.
Remember when people were saying that this game would lead to id getting shut down?Doom Twitter account justed tweeted this
I think it's safe to say that we'll get a sequel now
Maybe like a third of the way through? Not far, I'll tell you that much.
In SnapMap, is there a way to edit what weapons or equipment the player starts with? I can't find it anywhere.
Reposting for this new page but the game has glitched in the BFG level and I am stuck in a room with absolutely no way out near the end of the mission.
If I restart the level do I lose all my collectibles and challenge progress (I have every rune, secret and collectible in the mission and have completed all challenges)?
If I don't want to restart mission am I stuck here forever?
Great, thanks. It was driving me crazy. I'll try this.The Loadout and Inventory objects are in the Player & Team tab.
If you place a Loadout object in the map, you can set what weapons and equipment you want the player to start with in its properties, then connect some logic between the Loadout object and a Player Proxy object so when a player spawns it gives them the loadout you chose.
It works similarly for equipment with the Inventory object if you just want to set what equipment they start with, but instead connect the logic from the Player Proxy (on spawn) to the Equipment object (give equipment). You can then set what equipment to give in the "give equipment" node in the logic chain.
Kind of a long-winded answer, I know, but I hope it helps.![]()