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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done


You cannot select a difficulty higher than one you beat it with in mission select

You mean you can't go Nightmare. Wise choice from id imo. Even at Mission 4 onwards, going back to Mission 1 on Nightmare is a joke --

The lower difficulties allow you change between the 3 freely.

EDIT: no1curr, but I reached up to where I was on NM with UV. Hmm... I am glad NM wasn't some special mode with respawning enemies


You mean you can't go Nightmare. Wise choice from id imo. Even at Mission 4 onwards, going back to Mission 1 on Nightmare is a joke --

The lower difficulties allow you change between the 3 freely.

EDIT: no1curr, but I reached up to where I was on NM with UV. Hmm... I am glad NM wasn't some special mode with respawning enemies

On PC you can actually do classic nightmare with health drain via a console command.

I'm curious to see if anyone can actually beat it that way.


Wait, really? Where at?

I found
Commander Keen's helmet
in another level.

Located in a
locker in Foundry.



there's no way to see which data logs I have and don't have, right? damn , I swear those are the worst kind of achievements


there's no way to see which data logs I have and don't have, right? damn , I swear those are the worst kind of achievements

If you have your map function upgraded all the way you can see the entire map's collectables from the get go, and logs are featured in that. You have to go level by level to check though, which is kind of a pain in the ass >.>


If you have your map function upgraded all the way you can see the entire map's collectables from the get go, and logs are featured in that. You have to go level by level to check though, which is kind of a pain in the ass >.>

well sadly if you restart a level all of them are marked as unread so it's not just a pain in the ass you basically have to replay the whole game and look for all of them


well sadly if you restart a level all of them are marked as unread so it's not just a pain in the ass you basically have to replay the whole game and look for all of them


No wonder the logs cheevo is the most rare on steam atm, lol >.>
I really liked this article from Eurogamer's Christian Dolan about how they made the Doom Guy silently mimic the average player's reaction to playing Doom.

The guy in Doom is playing Doom. You can tell this from his heady mixture of enthusiasm and impatience that permeates all his actions. Look at him picking up a new weapon: the sheer joy with which he reaches for the chainsaw or the rocket launcher. "You! Here?" he seems to be thinking. "You are really going to help me with the next bit of Doom that comes around the corner!" Look at him mantling, hands gripping platforms and pulling him up with the breathless pace of a kid at their first sport's day. Look at him clenching through a health recharge. Look at the way he plays with the bobblehead secrets he finds littered around the place. This isn't a person who's worried about wormholes from Hell and all the shady things a Martian drilling company has been doing on the sly. This is a guy who's just glad to be locked in a building with a bunch of shambling jelly people to shoot to pieces.


Most tellingly, what doesn't the Doom guy love so much? He doesn't love the plot, which even in a game as bracingly mindless as this still intrudes a little too often. At best, it's a voice comms message coming in from someone corporate and evil, which the guy you're playing as in Doom will silence by wrenching a computer panel off a wall or smashing it to pieces. At worst, it's an agonising full thirty seconds of being locked in a room while plot gets unwound before you. I often can't see the Doom guy's signature arm during these sequences as camera control is taken away, but I can imagine that arm, just out of shot, trembling with the temporary frustration of being inside Doom while not being able to play Doom.

more in the link
When you complete this, can you start again with all of your power ups?

Not necessarily the weapons, but I'm going to miss the the double jump and air control when I do if they don't carry over.


I'm seriously jealous of all the fun you guys are having, this game just didn't click with me and I can't figure out why.

I don't think I've seen a game so enthusiastically loved on NEOGAF, it's great to see.

Eh, that's how I felt about The Witcher 3, last year. I played 25 hours of that game trying to have fun with it so I could join in with everyone else, but it just didn't do anything for me. It happens.


When you complete this, can you start again with all of your power ups?

Not necessarily the weapons, but I'm going to miss the the double jump and air control when I do if they don't carry over.

there is no NG+, but you can select all the missions manually and you'll always have all the upgrades and can look for the everything you haven't found yet


Wandering around an empty map trying to figure out how in the hell to get to an area on the map is kicking me right in the nostalgia balls. Love it.
I'm seriously jealous of all the fun you guys are having, this game just didn't click with me and I can't figure out why.

I don't think I've seen a game so enthusiastically loved on NEOGAF, it's great to see.

How far are you into the game? It really doesn't come into its own until the larger enemies are mixed in with the smaller guys. It turns into an orgy of violence after that, it really is something else. It's a dream come true for gore fans like myself.

there is no NG+, but you can select all the missions manually and you'll always have all the upgrades and can look for the everything you haven't found yet

That is more than good enough, thanks.

The game now jsut crashes constantly on me.

I was getting a lot of crashes until I set the virtual texturing page size to low. I have bumped it up to high now and do still get the odd crash, but nowhere near as bad as ultra. Hoping they patch it so I can put it back there at some point.


Does doing this allow you to get the trophies that specify "within one campaign"?


EDIT: No joke, is Nightmare going to stay easy thanks to the
Rocket Launcher + Super Shotty
combo? Just is like the opposite of a dificulty spike right now. Loving it though!

EDIT: No joke, is Nightmare going to stay easy thanks to the
Rocket Launcher + Super Shotty
combo? Just is like the opposite of a dificulty spike right now. Loving it though!

Wait until you discover the Gauss Cannon + Super Shotty combo. Upgrade your ammo and use those two for 95% of the game.


Wait until you discover the Gauss Cannon + Super Shotty combo. Upgrade your ammo and use those two for 95% of the game.

Oh gosh lol. I don't know what that gun is, but it sounds stupid.

I can say best FPD of 2016 (because dude, what else could there be?) I don't even think it's worth comparison this to TNO anymore. By Mission it reaches GOAT status. Every other FPS this generation is a joke.

Fully upgraded super shotgun is the only weapon I need.

Had 10 upgrade points by the time I picked it up. I won't leave the level without getting that final upgrade. Super stoked that I never had to get those upgrade point things for it.


I only need the "Beat UAC on Ultra Nightmare" to get the platinum but I'm heaving a hell of a time even beating this level. Jesus.


I only need the "Beat UAC on Ultra Nightmare" to get the platinum but I'm heaving a hell of a time even beating this level. Jesus.

By half way through you should get the explosive shot and the instant load upgrades. That should help a bunch. Backtrack then and pick up the armour in the classic doom 2 area. I imagine that's your best bet.


I'd be in the dick
Codex entries suggest it's somewhere around the 2150s, though.

What year did the original Doom take place? I forget. It could just be the embellishment of the Slayer's Testaments that made me think it was farther off.
I only need the "Beat UAC on Ultra Nightmare" to get the platinum but I'm heaving a hell of a time even beating this level. Jesus.

In the first area, make sure you snipe all of the Possessed roaming around. Grab all of the armor you can and just run a circle around the area, killing enemies that are within range of your shotgun blast. Once you get the keycard and drop down, just run. Don't kill any enemies, just jump over those first few Possessed and run to the next checkpoint.

After that, I try to funnel the enemies that spawn through the little cave where the Field Drone is. Make sure you choose the explosive shot mod, as that'll make your life a lot easier. Like I said, just draw them and and blow them up with your explosive shot, using your regular shots while that cools down.

In the next area, I ended up just running around in a circle as in the first area and just gunning down anything that comes near me. I found the very last part of the level to be much easier than the first fight, for some reason. It only took me a couple of tries for the achievement, so good luck! Don't forget about your grenade, either!
(After a UV playthrough and replaying levels to secret hunt)

I'd been tentatively looking forward to this since its announcement all the way back in May 2008 so needless to say this game had a lot to live up to. Fortunately this thing defied all odds and despite id/Bethesda trying their best to make the game look really average before launch it's... pretty damn good?! I really can't agree with the labelling of this as a modernized version of the original Doom formula, praise or not, new Doom is its own beast entirely and directly comparing doesn't do either iteration any favors. There aren't really any other shooters that play quite like this, not even Quake SP or other recent "old school" flavored shooters like Shadow Warrior.

The first thing that sets it apart from those neo-retro FPS is that it actually has level design most of the time, at least in terms of broad level layouts. Navigation and exploration is actually fun and secrets are placed cleverly, I ended up missing like half of them on my first time through each level while only doing mild secret hunting. That's all with objective markers and the compass turned off also, they seem like they would be a real detriment to the experience and they really shouldn't be there by default or at all really, knowing where to go on the critical path is never too confusing. There's definitely a degree of the corridor-arena-corridor-arena structure the previews suggested, but it's mostly absent or invisible outside of a couple of those late-game Hell levels.

Combat itself is fantastic in the moment, I can't think of any other game that both let me and (mostly) required me to move like this in all 3 axes. If there's any single thing that new Doom can claim as its unique contribution to FPS combat is just how relentlessly active and aggressive enemies are, and not in the predictable Serious Sam sense of aggression. I saw a post in another thread about how the combat just is just a PvE version of multiplayer deathmatch, and while ridiculous there is a small grain of truth to that. Most enemies behaviour feel less like scripts and more like spatially aware autonomous agents with the singular goal of killing you, they just happen to be completely asymmetrical to Doomguy in terms of ability. Not all enemies have extreme mobility, but those that do are just incredible to behold, like our old friend the Imp.

The new Imps are probably the best fodder enemy in an FPS ever, which is good because I can't think of any part of the game where they didn't fill a significant chunk of enemy compositions. In the penultimate encounter in the game I was STILL seeing these guys do new things, they probably have at least a dozen ways just to throw various kinds of fireballs at you. Pinkies got a huge upgrade from the things you were more likely to kill yourself via rocket splash damage from than actually getting bitten by, they probably killed me more than any other enemy type despite their relatively late inclusion. Revenants got turned into complete punks though, I don't think one killed me a single time. The homing missiles from their Doom II incarnation are sorely missed here and exhibits a problem that I think keeps the combat intense and exciting but one dimensional, and not the masterpiece of system design that it could be.

Comparing classic Doom with new Doom wasn't something I wanted to do because despite the bullet points they're clearly trying to accomplish different things, but since Doom II is still by far the gold standard for variety and nuance in FPS combat 20+ years later I'm going to do it anyway. This might sound weird but id took the mantras of "mobility as defense" and "no taking cover" way too far, to the game's detriment. The feeling that you've seen all the game's tricks after level 7 or 8 since all of the regular enemy types have shown up is unfortunately true as far as combat is concerned, as combat area design largely... doesn't matter all that much. Not to discount the spaces themselves, they're cool and continue to have good layout variety throughout the game, but you're rarely required to use them tactically. Even in the game's most intense encounters, moving laterally from ranged enemies and avoiding running into ones with melee attacks is an almost universally viable tactic, easily repeatable. Exceptions to this are a couple memorable encounters that come to mind,
the room with the dissected Manc on the table in the BFG Labs
the train station at the end of VEGA Central Processing
because of the extremely compact level geometry and high monster density. There's also the poor sound design that makes it hard to keep track of enemies in 3D space as well as hearing them spawn in, I'd consider that a major flaw and not a deliberate design choice to reduce spatial awareness though.

The problem is that since no enemies have hitscan attacks and all ranged attacks are dummy projectiles that fire in one direction (unless you want to count Lost Souls), everything is dodgeable the exact same way. Even with just projectiles, Doom II had the Mancubus that fired shots with a much greater spread than his 2016 version and Revenants shot homing missiles that required clever dancing around or, more likely, FINDING COVER. That's not even getting into the hitscanners in the roster which require target prioritization on a level new Doom never comes close to. Archviles made the choice between finding cover and killing them ASAP a constantly interesting choice, and that was only possible because of them having a highly damaging instant hit attack. The problem with new Doom's monster design is that encounters wouldn't play out much different with or without blocking geometry. Sure, in the more intricate arena layouts you can get a line of sight block on a group of Possessed Soldiers, but it ultimately doesn't mean much since you're always moving anyway and enemy shots don't anticipate your movement except maybe slightly for some Imp fireballs? Adding enemies that require the use of blocking geometry would crack the sandbox of this game right open AND make combat spaces 10 times more interesting by default, it would just require reconsidering their "movement is everything" pillar. Variety in dynamics is worth so much more to me than blazing speed all the time, even for a game with this focused an intent.

Maybe this is just being too nitpicky but I think having fast movement is alright, but fast and SMART movement required could push a sequel into masterpiece territory. And for most people, requiring fast movement is probably enough to make it a stiff challenge but nobody besides Doom II WAD makers are making ultra-hard material for obnoxious FPS grognards. I want to believe id is willing to push forward mechanically for the now almost inevitable sequel and having enemies that pressure you in a much greater variety of ways is an important part of that to me.

Another thing this does exceptionally well in the realm of shooters is boss fights. Splatoon's final boss did this as well last year, and the solution to making them not suck seems kind of simple and obvious? Give them a nice variety of shmup style attacks that force you to move while paying attention to multiple hazards, all while focus firing. The flaws here are the same as they are in regular encounters, the arena geometry doesn't really matter and in this case isn't present at all, except for that
raising platforms phase
the final boss does.

Other minor stuff... I don't have much of a problem with the way this game handles upgrades fundamentally, although I would've been fine without it entirely. Unfortunately so many of them are OP as hell. The gauss cannon is ridiculous enough without mods, but either one of those upgrade paths turn it into an easy 1/2 hit kill noob tube. Both plasma upgrades are nuts too, they're pretty fun to use at least. I'll do a Nightmare run sometime during the summer probably, and debating not taking any upgrades except for the mobility and speed focused suit mods/runes since they just make the game way more fun albeit a bit easier.

Sorry for the unsolicited wall of text but when you love this branch of FPS as much as I do and games in it almost never get made anymore, when something like Doom 2016 comes along that hits so close to the mark there's just too much to chew on to not desperately want more. Never thought I'd be saying this a month ago but the modern incarnation of id Software is now on my relatively short list of teams I can't wait to see the next big thing from.


Love this game's mission replay options. You can go back to any completed mission with all your upgrades and choose any of the first three difficulty levels regardless of which one you originally beat the mission on, and any new progress is retained.


I'm sorry, Rocket Launcher upgrade
has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Completely trivialises certain enemies...

EDIT: hahahahahahahaha this game is getting easier and easier, but it's also getting more fun.


I'm sorry, Rocket Launcher upgrade
has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Completely trivialises certain enemies...

EDIT: hahahahahahahaha this game is getting easier and easier, but it's also getting more fun.

To be fair none of the enemies are particularly hard in this. Every time I die it's because I've done something dumb, got too distracted hurling rockets at a mancubus and getting blindsided by a pinky, or backing into a blind alley while I'm torturing a hell knight with Micro missiles. On the other hand most enemies can do a ton of damage - if they can ever hit you. The little enemies are often more dangerous than the big guys.


To be fair none of the enemies are particularly hard in this. Every time I die it's because I've done something dumb, got too distracted hurling rockets at a mancubus and getting blindsided by a pinky, or backing into a blind alley while I'm torturing a hell knight with Micro missiles. On the other hand most enemies can do a ton of damage - if they can ever hit you. The little enemies are often more dangerous than the big guys.

That's fair. Lack of difficulty is rarely a complaint but to see it do down so much after so soon in the game reminds me of Ninja Gaiden. In fact, so much of this remains me of Ninja Gaiden. I would compare the difficulty/learning curve it.

I feel like the first 3 missions were just some extended intro.


By half way through you should get the explosive shot and the instant load upgrades. That should help a bunch. Backtrack then and pick up the armour in the classic doom 2 area. I imagine that's your best bet.

In the first area, make sure you snipe all of the Possessed roaming around. Grab all of the armor you can and just run a circle around the area, killing enemies that are within range of your shotgun blast. Once you get the keycard and drop down, just run. Don't kill any enemies, just jump over those first few Possessed and run to the next checkpoint.

After that, I try to funnel the enemies that spawn through the little cave where the Field Drone is. Make sure you choose the explosive shot mod, as that'll make your life a lot easier. Like I said, just draw them and and blow them up with your explosive shot, using your regular shots while that cools down.

In the next area, I ended up just running around in a circle as in the first area and just gunning down anything that comes near me. I found the very last part of the level to be much easier than the first fight, for some reason. It only took me a couple of tries for the achievement, so good luck! Don't forget about your grenade, either!

Spoke too soon. Just got it on my next try. I was playing it way too aggressively. Slowed it down a little bit and funnelled enemies through chokepoints and got it! Thanks anyways guys!
(After a UV playthrough and replaying levels to secret hunt)
*very good post*

I agree with a large chunk of that, and being pleasantly surprised at how the game turned out but also completely agree with some bigger problems with Doom 2016's core design philisophy. There's soooo much variety to encounter/level design in the average Cacoward-worthy Doom 2 WAD than there is here because they taken the "speed speed speed" thing so seriously, and by the 70% mark you've seen everything the game is ever gonna do. As big and vertical as the spaces are, they dont really MATTER like they do in Doom 2, where you have to maneuver around Revenant homing missiles(holy crap are Revenants pussies in this game, has anyone ever died to them?), or find cover from the Arch-Vile, or prioritize the hitscanners cuz they can delete your health from any distance. Its all straight ahead projectiles and dudes rushing you here, which just means running and dodging a lot, which makes many of the battles all feel like the same fight replaying over and over again.

A fun fight, of course, with high mobility, cool weapons, a driving Mick Gordon score, health/ammo resource management...but I think for the NuDoom to be really great, they're gonna have to find a way to make the arena level design matter more by interjecting the kind of opposition that forces you to do more than just move and shoot. Which is difficult, I know, with all 3 axis of movement the original Doom didnt have to worry about much, but...


Yesterday i finished Uncharted 4 and today i picked this up.After Uncharted 4 this was my most anticipated title of 2016. Played about an hour, it's not as awesome as i hoped but it's still preety good. The music and sound design is top notch. Gunplay feels very good except your starting pistol. It sounds and feels very weak.
BTW it runs super smooth on PS4, i never noticed any dips but i don't think game looks as good as people say. Yeah it's a good looking title but NOWHERE close to Uncharted 4 or Battlefront. But yeah, runs MUCH better than both of those games.
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