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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done

That's fair. Lack of difficulty is rarely a complaint but to see it do down so much after so soon in the game reminds me of Ninja Gaiden. In fact, so much of this remains me of Ninja Gaiden. I would compare the difficulty/learning curve it.

I feel like the first 3 missions were just some extended intro.
I'm not sure how deep you are but nothing in the game compares to the fights you experience in the last three levels. I had master upgraded siege mode, double barrel, homing rockets, etc and it was about the most challenging thing I experienced in the game. But beating these parts feels amazing. There's no other game that makes you earn that victory as much as DOOM and at the same time feel like you just won a legit Olympic competition.


that feel when you are used to barrels doing no damage and you play classic doom level and blow yourself up...

I'm not sure how deep you are but nothing in the game compares to the fights you experience in the last three levels. I had master upgraded siege mode, double barrel, homing rockets, etc and it was about the most challenging thing I experienced in the game. But beating these parts feels amazing. There's no other game that makes you earn that victory as much as DOOM and at the same time feel like you just won a legit Olympic competition.

Looking forward to it. I'm Mission 5 rn. Died like once in 4, since I felt like the game didn't want me to have a Rocket Launcher by then. If I didn't, hoo boy


While I like the level of difficulty it's just plateau'd instead of the steady climb I assumed would happen. Your combat abilities increase in lock-step with the difficulty of the encounters. The hologram is useful when I remember it.


Dear console players, turn off "Auto-switch empty" -- it seems to favour certain weapons, not the one in your "quick change" setting, meaning you keep getting Combat Shotgun or the silly Machinegun.

EDIT: Pro-tip:

you can get death from above glory kills on an even ground by waiting until you are falling from your jump before activating. Great for grinding


What year did the original Doom take place? I forget. It could just be the embellishment of the Slayer's Testaments that made me think it was farther off.

It's never stated anywhere. D3 is in 2145, if you want to retroactively apply its timeline to the prior games.

is there a way to disable the second bosses shield or is it just a waiting game?

Waiting game.


Dear console players, turn off "Auto-switch empty" -- it seems to favour certain weapons, not the one in your "quick change" setting, meaning you keep getting Combat Shotgun or the silly Machinegun.

EDIT: Pro-tip:

you can get death from above glory kills on an even ground by waiting until you are falling from your jump before activating. Great for grinding

Jesus Christ, that's why that was happening. WOW.


Yesterday i finished Uncharted 4 and today i picked this up.After Uncharted 4 this was my most anticipated title of 2016. Played about an hour, it's not as awesome as i hoped but it's still preety good. The music and sound design is top notch. Gunplay feels very good except your starting pistol. It sounds and feels very weak.
BTW it runs super smooth on PS4, i never noticed any dips but i don't think game looks as good as people say. Yeah it's a good looking title but NOWHERE close to Uncharted 4 or Battlefront. But yeah, runs MUCH better than both of those games.

Just you freaking wait.


A fun fight, of course, with high mobility, cool weapons, a driving Mick Gordon score, health/ammo resource management...but I think for the NuDoom to be really great, they're gonna have to find a way to make the arena level design matter more by interjecting the kind of opposition that forces you to do more than just move and shoot. Which is difficult, I know, with all 3 axis of movement the original Doom didnt have to worry about much, but...
"To do more than move and shoot." So, uh... take cover? Because I don't want to take cover in this game.

I already feel like each encounter stays fresh by virtue of enemy arrangements and arena layouts that encourage me to prioritize differently. Each enemy invites me to respond in a different way, i.e. jumping over Pinkies or kiting Mancubi around pillars or jousting Hell Knights (what I call running in for a Super Shotgun headshot and sidestepping at the last sec). I'm constantly changing weapons, hunting down supplies, timing power-ups, exploiting Glory Kill i-frames and trying to balance Glory Kills vs. chainsaw kills vs. BFG as the situation evolves. It's plenty varied on a moment-to-moment basis.

Now, one thing I'd like to see in a potential sequel are more light skirmishes in the corridors connecting the arenas. Enemies that are already spawned and wandering about, in other words. There's some of that here, but more would be appreciated.
"To do more than move and shoot." So, uh... take cover? Because I don't want to take cover in this game.

I would, and Im not really sure where the misconception that Doom was all about running really fast through big areas not taking cover. That's a good way to get killed. I mean, yea, there are definitely those kind of areas where you just run around really fast(and even with all the runes, classic Doom is still twice as fast as this game), but a lot of Doom is about positioning. There's an ebb and flow to classic Doom this game doesnt have, and another large part is what you mentioned how segmented all the levels feel. There's the arena parts where a hundred demons spawn in, and there's the parts where you scourge the halls for goodies and traversal until the next arena, and rarely do these parts intwine. This feeling is pushed by Mick Gordon's score, which ratchets up only in intense moments then quiets down again, instead of just one song that plays throughout like classic Doom. The Doom 2016 levels lack cohesion of a great Doom map, and with the ultimately repetitive structure and limitations of its enemy design as noted earlier, it creates a game where repetition sets in a lot faster than it should.

The element of surprise too, another big thing thats gone. Because of how classic Doom maps flow, any room could be a dangerous new configuration of enemies, every area a new thing to take care of, all flowing one after another. With the way Doom 2016 is structured, you kinda just cruise control until you get to another giant room or you see a big glowing demon portal, and you know "Ah, another few waves of enemies, here we go."


I would, and Im not really sure where the misconception that Doom was all about running really fast through big areas not taking cover. That's a good way to get killed. I mean, yea, there are definitely those kind of areas where you just run around really fast(and even with all the runes, classic Doom is still twice as fast as this game), but a lot of Doom is about positioning. There's an ebb and flow to classic Doom this game doesnt have, and another large part is what you mentioned how segmented all the levels feel. There's the arena parts where a hundred demons spawn in, and there's the parts where you scourge the halls for goodies and traversal until the next arena, and rarely do these parts intwine. This feeling is pushed by Mick Gordon's score, which ratchets up only in intense moments then quiets down again, instead of just one song that plays throughout like classic Doom. The Doom 2016 levels lack cohesion of a great Doom map, and with the ultimately repetitive structure and limitations of its enemy design as noted earlier, it creates a game where repetition sets in a lot faster than it should.

The element of surprise too, another big thing thats gone. Because of how classic Doom maps flow, any room could be a dangerous new configuration of enemies, every area a new thing to take care of, all flowing one after another. With the way Doom 2016 is structured, you kinda just cruise control until you get to another giant room or you see a big glowing demon portal, and you know "Ah, another few waves of enemies, here we go."
I can see where you're coming from, but I relish the lack of focus on cover, even if it's not entirely true to the original. The new DOOM is its own thing, in many ways, and in today's climate it's so refreshing that (thus far, two play-throughs in) I can't get enough. But I suppose a sequel could use cover in moderation to mix things up here and there.
I always try to think of NuDoom as its own game and taken on its own terms its quite solid, with a refreshing amount of speed and verctalitly and health/ammo management in a really technically polished package. Its just when you call yourself "Doom", with so many similar elements to what I genuinely believe to be the greatest video game ever made...it just kinda begs the comparison.


I would, and Im not really sure where the misconception that Doom was all about running really fast through big areas not taking cover. That's a good way to get killed. I mean, yea, there are definitely those kind of areas where you just run around really fast(and even with all the runes, classic Doom is still twice as fast as this game), but a lot of Doom is about positioning. There's an ebb and flow to classic Doom this game doesnt have, and another large part is what you mentioned how segmented all the levels feel. There's the arena parts where a hundred demons spawn in, and there's the parts where you scourge the halls for goodies and traversal until the next arena, and rarely do these parts intwine. This feeling is pushed by Mick Gordon's score, which ratchets up only in intense moments then quiets down again, instead of just one song that plays throughout like classic Doom. The Doom 2016 levels lack cohesion of a great Doom map, and with the ultimately repetitive structure and limitations of its enemy design as noted earlier, it creates a game where repetition sets in a lot faster than it should.

The element of surprise too, another big thing thats gone. Because of how classic Doom maps flow, any room could be a dangerous new configuration of enemies, every area a new thing to take care of, all flowing one after another. With the way Doom 2016 is structured, you kinda just cruise control until you get to another giant room or you see a big glowing demon portal, and you know "Ah, another few waves of enemies, here we go."

I can see the point here. Doom 1 and 2 was about monster closets where room fulls of enemies were just standing around waiting for the door to open and were so dangerous you had to use positioning, choke points, etc to win. There was no bunny hopping out of danger because the jump button didn't exist. If you got cornered by monsters, you were stuck, unable to move. This game you are a double jump away from safety or a glory kill away from being able to dash into a temporary invulnerability animation.

This game is a return to fast paced FPS games of the 90's and early 2000's, but it's not really the same game as Doom 1 and 2. But that's ok because it's still a fantastic game to me. There's predictability in the arena encounters to a point, but it's still well done adrenaline pumping fun.

K' Dash

Just finished, I was really surprised to see the credits rolling, didn't expect that to be the final boss.

Also, best credits ever, devs take note pls.

10/10 will play again as soon as I build my new PC, parts are on the way, can't wait.


Hm, so if i replay a mission after beating the campaign, I can't quit in the middle of a mission and reload that progress it seems. Still happy to be able to play through missions for stuff I missed with all of the upgrades I have but kind of annoying.
I'm really enjoying the game so far, nearing the end now, but these secrets are really bogging down the game for me. I want it to be able to just run through the level, but I have to find everything. I think I'll enjoy it even more when I get all the secret shit and don't have to worry about it anymore.
do it in the opposite way. don't fret about them much on your first time through, then when you wanna switch it up later you can go back in and explore.


I just started playing an hour ago it's wonderful so far.

Dual shock with no aim assist is pretty challenging but the gamepad control is maybe the best i've ever tried.
Dear console players, turn off "Auto-switch empty" -- it seems to favour certain weapons, not the one in your "quick change" setting, meaning you keep getting Combat Shotgun or the silly Machinegun.

EDIT: Pro-tip:

you can get death from above glory kills on an even ground by waiting until you are falling from your jump before activating. Great for grinding
All great tips! Wish I knew that for my UV run but beat it anyways. Will help loads in Nightmare.
Really great post, just finished up my own UV playthrough, missed a whole lot of secrets though and planning to do a second playthrough relatively soon on Nightmare mode.

Especially in agreement about the encounters feeling very samey late into the game, I think this especially became the case after acquiring all of the weapons and upgrading. Once I had upgraded the super shotgun and gauss cannon to their maximum potential, I essentially found myself always stunlocking most enemies up close with the Super Shotgun's double tap, and any time I saw a Baron of Hell or Mancubus, backing up to blast them at range with the Gauss Cannon. The Pinkies were actually the enemy that most tripped me up. Fortunately this is at least very fun to do, so it didn't start to bother me too much until near the very end of my playthrough, by which time the game was just wrapping up.

I really appreciated how well some of the secrets were hidden, and the level design in many places. There were so many times in which I would traverse the level for a long time, taking a very roundabout route to get to a location, only to notice when I got there that I could have taken a completely different path much earlier to the level and gotten there long prior. Though I feel like something the game is missing from the older Doom games (and like you said, it's a bit unfair to compare it to them, given that it's its own game) is how exploration and secret hunting intertwined with combat. You never quite get the same sensation you did in Doom 1 or 2 in which you spot a weapon, and have that moment of tension before picking it up, wondering what type of enemy is going to ambush you once you grab it.


Tried out ultra nightmare for the hell of it. Jesus christ.

Also snapmap is pretty cool

And I'm really bad at finding secrets in this game
Love this game's mission replay options. You can go back to any completed mission with all your upgrades and choose any of the first three difficulty levels regardless of which one you originally beat the mission on, and any new progress is retained.
I just started playing this tonight and completed the first area before turning it off. This is exactly what I wanted to hear. This is great!!


finally finished it (PC, UV). Found every 'permanent upgrade' secret, short a few weapon upgrades for stuff I never used. Didn't discover how ridiculous siege mode on the railgun was until the end - why was I wasting my time lining up headshots with the other upgrade?

Rebinding my weapon shortcuts to the various keys around WASD was the key to making the game even more fun. Double super shotgun followed by a quick swap to combat shotgun burst feels great and solves the both the hell knight and revenant problem. Funny how reliant on shotguns I was by the end. Bullets only really got used when I found a quad damage.


All great tips! Wish I knew that for my UV run but beat it anyways. Will help loads in Nightmare.


I don't know WHY or HOW, but there is a bug where auto-switch empty persists... It might have something to do with upgrading a weapon or something. Happened 2 levels later, and for some reason it came back.

Welp, it was great while it lasted... thanks id

EDIT: smfh, the Remote Detonation upgrade for the Rocket Launcher forces auto-switch on empty... so long as you don't use that you should be fine. What other bugs does this game have?
Started playing this today, and yeah, it's great. I always thought this looked fun. I don't think a gif has ever been more appropriate when playing a game:



Can I assume there is no reward for competing the Classic Maps? Hell and Be Damned on Nightmare is literally impossible...
Started playing this today, and yeah, it's great. I always thought this looked fun. I don't think a gif has ever been more appropriate when playing a game:


Same here. This is game is, how do you say it...the tits.

Quotes from my wife:

"bathroom walls are shaking"
"that sounds insane"

I'm blasting away at the hordes with the biggest game induced grin in a looong time.

I think I'm actually getting more "aaaw yeaaaah videogames" moments from this than Dark Souls III.

Pure fun.


Finished it tonight, some of those last few arenas were brutal, can't imagine the difficulties above UV, lol.

Great game though.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
The game has bumper jumper options, but I didnt like the other remappings. Ended up just switching A to LB on the X1 OS for Doom sessions.
Same here. This is game is, how do you say it...the tits.

Quotes from my wife:

"bathroom walls are shaking"
"that sounds insane"

I'm blasting away at the hordes with the biggest game induced grin in a looong time.

I think I'm actually getting more "aaaw yeaaaah videogames" moments from this than Dark Souls III.

Pure fun.



Decided to get this on Saturday despite already having blown way too much cash on games this month. The word of mouth was too good. Glad that I did. I'm about 7 chapters in and so far this is the most enjoyable game I've played all year. I'd rate it above Dark Souls 3 and Uncharted 4 right now, just because the game is a joy to play.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Everything was awesome except the lass boss. Easy pattern to figure out and bullet spongey in the extreme. It was just really long and boring. Other than that and the dumb restrictions on SnapMap, this is everything I ever wanted in a shooter.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I missed a rune in the hell level, and it's really killed my desire to go back and keep playing. I really wanted it, too (it was the one that lets you speed up glory kills). It's a shame that the game *occasionally but not always* decides to arbitrarily lock you out of the rest of the level. It's a massive momentum killer.

That said, god damn, what a level. It felt like the final encounter of a lesser game, except over and over again. Hard to imagine how this can possibly escalate from here.


I missed a rune in the first hell level, and it's really killed my desire to go back and keep playing. I really wanted it, too (it was the one that lets you speed up glory kills). It's a shame that the game *occasionally but not always* decides to arbitrarily lock you out of the rest of the level.

It's a massive momentum killer.

I missed that one too, was sorta bummed about it but there are 3 other runes that are just as good.

air mobility, glory kill distance and glory kill movement speed.


Nightmare down! What a blast :D

Don't even plan to try and doing a UN run, though. I just died too much on my rego nightmare run I just don't even think its possible for me. I got every secret and did every challenge but like 3/4 of them on this run too, so mopping those up shouldn't be too hard. Every challenge I missed were those damned glory kill ones, which I think are just bugged on higher FOVs due to the hitboxes on everything in the game being built around a 90 FOV.

Anyone have some recommended snap map stuff to play?


I missed a rune in the hell level, and it's really killed my desire to go back and keep playing. I really wanted it, too (it was the one that lets you speed up glory kills). It's a shame that the game *occasionally but not always* decides to arbitrarily lock you out of the rest of the level. It's a massive momentum killer.

That said, god damn, what a level. It felt like the final encounter of a lesser game, except over and over again. Hard to imagine how this can possibly escalate from here.

I missed that one too, was sorta bummed about it but there are 3 other runes that are just as good.

air mobility, glory kill distance and glory kill movement speed.

you can replay missions, there is a missions elect menu after you picked your save slot
replaying is fun and you can get stuff you missed the first time


I missed a rune in the hell level, and it's really killed my desire to go back and keep playing. I really wanted it, too (it was the one that lets you speed up glory kills). It's a shame that the game *occasionally but not always* decides to arbitrarily lock you out of the rest of the level. It's a massive momentum killer.

That said, god damn, what a level. It felt like the final encounter of a lesser game, except over and over again. Hard to imagine how this can possibly escalate from here.

Yeah I had the exact same complaint/problem. It's the only time that really bothered me though.

you can replay missions, there is a missions elect menu after you picked your save slot
replaying is fun and you can get stuff you missed the first time

Sure, but having a point of no return within non-linear levels designed for getting secrets and exploring at your will is just plain counter-intuitive. It's kind of baffling why games do this when whatever minor positives it could bring from a design standpoint are heavily outweighed by the possible negatives when the collectible yearning player hits that previously unlocked but suddenly locked door.

Luckily it didn't affect me much during my playthrough, but that is one of my biggest pet peeves in gaming.


Aughhh.. went to bed wayy to late after finally picking this up last night.

snap map puzzles are awesome.

Actually, snapmap is my favorite part right now, even though campaign is pretty great.
I think if it takes off with the community, id will support it quite well. The groundwork is there.

But holy crap the glory kills are awful. I am playing on a pretty hard difficulty and everything is scarce..so i have to glory kill almost every other enemy. It is just terrible. Walk, shoot, kill animation, walk, shoot, kill animation, walk, run, jump, shoot, kill animation, etc etc.
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