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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done


Man I'm on the first
hell level
and I'm getting my ass kicked. The second big fight in the level with the revenants and around 6 of those giant melee dudes is wrecking me.

I'm mainly using the upgraded rocket launcher and the Gauss cannon.I just really need to improve my movement skills. I also haven't really been searching for secrets. I was going to save those for a nightmare run.

Game is absolute quality though. Easily the best game of the year so far for me. I'm so glad they stuck to old school conventions with a modernised sheen.


Is there anyone here that didn't like Wolfenstein The New Order and that is loving this Doom?

Yes me. Wolfenstein got super annoying because I had to press a button to pick everything up. Press button to loot, press button to pick up armor. Press button to pick up ammo fuck all that. Doom's "just run over it" method is far superior and keeps the flow going.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
Actually what happens is you level your way out of it.

If the UN mode cheevo was set to let you arbitrarily choose a level to snag it in instead of forcing you to do the first I would imagine most people would easily net it if they picked Argent D'nur over The UAC.

Having access to the BFG and the Chainsaw alone makes most encounters a joke, no matter how big the mob actually is. Then you add in stuff like upgraded super shotty, upgraded rail gun, runes, etc. and yeah...not to mention like every big fight later has a power up drop in it that once you upgrade power enough will let you drill through 90% of a mob like they're swiss cheese.

I really don't think anyone can make the case that "you just get better" is acceptable as a complete answer. For those of you that really think this is true please do something for me: try out the classic doom levels on UN and Nightmare after beating those difficulties.
Get better = improve your suit, get more runes, get new guns and mods, get more Argent power ups. And get better at the game because you understand it better as you progress in it. Some of the later fights make the earlier ones that gave you difficulty seem petty in comparison because the game keeps turning it up to 11.

That's basically what I was getting at.


Is there anyone here that didn't like Wolfenstein The New Order and that is loving this Doom?

I liked Wolfenstein but it outstayed its welcome a little by the end
and gave me motion sickness
. I'm not sure either why there's an assumption that if you like one you'll like the other. Wolfie is much more shoot and cover and less hung-ho than Doom, while infinitely more story-led. It requires more patience.


Is there anyone here that didn't like Wolfenstein The New Order and that is loving this Doom?

I didn't give TNO as much praise as it generally received on this forum. It felt like it didn't take enough risks and depart far enough from this moder shooter.

TNO felt like 'Call of Duty, but with...'
Doom 2016 feels like, 'fuck Call of Duty'


I see a lot of people mentioning Painkiller. If I enjoyed this, is Painkiller worth a go? It's only £6 on GOG, and it'll probably run on my laptop OK.

Painkiller is like DOOM without any of the brains or polish. It's just room after room of brain dead mooks and satisfying gunplay.

I personally haven't been able to complete it. It's too one-note.

RE: Wolfenstein

It's good, but it's really just you vs a lot of hitscan for hours and hours. Stealthing is fun, but extremely shallow. DOOM has better combat for sure, but the start isn't exciting for more demanding players.


Painkiller is alright, not played it in a long time though.

Just hit 20 hours on Doom, between campaign and multiplayer, I'm nearing the last few missions now. Took my time going back through each level to try and find the secrets, something I rarely do, but Doom is so fun.
Is there anyone here that didn't like Wolfenstein The New Order and that is loving this Doom?

I liked the Wolfenstein games but didn't think they were as great as some others did. Great atmosphere and visuals but gameplay wise there was a lot about it that felt dated, like a throwback to ps2/GameCube era first person shooters, which is something I don't have a ton of nostalgia for. Doom, on the other hand, is a great throwback/reboot of early 90s shooters. They are fairly different games.


Is there anyone here that didn't like Wolfenstein The New Order and that is loving this Doom?
I don't exactly "dislike" The New Order, but I did stealth through as much of it as possible to avoid the shooty parts. The new Doom's shooty parts are pretty darn great (just don't expect it to feel anything like Doom).

I liked Wolfenstein but it outstayed its welcome a little by the end
and gave me motion sickness
Awkward high five
over a bucket.


Painkiller is like DOOM without any of the brains or polish. It's just room after room of brain dead mooks and satisfying gunplay.

I personally haven't been able to complete it. It's too one-note.

Yeah, I remember trying to juggle Painkiller and Far Cry at the same time, as they released so close together, and I got bored with Painkiller to play more Far Cry.

Then I didn't finish Far Cry, either, because I stopped playing at the Trigens.


Is there an option to disable the glowing ammo & health pickups after a kill?

I hate how it looks for example after a chainsaw kill when suddenly the whole screen is glowing with dozens of pickups raining down. I just want to see how the mutilated corpses of my enemies fall to the ground.
I've finished the game and I would rate the single player experience as 9/10. I had lots of fun on it. Some later action setpieces are really tense with lots of high-tier enemies, which was really rewarding when you got out alive. Still, I think this is quite inferior when compared with Doom 1 & 2, some reasons:

-> Most encounters are set-pieces/wave based. You had these kind of encounters in the classic games, but you also had lots of strategic positioned enemies, ambushes and roaming monsters style of encounters. This made the game feel too repetitive for some.

-> Levels are mostly really linear and easy to progress. I think it's like 80% linear stuff and 20% non-linear. While the classic games has more linear stuff, lots of levels were also non-linear, such as E1M4, E1M7, E1M9, and from Doom 2, M5, M8, M9, M10. Some linear levels were really good, like the one you climb the tower, but others had no reason to be that restrictive: You can see they have just put some doors, gates and blocks to make navigations a lot easier for the player.

-> Also, still in level design, they could've used more the key mechanics and added more level interation like the classic with lots of switches and interactable linedefs.

-> As for enemies, I can't tell really any difference when fighting Mancubus, Revenants, Imps. They wanted to make enemies more dynamics with moveset, but forgot to keep their uniqueness aside from health pool and size: Mancubus shots needs to be harder to dodge (with double shots), Revenants shots should've be homing missiles (which are a pain to dodge in classic games) and Imps should be the only ones to shot single easy to dodge projectile. I would also add the "supposed" hitscanner enemy, which is the Possesed Soldier which is way too bullet sponge and there's no difference between him and the Imp. (in classic Doom you HAVE to take cover to deal with hitscanner, which makes them top priority enemies to deal first)

-> I felt some enemies were too bullet sponge, especially the stronger ones. A regular mancubus takes like 7 or 8 rockets to die, while in the classic games its 4. This wasn't too much problem due to variety of movements from each monster, but still.

-> Sound design was really bad: Enemies should have more recognizable sounds and grunts (which is really important to know who you're dealing with in an encounter) and sometimes they feel too loud or weird.
How come this isnt more like the classic doom where enemies could really be anywhere? Having trap doors open with a few imps behind or or opening a door not knowing what to expect?

Encounters feel to scripted and setup arena style here. It's absolutely 100% inferior to creating a sense of place and sense of danger compared to classic doom

Can't understand why they went this route


Unconfirmed Member
How come this isnt more like the classic doom where enemies could really be anywhere? Having trap doors open with a few imps behind or or opening a door not knowing what to expect?

Encounters feel to scripted and setup arena style here. It's absolutely 100% inferior to creating a sense of place and sense of danger compared to classic doom

Can't understand why they went this route

That was a big complaint of mine as well. It was too scripted. You can argue that enemy placement in older games was also scripted, but not like this. You always knew where and when to expect enemies. I didn't like that.

It's unfortunate because while I did have a lot of fun with the game, I'm definitely not replaying it. It's not interesting enough and its maps are too fucking boring for me.

I guess I'll have to wait until Doom 5 to see if they address these major issues. Until then I'll be playing the superior Doom 1 and 2.


How come this isnt more like the classic doom where enemies could really be anywhere? Having trap doors open with a few imps behind or or opening a door not knowing what to expect?

Encounters feel to scripted and setup arena style here. It's absolutely 100% inferior to creating a sense of place and sense of danger compared to classic doom

Can't understand why they went this route

Maybe because of the 12 monster limit? Can't have hundreds of monsters wandering around the levels or waiting behind walls at the same time

Trojan X

Finished the game last night. These are my impressions:

  • The game spares you no time and immediately throws you into the action.
  • No steep learning curve, allowing for easy player accessibility.
  • The visuals are a treat for the eyes.
  • Weapon sounds are great, particularly the gauss cannon.
  • A lot of verticality during fights.
  • The optionality of utilizing power-ups and runes, especially the latter as they are extremely unique in altering gameplay experience.
  • Enemy design is unique, disturbing and beautiful.
  • Game is simply very fun to play.
  • Music is poor and unmemorable outside of the heightened tune that kicks in during gun fights and particularly at the end when you're ascending on the elevator after destroying
    the coolants in Vega Central Processing.
  • Overdone vertical segments and areas, which I listed as a pro, is also a con. Some were also very symmetrical in their design.
  • Can't believe I'll say this, but not enough horizontal maps.
  • No grand scale maps (i.e., Doom's E2M8: Tower of Babel, E2M4: Deimos Lab, & Doom 2's Downtown, Suburbs, etc.).
  • NO SURPRISE ATTACKS! This one really irks me because it's the sudden opening of corridors after activating a switch, the immediate onslaught of enemies behind a door and the general surprises that the old games have that this one completely lacks.
  • Hell was not interesting beyond the first level. Mars succeeded in being spookier and grimmer than Hell.
  • The major bosses were poorly constructed and generally uninteresting to fight.
  • First half of the game felt more unique and was magnitudes better than the last half; by the second half the game began to feel formulaic and sometimes contrived.
  • The constant communication with the AI does not make me feel vulnerable or alone, which is quite the opposite of how I felt in the older games. At least the protagonist is silent. *sigh*
  • Lack of cautiousness when moving forward. I understand that you are supposed to feel like an empowered badass, but at no point did I feel hesitant when arriving at a new destination or recognizing that an event was about to occur, because the game had already informed me for hours prior that there are very few to no surprise attacks waiting in the dark that I should be worried about.

My biggest issue with the game has to be map verticality. I think maps focused on vertical ascension far too much, thereby breaking any tension during fights. The ability to see hordes of enemies on a flat plane in the older games is what created feelings of anxiety; instead, verticality in this game broke that feeling because I could not clearly see how many enemies in total I was dealing with, sort of like the proverb 'out of sight, out of mind'. The music cluing me in as to when all enemies were eliminated also didn't help with this aspect.

Overall, I'd give the game an 8.5/10. I think it's great but map design and music could use improvement.

I agree with this. I think the reason why the product turned out like this was due to budget and time constraint that was caused via the cancellation of the original game they aimed for, and all the hiccups they had to deal with in regards to gameplay and mechanics.

Let's hope the upcoming DLC will make a strong differences though I doubt they would do anything at this point until the next DOOM/Quake game. This is where the modding scene would have make quite a healthy difference.
How come this isnt more like the classic doom where enemies could really be anywhere? Having trap doors open with a few imps behind or or opening a door not knowing what to expect?

Encounters feel to scripted and setup arena style here. It's absolutely 100% inferior to creating a sense of place and sense of danger compared to classic doom

Can't understand why they went this route

I think of it lot of the level design structure has to do with modern checkpoints. In classic Doom, there just wasn't any automatic checkpoints. If you died, you went back to the start of the level. The player was in control of the checkpoints by use of the quicksave system. Now if you were trying to mimic a modern game's checkpoint system, then yeah you'd have stuff like a checpoint after every keycard or every obviously major battle. But a lot of levels its not so obvious where that would be. Is after this hallway full of shotgunners, or clearing out this half of the building, or getting past this trap of chaingunners, or etc etc

Also, maybe you dont want to checkpoint? Cuz maybe you beat an encounter, but you used up all your ammo like a dummy and you have 19 health? Maybe you want to reload to a different save and try it again. Maybe you wanna try adifferent battle first. Maybe you want to preserve some of the supples on the right side of the map so when the big fight in the lab happens, you can come back and restock up on rockets for the big finale.

There's a level of player agency that, quite frankly, isn't suited to modern AAA console action games. So, like Uncharted and its ilk of broadly accessible AAA action games, all the big action scenes are divided into very obvious sections so there can be obvious checkpoints before and after every battle. There's little need for backtracking, or reloading, or thinking about what the right amount of savescumming is.

tl;dr: They had to go this route because of modern action game standards of game design.
Just got my copy in from Amazon, and they sent me the European version with the Pegi rating on the front. I'm pretty sure the PS4 is region free, but are there any differences in region versions? Is the Euro version censored at all?


Is there a logic to how much health drops randomly or from Glory kills or is it purely RNG? Seems like there is a fair bit of luck involved in some of the bigger fights.

If you're low on health (indicator on screen), a kill (whether it's Glory Kill or regular kill) will ALWAYS drop a nice chunk of health. If your health is fine, doing a Glory Kill will always drop the same amount of health.


Ok this is starting to get ridiculous. I'm at Kadigir Sanctum on Ultra violence and I must have tried the 2nd big fight with the revenants and the 6 melee demons 15 times now. I just keep getting my ass handed to me. In fairness I didn't reallty look for secrets or upgrades much throughout but there is just so many mobs in this part. I'm constantly on the move but I can't seem to keep my health high enough even with glory kills.


That was a big complaint of mine as well. It was too scripted. You can argue that enemy placement in older games was also scripted, but not like this. You always knew where and when to expect enemies. I didn't like that.

It's unfortunate because while I did have a lot of fun with the game, I'm definitely not replaying it. It's not interesting enough and its maps are too fucking boring for me.

I guess I'll have to wait until Doom 5 to see if they address these major issues. Until then I'll be playing the superior Doom 1 and 2.

You always knew when and where to expect enemies in the original Dooms, they're identically placed every time you play - unless you wake one up and it starts roaming the level. Do you mean you know where to expect them on the first play through?

I didn't have a problem with the arena bits myself, and on replaying the levels there are more non-arena enemies wandering about than I remember. I really hope we get more SP content for this it seems perfectly capable of supporting enemy placement and level design in line with the classic games within its current mechanics. It's a shame there isn't proper mod/map support, but I guess as I'm playing on PS4 I'd be unlikely to benefit from that anyway.


I think of it lot of the level design structure has to do with modern checkpoints. In classic Doom, there just wasn't any automatic checkpoints. If you died, you went back to the start of the level. The player was in control of the checkpoints by use of the quicksave system. Now if you were trying to mimic a modern game's checkpoint system, then yeah you'd have stuff like a checpoint after every keycard or every obviously major battle. But a lot of levels its not so obvious where that would be. Is after this hallway full of shotgunners, or clearing out this half of the building, or getting past this trap of chaingunners, or etc etc

Also, maybe you dont want to checkpoint? Cuz maybe you beat an encounter, but you used up all your ammo like a dummy and you have 19 health? Maybe you want to reload to a different save and try it again. Maybe you wanna try adifferent battle first. Maybe you want to preserve some of the supples on the right side of the map so when the big fight in the lab happens, you can come back and restock up on rockets for the big finale.

There's a level of player agency that, quite frankly, isn't suited to modern AAA console action games. So, like Uncharted and its ilk of broadly accessible AAA action games, all the big action scenes are divided into very obvious sections so there can be obvious checkpoints before and after every battle. There's little need for backtracking, or reloading, or thinking about what the right amount of savescumming is.

tl;dr: They had to go this route because of modern action game standards of game design.

Mah boy!


I was wondering why I was dying so often... it turns out I was playing on Nightmare all this time. I am an idiot.

Man this game is soo good. Too bad there is not a higher difficulty for me now. Well I guess getting 1 shotted by the imps would not be fun.


Unconfirmed Member
You always knew when and where to expect enemies in the original Dooms, they're identically placed every time you play - unless you wake one up and it starts roaming the level. Do you mean you know where to expect them on the first play through?

I didn't have a problem with the arena bits myself, and on replaying the levels there are more non-arena enemies wandering about than I remember. I really hope we get more SP content for this it seems perfectly capable of supporting enemy placement and level design in line with the classic games within its current mechanics. It's a shame there isn't proper mod/map support, but I guess as I'm playing on PS4 I'd be unlikely to benefit from that anyway.

When playing a game for the first time, those hidden enemies are a surprise and unexpected. But on subsequent plays of the original games, there was still an element of strategy involved after having found out where and when enemies were located and spawned. There was a degree of preparation in those games that is all but nonexistent in Doom 4. Some rooms and things in Doom 1 or 2 were either avoided at first or approached with extreme caution and deliberate planning.
this fucking section where you're on top of a train is so fudjdjfhhahahsbsjjdhdg
Dude I know! I died like ten times on UV trying to strategize when to use my precious BFG shots, chainsaw and then how to alternate between the best weapons for the job. It requires a ton of focus. But I felt like a champ after that. Little did I know even harder trials awaited.


this fucking section where you're on top of a train is so fudjdjfhhahahsbsjjdhdg
That fight is tough as nails. I recommend using your BFG on the two Barons at the start, then the Cacodemons and Pinkies, and then the Mancubi. Try to do this while sticking to the high ground. Ideally you'll go in with two or three charges, and then you can scoop up two or three more from the arena itself. Also remember to use your chainsaw. And don't forget there are health packs on the right side of the arena (when you're looking in the direction the train traveled). And you can one-shot the distant Cacodemon at the start with the Gauss Cannon's Siege Mode.


I still haven't finished the campaign, despite getting the game on the 13th, when it came out. I'm taking my sweet ass time with it, mostly because I don't want it to end. I know I'm getting close though as I'm on the 10th (or so) mission out of the 13.

Playing on the PS4. Few things/questions...

For Rune Mission Select:


If you didn't complete the Rune Trial within the campaign, can you complete it here and still earn the rune to be used in the campaign, in your current progress? Rich Get Richer, for example, was a tough one and after several attempts I figured I'd come back to it later, here in this menu.

Also, I think it would've been cool to offer more incentive to replay rune trials that you previously completed. I was thinking of a 3-star, 2-star, 1-star (or this being Doom, skulls) completion report card.


Also, fun fact, the very first game I DL'd for my Xbox 360 was the OG Doom :) Being that I am 34, I played the crap out of it when I was younger, on my PC. Always loved Doom.



Kind of incredible that as good as this game is... it's might not quite measure up to the ancient Doom.

It's really fun tho I going to play some now.
Wow... My game crashed and I lost my MP/SnapMap online save... It reverted back to level one... HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Is this not saved on their servers? I'm done with this shit, thank god it didn't kill my single player save...


Kind of incredible that as good as this game is... it's might not quite measure up to the ancient Doom.

It's really fun tho I going to play some now.

It definitely doesn't, but there aren't many games where you could even think to compare them. Especially these days. Imo it took too long for lesser enemies to die quick enough, and the Possessed (that don't attack) should have been more plentiful and more dangerous.

Nightmare requiring OHKOs to have a lick of difficulty just shows that the movement options, while good, is too much for the enemies to handle. Either make the game play this way from the beginning and build up to it, or don't have it. The earlier parts of e1 are my favourite, but in this they're only fun with upgrades.


Kind of incredible that as good as this game is... it's might not quite measure up to the ancient Doom.

The original Doom is basically a perfectly designed game. So even if the new DOOM doesn't measure up in every way, that doesn't mean it's bad. Equaling or surpassing the original Doom would mean a new GOAT as far as I'm concerned, which is a pretty high bar. lol

I would argue that the new DOOM has superior moment-to-moment combat, while the original Doom has superior level design/structure overall (that's not to say either game is poor in those aspects). Everything else is roughly a wash.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Finished it today at NORMAL difficulty. Done with the campaign and the collectibles. Explored also every area of the game. I don't think I'll move into challanges and rune challanges for now because some of those look like more stress than anything. In any case this might've been the funniest single player fps I've played from Half Life 2. Good job Bethesda!


So, on Level 9 there's a challenge to kill a Hell Baron with a Death From Above Glory Kill. Is there a trick to this? I've played through the level twice, and I just can't get it. I jump up and am looking down, but I still can't seem to get it.
So, on Level 9 there's a challenge to kill a Hell Baron with a Death From Above Glory Kill. Is there a trick to this? I've played through the level twice, and I just can't get it. I jump up and am looking down, but I still can't seem to get it.

In one of the rooms there is a jump booster (yellow colored steam). At the end of the combat you will face a Baron then. Equip the runes that keep enemies dazed longer, and extends the distance of glory kills. Daze the baron by the yellow jump booster, jump on the booster, and instantly come down for a glory kill.


In one of the rooms there is a jump booster (yellow colored steam). At the end of the combat you will face a Baron then. Equip the runes that keep enemies dazed longer, and extends the distance of glory kills. Daze the baron by the yellow jump booster, jump on the booster, and instantly come down for a glory kill.

Ah, okay. First level challenge that's really been a pain in the ass for me.
Ah, okay. First level challenge that's really been a pain in the ass for me.

Yeah that one was a pain to figure out. In the next level, you have to kill a mancubus (the red version) with a pistol. Suggestion: wait till you are in a room with quad damage, daze the monster with other weapons. Grab to quad damage and then shoot the dazed mancubus with charged pistol shots.

Lego Boss

Kind of incredible that as good as this game is... it's might not quite measure up to the ancient Doom.

It's really fun tho I going to play some now.

I think OG Doom is seminal, so it's gonna be tough to EVER top that. I suppose it would be one of the greatest and certainly one of the most influential of all time.

Difficult (but not impossible) to see that happening now.


I thought the same thing but it opens later on.
Edit: Oh ok your missing one of the argent terminals. destroy it and the door unlocks

Thanks, that last one Argent Filter is on the other side of the map so I did not expect that it would randomly unlock this distant door. I will test it during my next play session.


It definitely doesn't, but there aren't many games where you could even think to compare them. Especially these days. Imo it took too long for lesser enemies to die quick enough, and the Possessed (that don't attack) should have been more plentiful and more dangerous.

Nightmare requiring OHKOs to have a lick of difficulty just shows that the movement options, while good, is too much for the enemies to handle. Either make the game play this way from the beginning and build up to it, or don't have it. The earlier parts of e1 are my favourite, but in this they're only fun with upgrades.

The original Doom is basically a perfectly designed game. So even if the new DOOM doesn't measure up in every way, that doesn't mean it's bad. Equaling or surpassing the original Doom would mean a new GOAT as far as I'm concerned, which is a pretty high bar. lol

I would argue that the new DOOM has superior moment-to-moment combat, while the original Doom has superior level design/structure overall (that's not to say either game is poor in those aspects). Everything else is roughly a wash.

I think OG Doom is seminal, so it's gonna be tough to EVER top that. I suppose it would be one of the greatest and certainly one of the most influential of all time.

Difficult (but not impossible) to see that happening now.

Hmmm. I'm a retro gamer and I have a weird perception of games as they age in the sense that they seldom actually age for me. When I see classic Doom run for instance, it looks as impressive as ever because I remember it running on a 33mhz 486 like it was yesterday.

Doom and Doom II are of course some of my all time favorite games and I don't think I have ever gone 2 years without putting several hours in to one or the other. But now, decades later and thanks to this very good new Doom, I think my level of appreciation may have reached a new high watermark.
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