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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done


Siphon 'nades are worthless, you get barely anything back and they stun the enemies less than a long-range shot with the Double Shotty. Hologram however (and I should admit) is actually kinda broken. It has like a 90 success rate of getting all enemies to be distracted and enemies that are far away lose aggro. You can even use it for bosses...
I thought I saw one in your other video but at the time I didn't know about this so I just thought it was a Possessed Soldier. (They kind of look similar.) So do the holograms distract enemies that are already chasing you? They just stop, forget about you, and go after the hologram?

Not sure how I feel about this, lol. It looks cool, though. I think that hologram has the same color scheme as the default avatar in the multiplayer.
(A bit OT)

You know guys, I've built a Proton pack replica (from Ghostbusters) and the more I look at the Praetor armour, the more i'd want to build a replica.

It's generic, yes, but it's also cool af.


I thought I saw one in your other video but at the time I didn't know about this so I just thought it was a Possessed Soldier. (They kind of look similar.) So do the holograms distract enemies that are already chasing you? They just stop, forget about you, and go after the hologram?

Not sure how I feel about this, lol. It looks cool, though. I think that hologram has the same color scheme as the default avatar in the multiplayer.

Yeah it's a bit broken. It works exactly like that. Even Hell Knights fall for it.

af = as fuck = "very much so" depending on the context


So, before playing the final level (and final classic level hah) I'm going to grind the rest of the achievements so I get 1000 the moment I am done with the story. I stayed up to finish this game, but hey I have a job interview Friday, this was all a very good idea. I have to learn to stick to a job, but not until I finish this and Ori Definitive Edition!


Yeah it's a bit broken. It works exactly like that. Even Hell Knights fall for it.

af = as fuck = "very much so" depending on the context
Ah, thanks for the translation! And for explaining the holograms.

Nice video, btw. I like the bit where you sail in from the top platform and hit a Mancubus and several others with the BFG. Man that weapon is so satisfying to use (even if I misfire half of my shots with it — I backed up into a jump-pad and fired into a wall by accident once)!


Just finished the Campaign, played on UV. The last few enounters leading to the final boss were so fun, just pure run and gun no fucking around. The last boss left me with a massive smile when i realised what it was.

All in all what a fucking amazing game, words cannot describe it...

Also I kinda came away as a bit of a Demon sympathiser i think....


Ah, thanks for the translation! And for explaining the holograms.

Nice video, btw. I like the bit where you sail in from the top platform and hit a Mancubus and several others with the BFG. Man that weapon is so satisfying to use (even if I misfire half of my shots with it — I backed up into a jump-pad and fired into a wall by accident once)!


I don't think you CAN miss with the BFG, doesn't it obliterate everything that is instanced, or at least with a very wide radius? Haha. It's such a dumb weapon. Nightmare should have limited your ammo count by 1. =P

Honestly I don't know what I would do to increase the difficult if I were a level designer. The game could have used more claustrophobic corridors I guess, but then it would literally be the opposite to the original DooM where the open areas were harder.

I'm sure the VAST majority have a lot of good challenge though. It's good that people are challenged in a game where if you play right, you'll hardly get hit. Very Ninja Gaiden Black.

I might have a go at SnapMap and make some Final DooM encounters. Cacodemons in cages sounds about right lol.


I worry about Titanfall 2's campaign now =|

Took me a few chapters to get into it, but I am really digging this now. Lots of upgrades. Love the alternate fires for weapons. Great level design and fun combat. Having a good time.

Yeah. Outside of PNRs screwing over secret exploration, the level design is beautiful.


When I originally wanted to score this game, I gave it 7/10. I'm leaning 8/10. I would have gone with a 9 if there weren't SO many stupid control glitches. id needs to patch those. If this were PC I wouldn't have noticed and it would be a solid 9.

For a 10? I think there needed to be more. The game is phenomenal, but it is so phenomenal the campaign doesn't seem to scratch the itch it creates. It feels like it needs some single-player content DLC, and better progression/reward system with the Classic Maps. They add value to the game but they're sitting there, not even with a completion sign next to it. It isn't "tacked on", yet the UI treats them as if they are.


Took me a few chapters to get into it, but I am really digging this now. Lots of upgrades. Love the alternate fires for weapons. Great level design and fun combat. Having a good time.



I don't think you CAN miss with the BFG, doesn't it obliterate everything that is instanced, or at least with a very wide radius? Haha. It's such a dumb weapon. Nightmare should have limited your ammo count by 1. =P

Honestly I don't know what I would do to increase the difficult if I were a level designer. The game could have used more claustrophobic corridors I guess, but then it would literally be the opposite to the original DooM where the open areas were harder.

I'm sure the VAST majority have a lot of good challenge though. It's good that people are challenged in a game where if you play right, you'll hardly get hit. Very Ninja Gaiden Black.

I might have a go at SnapMap and make some Final DooM encounters. Cacodemons in cages sounds about right lol.
You miss BFG shots if you fire into a wall like I did. :) Also, sometimes it hits one enemy but won't chain to others. I think you have to fire the shot so that the energy ball is near the middle of a cluster of enemies. Once I shot a Possessed thinking it would chain to the Pinkies around the corner, but the Pinkies came out unscathed.


You miss BFG shots if you fire into a wall like I did. :) Also, sometimes it hits one enemy but won't chain to others. I think you have to fire the shot so that the energy ball is near the middle of a cluster of enemies. Once I shot a Possessed thinking it would chain to the Pinkies around the corner, but the Pinkies came out unscathed.

Ah. I think the BFG in this game works like the old doom, where the chain connects during it's travel time or something. Like, so long as it passes the enemies you want to deal damage to, you're alright. I'm not sure though haha.
This is one of the only modern shooters I've played that's just as fun to go through the 2nd and 3rd times as it was the 1st. That's the sign of a truly great game right there.


SnapMap stuff, 2 Multiplayer games, and one more level and I have 1000/1000. Sweet.

Actually that's not entirely true, I still have the Ultra NM thing to do. That shouldn't be a problem.

EDIT: gunna have to finish this another time.

Anyway! Lovely game. Heavily recommended haha


How many weapons are exclusive to Multiplayer and/or SnapMap? I'm watching the Giant Bomb Quick Look and they were using a "Vortex Rifle" on a SnapMap level.
I am thoroughly enjoying this, but I'm a bit disappointed that they kept none of the Doom 3 atmosphere or technical ambition (it's a pretty looking game, but it doesn't make you say wow).

Regardless of what people say, the original games were scary for their time. Horror is something I want from this series.
Anyone had any issues with achievements? Was playing a rune trial last night (from the main menu not during a campaign level) and the achievement popped for collecting all weapon mods. Thing is I still need to collect one of the rocket launcher ones so its counted the field drones wrong.

Anyone else had this happen to them?


Finished the Campaign. That last level was...
sudden, haha

I am just one mission away from 1000/1000 now. yay

Anyone had any issues with achievements? Was playing a rune trial last night (from the main menu not during a campaign level) and the achievement popped for collecting all weapon mods. Thing is I still need to collect one of the rocket launcher ones so its counted the field drones wrong.

Anyone else had this happen to them?

That achievement is universal. Meaning you can unlock a mod on a second file and it still counts. I am assuming this is what you did -- or you had reloaded and picked a different upgrade etc.


So I started a new run of Wolf TNO just to see how it compares, and well it really compares pretty damned bad. Right off the bat I was instantly slapped in the face with the game's biggest problem: it's soooo slow and wonky. Run button only for forward movement screams incredibly shortsighted pad first design, and having to mash e to the point of wearing out my keyboard gets really old really fast. Sliding in general feels like ass on a keyboard and pointless when they just could have let BJ run 2x as fast and circle strafe stuff. The leveling system is so arbitrary and poorly implemented (you can max at least half of the skill trees by the end of the first level...) I can't help but feel it was slapped on in the last month of development because they were afraid they'd get hammered in reviews for making a long shooter.

I mean granted, now that this game exists and satisfies the itch I was hoping that game would at least somewhat scratch I'm much more tolerent of its shortcomings as I was when I first played it, but it's still a far cry from what Doom 4 is, and nearly every gameplay system represented in that game is done better here across the board.

I really just can't understand people recommending it as a "like" game to this. The only thing the two games loosely have in common is a weapon wheel and a map screen. The game is more Chronicles of Riddick 2: this time with much shittier stealth, melee, and sound design than what anyone who actually played 90s shooters (baring HL, of course) would be expecting when people say "old school shooter".

Playing through it again after Doom 4 I can't help but appreciate the irony in that Bethesda not only rebooted these two series, but that they also replicated the feeling in moving between the "good idea that's not quite there" to "holy shit this game is amazing" feeling that you felt when you moved from Wolf 3D to its successor, DOOM.


So I started a new run of Wolf TNO just to see how it compares, and well it really compares pretty damned bad.

I cannot agree with this at all.

But I can address why people recommend the two hand-in-hand. It's because whichever one prefers, they are the 2 best campaigns this generation by a mile.

I still think TNO > DooM, but that's right down to personal preference.

EDIT: Woohoo, Ultra NM level done first try! 1000/1000 and all Classic Levels done. Time to take the helmet off and say goodbye until more content.

Yeah, 8/10 is what I'd give it.


I am thoroughly enjoying this, but I'm a bit disappointed that they kept none of the Doom 3 atmosphere or technical ambition (it's a pretty looking game, but it doesn't make you say wow).

Regardless of what people say, the original games were scary for their time. Horror is something I want from this series.
Technical ambition kept making development more difficult and hurting id's campaigns since Quake. An engine that (hopefully) doesn't get in the way of game design is very much a good thing.
If anything, I wish the game looked a little simpler because that could fix some of its readability issues.

I never found the original games to be scary, except for the rare bits where you have to fight in complete darkness until you pick up the fullbright powerup. Quake 1 was spookier, but that also went away the moment combat started.


god damn got dicked over with a corrupted save, managed to recover it but now my whole game is locked in developer mode, no achievements will pop as its marked as cheating. shitty. hardware locked up while playing. not starting over though, will beat the game then go back for a nightmare run.

apparently the only way to fix it is to delete saves

oh man that sucks. I will be livid if that happens to me, I've nearly finished my first playthrough on UV difficulty.


I haven't seen that, do it!

Me neither, post it! I can't fathom why no one uses the standard shotgun. The power-up projectile, with the I I crosshairs is my go-to beat-down.



Being able to put down 5 mid-range shots quickly and swap cancel into something else is super useful. Love me some Combat Shotfun.


This game....is seriously metal af! I haven't played an FPS this good since Wolfy and man it's in my top 5 FPS's of all time (along with Doom 1/2, MoH:AA and Cod4:MW) - I seriously cannot get enough of this game.

Uncharted 4 was an achievement in storytelling and visuals - but DooM is by far the funnest game I've played in years.

I was really hyped for Witcher 3: Blood and Wine and now I'm seriously considering holding off on it until I've had my fill of killing weaponized demons for a brighter tomorrow - fuck this game is SO DAMNED GOOD!

Ulysses 31

I was really hyped for Witcher 3: Blood and Wine and now I'm seriously considering holding off on it until I've had my fill of killing weaponized demons for a brighter tomorrow - fuck this game is SO DAMNED GOOD!

Uhm is that supposed to be some kind of big decision? Do you have to start playing new games the day they're released? Especially single player games... 0o
Man, I'm really bad at finding secrets.
Keep looking but no dice.

About to finish the second level with ZERO secrets found. Gotta go back!

Somehow I have been forgetting to look for them during some play sessions. I doubt I will replay levels and just try and do it all properly on my next playthrough.


Uhm is that supposed to be some kind of big decision? Do you have to start playing new games the day they're released? Especially single player games... 0o

Actually with B&W yeah - it was gonna be a day one thing. The writing and story telling in the Witcher 3/HoS was some of the best in gaming and it's very rare I do anything day one anymore (no time for it) - but I was gonna make time for Blood and Wine.

I got DooM on a whim - a buddy of mine got it day one and was blown away - after watching him stream on twitch and reading the utterly glowing reviews of the game here on GAF I figured what the hell - give it a shot.

I wasn't expecting the greatness of DooM to completely overtake all of my limited gaming time.


Did I hit a bug? Whenever I grab a Doom doll collectible, he just looks at it and puts it away. Never got any of the cool animations I saw online. Guess I'll check YouTube.


Did I hit a bug? Whenever I grab a Doom doll collectible, he just looks at it and puts it away. Never got any of the cool animations I saw online. Guess I'll check YouTube.

I think only one of them has that animation with the fist bump, probably the doomguy one?


the very first one? I missed it so that's probably it.

The one on the early map where you have to move the crane and platform across it, when Hayden tells you that he's blocked off your access and to come to the VEGA terminal. It's in a well-hidden high place.

I love the fist-bump animation, gives the doom marine so much more character than a simple killing machine.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Best animation in the game (so far) is if you die/melt in the molten steel on Foundry.

I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it.




Being able to put down 5 mid-range shots quickly and swap cancel into something else is super useful. Love me some Combat Shotfun.

After actually playing this game through on nightmare, this gif looks cool but it's not a good idea at all. Half of the weapon switches are a waste of ammo.

It just like one of those fighting game combos that last a long time and are flashy, but end up doing less damage than a shorter one.


When I originally wanted to score this game, I gave it 7/10. I'm leaning 8/10. I would have gone with a 9 if there weren't SO many stupid control glitches. id needs to patch those. If this were PC I wouldn't have noticed and it would be a solid 9.

For a 10? I think there needed to be more. The game is phenomenal, but it is so phenomenal the campaign doesn't seem to scratch the itch it creates. It feels like it needs some single-player content DLC, and better progression/reward system with the Classic Maps. They add value to the game but they're sitting there, not even with a completion sign next to it. It isn't "tacked on", yet the UI treats them as if they are.

For me it's close to a 10, but needs more content to get there. It's a difficult call because so much of the game is up there, and the campaign is a really good length. I think the fact I want more is probably a sign of how fun the game is, the campaign is a reasonable length after all and quite repayable, with all the secrets and upgrades etc. It just makes me want more, lol.

It's the first great game of this generation IMO. It's the first game in years that makes me feel like I did playing games when I was younger. I don't know, something about it feels like a proper video game. Even the bugs and flaws lol. I thought the whole 'games aren't what they used to be' thing was just nostalgia, apparently not.
I can't get enough of this goddamn game.

Is anyone else as impressed as I am with the Imp animations? FINALLY, these things climb all up the walls, run and throw fire behind them, and more. They're really quite dynamic to the situation. They're not always aggressive. Many times I'm chasing them down, avoiding fire as they quickly juke and throw a ball my way. So intense.
I can't get enough of this goddamn game.

Is anyone else as impressed as I am with the Imp animations? FINALLY, these things climb all up the walls, run and throw fire behind them, and more. They're really quite dynamic to the situation. They're not always aggressive. Many times I'm chasing them down, avoiding fire as they quickly juke and throw a ball my way. So intense.
The imps become increasingly dangerous as the fights get more populated with other demons. They're harder to hit while you're avoiding Pinkys, rockets, charging Barons, etc. Those motherfuckers. I want a nightmare class Imp that is even more agile with an even more aggressive AI.
The only complaint I have so far is the weird movement on the left stick. It feels like they just ignored the fact it's an analog, and there's a huge deadzone in the middle, it's like: walk-----wtfnothing-----run.

Otherwise, pretty good so far.

I do find the left stick highly annoying though, even after a few hours.

This was a HUUUGE problem for me with the dualshock 4.
Switched to the XboxOne pad and was able to get used to it due to less analog travel/stick resistance
I miss the cleaner visuals of the ps4 version..... but not the fucking horrible sounds it would have the actual system fans make
The imps become increasingly dangerous as the fights get more populated with other demons. They're harder to hit while you're avoiding Pinkys, rockets, charging Barons, etc. Those motherfuckers. I want a nightmare class Imp that is even more agile with an even more aggressive AI.

Absolutely! As the game progresses and the stakes get higher - the Imps become more of a threat. That said, I'm not a BIG fan of their design. They look almost too futuristic for my liking. I actually prefer the more demonic look of the ones found in Doom 3. If THOSE Imps moved like the ones in Doom 2016 - holy balls! I also preferred the Doom 3 design of the Pinky. That half beast, half mechanical look was killer!
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