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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done

My psu just made a delightful tin can rattling noise when I restarted today which I've found mean it might be on its way out.

Which is fucking perfect, since I probably won't be able to get a new one until like 6 months to a year later. The only bright spot is that it seems to still be working and I can play DOOM, the only bright spot in my life right now.

Anyway, made it back to the
UAC and I am about halfway through it on Nightmare. Man this game dude, so fucking amazing.


Constantly checking the map and trying to find all the secrets and collectibles started boring me to tears around the fifth level, so since then I've stayed off the map screen and just going from A to B, in game, and I'm starting to enjoy it again. I wasn't a fan of hunting down collectibles in Wolfenstein so after a couple hours I ignored them and loved the game again. I guess the old school nature of hidden secrets isn't for me. Ripping and tearing is though. I can do that all day.


Constantly checking the map and trying to find all the secrets and collectibles started boring me to tears around the fifth level, so since then I've stayed off the map screen and just going from A to B, in game, and I'm starting to enjoy it again. I wasn't a fan of hunting down collectibles in Wolfenstein so after a couple hours I ignored them and loved the game again. I guess the old school nature of hidden secrets isn't for me. Ripping and tearing is though. I can do that all day.

Yeah, I saved all that for the replays.


Constantly checking the map and trying to find all the secrets and collectibles started boring me to tears around the fifth level, so since then I've stayed off the map screen and just going from A to B, in game, and I'm starting to enjoy it again. I wasn't a fan of hunting down collectibles in Wolfenstein so after a couple hours I ignored them and loved the game again. I guess the old school nature of hidden secrets isn't for me. Ripping and tearing is though. I can do that all day.

Ya I started playing on nightmare where you really need upgrades and looking for secrets really ruins the experience for me I don't evrn want to play any more

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
What system is all this save corruption happening on?

for me windows 10.

however, i just made a thread on steam dropping to desktop and I think this is what's causing it for me. Half the time my machine drops out to desktop, but with a crash report, then only a restart will fix my box.

Someone mentioned that Citrix receiver could be causing my desktop drops and that is installed, so I'm hoping that's it.

Right now I'd say the game is an amazing crashy piece of shit. Just beat it and loved it but no achievements, no progress because 'lol developer mode'

oh well I'll unlock stuff on my nightmare run I guess.


Legit question: Are you all right?

I understand how some people consider gore and detailed rag doll physics as a cool detail, but that amount of focus on blood and guts, blood and guts, blood and guts doesn't seem healthy to me, honestly.

Thats vanilla compared to what I want in a game lol.

I want the blood to fill up the helmet and a dedicated button to clean it off Metro style.

The more blood and gore and body parts flying aroung the better.


I feel like this game would blow people away who have never touched Serious Sam or Painkiller and will be "pretty good" to those that have.

I played both Serious Sam and Painkiller when they first came out and neither game held my attention long enough for me to finish either one. I liked both of them, I just didn't love them. DOOM is in another league.


I can't believe there is someone suggesting we are serial killers if we like the violence in this game, lol.

News flash: DOOM is make believe. No one is actually being hurt. And even in the context of its lore, these are mindless monsters we're fighting.

In real life, I wouldn't hurt a fly. In fact, I'd carefully capture a fly in a cup and then release it safely outside, taking great care to not clip its wings by accident. In real life, I'm a gentle motherfucker. I don't want anyone or anything to suffer.

But in videogames? It's just pixels and polygons. No one is harmed. And besides, the satisfaction doesn't come from role-playing a killer, but from the kinetic feedback of gibs scattering everywhere. And there's also something to be said for the tongue-in-cheek humor of over-the-top videogame violence. "Metal as fuck," as they say.

It's all in good fun, harming no one. :)

Thats vanilla compared to what I want in a game lol.

I want the blood to fill up the helmet and a dedicated button to clean it off Metro style.

The more blood and gore and body parts flying aroung the better.
A visor wiper would be amazing, especially if it made little squeegee noises


News flash: DOOM is make believe.


It's in my heart so it is real!

Thats vanilla compared to what I want in a game lol.

I want the blood to fill up the helmet and a dedicated button to clean it off Metro style.

The more blood and gore and body parts flying aroung the better.

A visor wiper would be amazing, especially if it made little squeegee noises

A thousand times yes to both!
Really loving the campaign so far but the load times when re spawning on PS4 are a pain. Especially the slight delay in even letting you reload from the checkpoint.

Why is that even a question anyway? Just get me back into the fight!

Agree one of my few issues with the game. Dying doesn't bother me, but the load times it takes to respawn does. It can really take you out of the zone when you're in the middle of a huge fire fight and die and have to wait half a minute to start over again.


I can't believe there is someone suggesting we are serial killers if we like the violence in this game, lol.

News flash: DOOM is make believe. No one is actually being hurt. And even in the context of its lore, these are mindless monsters we're fighting.

In real life, I wouldn't hurt a fly. In fact, I'd carefully capture a fly in a cup and then release it safely outside, taking great care to not clip its wings by accident. In real life, I'm a gentle motherfucker. I don't want anyone or anything to suffer.

But in videogames? It's just pixels and polygons. No one is harmed. And besides, the satisfaction doesn't come from role-playing a killer, but from the kinetic feedback of gibs scattering everywhere. And there's also something to be said for the tongue-in-cheek humor of over-the-top videogame violence. "Metal as fuck," as they say.

It's all in good fun, harming no one. :)

A visor wiper would be amazing, especially if it made little squeegee noises
Agreed with everything, heck I cant stand to look too long at blood in real life, I get anxious and uncomfortable, I hate real violence in general.

But in games? oh man bring it!



Agree one of my few issues with the game. Dying doesn't bother me, but the load times it takes to respawn does. It can really take you out of the zone when you're in the middle of a huge fire fight and die and have to wait half a minute to start over again.

That didn't bother me too much in the normal game itself, but it was really annoying for the Rune Trials.


Finished. Dumb ending (
I knew Optimus was going to betray you!
)but the credits were cool. That's one way to get people to sit through them. :)

Solid 8 for me. Feel like the game started to drag a bit near the end. I had a similar complaint with shadow warrior. Fight after fight in arenas. Then again I guess that is this franchises mo. No time to take a breather and look at the pretty scenery.

Pretty funny how the super shotgun is so much more powerful than the other futuristic weapons.
Got lost on Argent Tower mission, did all the work and went back for 100% on that mission to only roam around for 20mins to get to the exit again. LOL.
Killing Floor 2 for comparison, watch this. All the entrails flying around, blood with volume sliding and sticking to surfaces, etc.

Not really a fair comparison since the advanced gibs and fluids in KF2 require a minimum of a GTX 980, there's no way on earth they were going to get advanced gore like that working with a 60fps target on consoles.

You just need to learn the glory kill angles, if you just run up and hit melee you're going to see the same kill over and over again, aim at different parts of their body before you do it, or run behind them, to the side of them, or jump up and do it mid air, there's plenty of blood in the game.


I'm really enjoying this. There have been a couple of moments where the adrenaline took me right back to the early '90s. The game is very good at creating a constant sense that shit could slip out of control at any second, so when the chaos clears and you somehow wind up on top of the pile of bodies, you feel so, so good.
I'm through 4 levels and I've found ZERO secrets. Are they that well hidden? I'm not even sure what I'm looking for...

Bring your map up often and use the 3D mode. You find terminals that you can download the full maps for each mission, while playing the mission. Plus upgrade your secret sense if you're finding it hard. The runes also give you solid rewards so find them.


Secret areas are just areas on the map that are hard to find. There will generally be a collectible, an upgrade pickup or a nice armor pickup. Once you've upgraded the map sense once they get easier to find because the pickups will show on your map.


The most frustrating part about the secrets is when you don't know if you can't reach one yet because you need to trigger something in the regular map progression first. But in the later levels you want to be careful with that so you don't lock yourself out of an earlier area.
Wouldn't it be awesome if in a hypothetical expansion you got to play as one of them during Hell's invasion of their planet

Night Sentinels are really redesigned Quake Knights, the DOOM DLC will bridge Quake and Doom together, and then lead into a tease for DOOM V: Hell On Earth Special Arachnotron Edition TACTICAL DEMON KILLING ACTION. and a teaser trailer for Quake V.


So just got a 1.03 update on PS4. Are there actual patch notes anywhere? The "update history" on PS4 dashboard just gives a general "Bugs and fixes"
So I'm a subscriber to LootCrate, and this month's GamingCrate has a Doom item. And then it turns out it's late, guess why!? (this is just soo perfect in a Doom way :) )



And now I have my second Platinum ever (first being Wolfenstein: TNO). I didn't mind replaying chunks of it for secrets and mission objectives because the gameplay is just so fun plus I actually wanted to do/see everything.


Exactly what I've been saying. It's pissing me off and every encounter feels cheap as fuck. I still love the game. But, fuck these laser homing accurate 9,000 fireball shooting assholes. When they cling on walls you're almost 100 percent fucked.

I loved it on nightmare. Basically almost any projectile you can dodge. Stay on the move and don't directly towards the imps or they will fuck you up. Though I think nightmare was at its worst the first few missions but got way better once you got some better weapons/upgrades. So if you haven't gotten over the beginning it is still very rough going.


So I restarted a mission and all the previous secrets and unlocks from the previous mission were lost. I had to redo the previous mission because I missed some secrets. Anyone have this happen to them?


Exactly what I've been saying. It's pissing me off and every encounter feels cheap as fuck. I still love the game. But, fuck these laser homing accurate 9,000 fireball shooting assholes. When they cling on walls you're almost 100 percent fucked.

Jump more. Also those charge fireballs don't home in on you, the problem is if you slow down.


Saint Nic
Bought this because Giant Bomb was going ape shit over it. It's really fun. I've grown to enjoy single player FPS games since BL1, and this game really delivers on the action and gameplay experience. The story is relatively interesting, too.

I'm playing on Ultra Violence and it feels just right. Beat the level where
you fight a bunch of dudes in the room with the two turbine towers and meet Olivia right after
and felt like it took skill and wasn't a cheese fest. Good on the devs for making that work so well.

I'm not really focusing too much in finding secrets or anything. I feel like they're so well hidden that I start to lose interest when I start hunting them down. I'm assuming you have to find the on every difficulty and none of the upgrades carryover, right? If that's the case, I'm not going to bother with them. I may find a guide and grab them later.
Exactly what I've been saying. It's pissing me off and every encounter feels cheap as fuck. I still love the game. But, fuck these laser homing accurate 9,000 fireball shooting assholes. When they cling on walls you're almost 100 percent fucked.
They don't home in though, which I already mentioned to you before.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Because mouse and keyboard is so important in this game it made me look into trimming my mouse setting to improve my gameplay and accuracy.

I wonder how many of you unknowingly play this game with 'Enhanced Pointer precision' enabled in windows mouse settings? Because it is a lot more accurate with is disabled, for those unaware it's basically mouse acceleration.

Also regarding mouse settings this is an interesting bit of information from a cswiki regarding mouse setting,

Windows Sensitivity

At a pointer speed setting of 6/11, for every one mouse count your computer will move the pointer one pixel on your screen, a 1:1 ratio. If the mouse pointer speed it set higher or lower than 6, Windows will artificially modify the mouse input. For instance, at the 7/11 mark, your computer moves the cursor 1.5 pixels for every one mouse count and at the 11/11 mark, your pointer moves 3.5 pixels for every one mouse count. This means that not only does Windows skip pixels, it actually can become impossible for the mouse cursor to land on certain columns. Conversely if you have your slider at the 5/11 mark, your pointer will move .75 pixels for every one mouse count. Since computers cannot show 1.5 pixels, it rounds to either 1 or 2 making uneven mouse movements.

The exact multipliers for these values go as follows:

6/11 (default) - 1.00x
1/11 - 0.0625x
2/11 - 0.0125x
3/11 - 0.25x
4/11 - 0.50x
5/11 - 0.75x
7/11 - 1.50x
8/11 - 2.00x
9/11 - 2.50x
10/11 - 3.00x
11/11 - 3.50x
While a speed setting of 6/11 is the absolute ideal, by keeping it at a even number such as 2/11, 4/11, 8/11 or 10/11 will reduce the impact of Windows' manipulation of the input. This is because the odd numbers have to round. For the highest level of accuracy and least amount of distortion, it is suggested that you keep the pointer speed Setting at 6/11, and then adjust the mouse DPI to find the best sensitivity. Although some players use Windows settings under 6/11, because it has less impact on the mouse accuracy than above 6/11.


Mouse acceleration increases the speed of the cursor's movement according to how quickly the user moves their mouse. While the feature may be useful for desktop usage, it is commonly disliked by gamers due to the potential inconsistency in movement that it can cause.

Some mice, most notably those with laser sensors, have built-in hardware acceleration that cannot be disabled by software.

"Enhanced Pointer Precision"

This is what Windows calls mouse acceleration and it is enabled by default. This setting can be disregarded with the use of raw input.


First level of Hell is kicking my ass hah.
I got lost for a while until I found that sneaky skull hidden in a small room.


I just bought this very, very spontaneously for 39€ at a local shop. It was already on sale, incredible. Due to the extremely positive resonance I will give it a go. Looks fun as hell.

Question: Does this demon multiplayer pack add content to singleplayer as well, or only mp?


I just bought this very, very spontaneously for 39€ at a local shop. It was already on sale, incredible. Due to the extremely positive resonance I will give it a go. Looks fun as hell.

Question: Does this demon multiplayer pack add content to singleplayer as well, or only mp?
Only MP
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