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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done



Context of this gif? :3
The Super Shotgun is like if John Romero's Daikatana actually kicked ass.

It makes everything its bitch.

I beat the game and I only used the super shotgun once (immediately after I got it). I missed the normal shotgun's explosive shot too much and never fired the super shotgun again.

I should probably try it out some more when I get to playing this on Nightmare (was on Ultra Violence on my playthrough)


I beat the game and I only used the super shotgun once (immediately after I got it). I missed the normal shotgun's explosive shot too much and never fired the super shotgun again.

I should probably try it out some more when I get to playing this on Nightmare (was on Ultra Violence on my playthrough)

It wrecks everything at super close range.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Definitely not. I as a (frankly) strangely huge fan of doom thought (untiul about 4 days before launch) that this was gonna be shit.

Last time I ate this much crow I was a much younger self who for some weird reason did think Morrowind was going to be only an ok-to-good game... then the component cables for my Xbox arrived and I got to spend enough time with it... Shameful not to trust TES I know :/.

Nose Master

This arena around where you blow up the
is not great. I'm not sure why, but I keep getting wrecked in it. Prolly cause it's so long?


So, I promised I'd not touch my copy of DOOM until I play through the Uncharted Collection and Uncharted 4.

Tonight I thought "may as well install it now to the drive". This led to me beginning a profile. I set the difficulty at Ultra-Violence because I want a REAL challenge.

And god damn. I've not played a shooter that feels this "smooth" before. Everything just works. In the first main area, I took an approach of run up to everything and fire. It took 5 deaths before I tried a new tactic. This time I used the arena as cover, constantly moved and used careful but well timed shots. This was intense and I managed to wipe all the Imps.

I like how the game coax's you into close-up combat in order to gain more health and ammo. At this difficulty level, it feels like every ounce of health and ammo truly matters. It almost feels like you must ration yourself and be very aggressive to gain more from kills.

I powered off after this because I can just see myself abandoning all other games for a long time for this. I wish to finish of at least Uncharted's Collection before returning.

I am very pleased with the brief half an hour played.
Goddamn is this game amazing on Nightmare. You can really feel the weight of upgrades and new weapons here.

Which leads me to an idea for a challenge...


Nightmare (Or Ultra-Nightmare if you have the BALLS.), no weapon mods, no upgrading the Praetor Suit, no Runes, and you will use the one mandatory Argent Cell on Ammo supply. Nothing else. Pure Action. Pure Skill. Anyone in?

Also I should admit that I am gar for Doomguy.
I'm surprised I didn't hear more complaint about the load times in this game. They suck, on PS4 at least. Coming from Uncharted 4, which basically has no loading after a death, this is pretty bad. I die a lot, too.

And why do I have to wait 2 seconds before I can push "restart from checkpoint"? Why can't I jam on that button immediately? It's a small thing but it adds up especially when I keep failing the same rune challenge.


Beat the game last night. Final boss was awesome at first but became kind of annoying until I really got a handle on all the different attacks. Overall a fantastic game that has ruined other shooters for me. So fast, so gory, so doom.


Just finished the 6th chapter and I'm bored.

It feels like every combat is the same, circle strafe while shooting, press F once in a while, win the game. :(
And I'm not a fan of exploration in general.

What difficulty are you playing on? Nightmare is the way to play. This isn't a git gud scrub thing it just legitimately makes the combat more engaging. You have to think on the fly way more and you have to consider your resources more as well. DOOM is best when you're always a breath away from kicking the bucket.


I don't know why, but the level design lose a lot of his Steam.... Just hit chapter
, secret are cool, but everything feel really linear.... no more open exploration like first stage and few other after. Yeah key to backtrack, but still feel linear, was not the case at first. Pretty sad...

Still pretty goods overall i'm still probably near the end.
So, uh, why does the Knee Deep in the Dead achievement exist alongside Who's Next?

They have the exact same trigger conditions and trigger on every single difficulty.


I agree. We need a no weapon upgrade mode for a bonus challenge. Nightmare is cake towards the late game with enough upgrades.
I'm near the end and repetition has started to kick in. The gameplay can be incredibly fun, but it's very one-note. Doom 3 was a far more memorable game.

It got better for me near the end, but yeah. I think the gameplay is fine, the problem is the game is just...too long? Some levels dragged on and I don't think there needed to be as many as there were.

Shave 3 levels out entirely or work them into others and I would have enjoyed it much more.


For those that have done all of the mission challenges, I'm having trouble with Variety is the Spice of Death (five different glory kills on imps).

It says on the mission select screen that I have 4/5. I keep doing Vega, and I'm pretty sure I've done more than five diff gk on a single attempt. It isn't counting them as I do it. First time I've had trouble and worried this trivial shit is going to fuck my platinum.


Saint Nic
So Hell is when the game gets nutty fun. Nice.

Also, I have stopped searching for secrets and shit. I'm having more fun just progressing through the game.
> Clears an area and music dies down
> Begins to exit area and...
> Wonders what the hell is going on...

Yep this game is fucking awsome.


So, uh, why does the Knee Deep in the Dead achievement exist alongside Who's Next?

They have the exact same trigger conditions and trigger on every single difficulty.

Knee deep is for the finishing the game, whos next is for the final boss like the other two.


I don't know why, but the level design lose a lot of his Steam.... Just hit chapter
, secret are cool, but everything feel really linear.... no more open exploration like first stage and few other after. Yeah key to backtrack, but still feel linear, was not the case at first. Pretty sad...

Still pretty goods overall i'm still probably near the end.

As fun as the total package is I tend to agree. After the first few levels they largely lose the great design.

Having a blast either way though.


I thought how the level design progression made sense. The game feels like it's building you up towards taking on giant arenas with jump pads, portals, power ups, and an army of demons. So it made sense to be that as soon as you have your arsenal and mods finished the last two levels became a series of that.

I'm plowing through the game on Nightmare and man the Gauss Cannon's is still broken as all hell. I pretty much saved up all my mod points to invest into the Super Shotgun and that, so now I get to enjoy steamrolling over the second half of the game. Don't feel too bad, all's fair in Nightmare.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
They gave this a 7.1???

I really think that the community in general really wanted to hate on this game at first, bitching about the piss filter, the glory kills... which i always thought was a load of bs, to me this game looked amazing from its revealed until now.

To me it seems like some publications like ign got carried away by those opinions and decided to jump on the hate train without giving it much thought.

Funny how the game is so fucking good that now it's all praise here but i remember how a few months back it was quite the opposite.

Well, I'm just happy we got this amazing game.

By the way, the sound on this game is just incredible. I think I've never heard cleaner sound coming out of my v-moda headphones, it's crushing.

I would have thought crows were an endangered species right now or people were just eating servings of crow-like meat substitutes.
Last time I ate this much crow I was a much younger self who for some weird reason did think Morrowind was going to be only an ok-to-good game... then the component cables for my Xbox arrived and I got to spend enough time with it... Shameful not to trust TES I know :/.

I am fine eating all the crow in the world for this game. But yeah, I get exactly what you are feeling.

THe last time I was this overwhelmed by a game's quality was in 2007 with Crysis... so I am quite happy indeed.


They gave this a 7.1???

I really think that the community in general really wanted to hate on this game at first, bitching about the piss filter, the glory kills... which i always thought was a load of bs, to me this game looked amazing from its revealed until now.

To me it seems like some publications like ign got carried away by those opinions and decided to jump on the hate train without giving it much thought.

Funny how the game is so fucking good that now it's all praise here but i remember how a few months back it was quite the opposite.

Well, I'm just happy we got this amazing game.

By the way, the sound on this game is just incredible. I think I've never heard cleaner sound coming out of my v-moda headphones, it's crushing.
To be fair, the glory kill system did look concerning at first. They made it work wonderfully but people were not wrong to voice their concerns. They also didn't demo the SP very well (the game looked slow). To me, blind faith is the weaker attitude. There is more value in saying "glad I was wrong, the game is great" than "I was always a believer!" afterwards.

But as far as the first reviews go, I also got the impression that some early reviewers were jumping on a suspected hate train. Especially that guy with the 50% score who included his snarky Tweet about the game in the review.

@Soundmix: I actually think it could be better.


That is kind of limiting for Quake... Quake I and yes II had great SP too,


While I love Quake 1 for its sheer insanity, I think Q2 gets a lot of undeserved flack in hindsight because people like remembering Quake 1 more than they do Q2. I mean yeah the scifi shooter trope got played out in the following years, but why does Q2 have to take shit for that nearly 20 years later?
Son of a bitch. Died on Foundry on Ultra Nightmare even though I did not need to. I was too risky trying to complete a challenge: death from above :(


Son of a bitch. Died on Foundry on Ultra Nightmare even though I did not need to. I was too risky trying to complete a challenge: death from above :(

Foundry was probably the hardest part of my nightmare run, all because I stupidly took health as my first upgrade over my gut choice of ammo.

Remember kids: in DOOM 4, DPS given > damage taken


Foundry was probably the hardest part of my nightmare run, all because I stupidly took health as my first upgrade over my gut choice of ammo.

Remember kids: in DOOM 4, DPS given > damage taken

I did health first as well on nightmare and thought it was the right choice, I never ran out of ammo


I thought how the level design progression made sense. The game feels like it's building you up towards taking on giant arenas with jump pads, portals, power ups, and an army of demons. So it made sense to be that as soon as you have your arsenal and mods finished the last two levels became a series of that.

It makes sense to ramp up the complexity of the arenas, but not at the expense of the exploration. It's the exploration that prevents this game from feeling "one-note", as others have said. So while the "one-note" in this game is obviously really fun, it's also exhausting.

The player should feel like they're exploring, while things happen along the way, instead of feeling like they're just going from battle to battle with no agency. That's the same pitfall Final Fantasy XIII fell into. Luckily DOOM's combat is 100x more fun than FFXIII's.

To me, blind faith is the weaker attitude. There is more value in saying "glad I was wrong, the game is great" than "I was always a believer!" afterwards.

That only makes sense if the game looked bad. My stance has always been that the game has looked and sounded great from the beginning. Most of the skepticism either involved aspects outside of the actual game or it was just skepticism I knew wasn't warranted. The lone exception being the color scheme, which ended up changing a bit. So I'll give the complainers that.


While I love Quake 1 for its sheer insanity, I think Q2 gets a lot of undeserved flack in hindsight because people like remembering Quake 1 more than they do Q2. I mean yeah the scifi shooter trope got played out in the following years, but why does Q2 have to take shit for that nearly 20 years later?

I wholeheartedly agree. I grew up being a huge id fan and at heart I always will be to some degree. Both Quakes had such an amazing single player component, and it's unfortunate that it's overlooked by people. Especially Quake II. God, Quake II was my everything to be honest, it was my first REAL PC gaming experience in every way. Playing multiplayer on Heat.Net / Mplayer / Gamespy, experiencing player created content for the first time (maps, mods, player models, skins, and sound packs) was absolutely mind blowing to me. Quake II had so much of all of it too. I played through the Quake II campaign multiple times, but of course I think I spent even more time on the multiplayer component. I'm really hoping that id is considering on remaking / rebooting both games (which I'm sure they are). I'd absolutely LOVE to see Quake's art style and design with today's engine and standard. Plus I'd love to see what they're capable of doing with all of the Strogg related experiences in Quake II nowadays. Quake IV wasn't a phenomenal game, but the Stroggification process resonates with so many people because of how well done it was. I can't even imagine how unsettling and creepy Quake II could potential be with today's technology.
Got my platinum. This is my first Platinum since I got my PS4 earlier this year and is probably my GOTY so far. Really enjoyed this.

Looking forward to the supposed Quake game. How would that differ from this game though? If I'm not mistaken Quake was pretty much just a spiritual successor to Doom so what will the new game do differently from DOOM aside from story/setting differences (or should it do anything differently?)
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