No scares in my experience so far (10h in). Some creepy stuff for sure, and some will find the amount of gore unsettling.
Frankly, Doom 1 is more scary and creepy overall. I think it is because the Doomguy in this new Doom feels far more powerful than the one from Doom 1.
Controls and shooting is amazing with PS4 controller! the game is really fast, but you can move and kill demons without any problem and enjoy the pace.Any controller imnpressions? I'm sure mosue + keyboard is the bomb, but I'm a comfy couch player.
Wow, the multiplayer is uh.. What's the word I'm looking for..?
Oh right, terrible. The word I'm looking for is terrible.
Wow, the multiplayer is uh.. What's the word I'm looking for..?
Oh right, terrible. The word I'm looking for is terrible.
Is this a reference to Doom 3?What was the story about thatIt reminds me of that famous scene with Pinky and Fat Zombie. hell?!!vikingDid the vikings go to hell hundreds of years ago?!
I love that you can change the FOV on consoles. Upped it to 105, not so claustrophobic. What does the chromatic aberration serving actally do?
Skyrim reference
Why? And I'm actually curious. My friend is getting it because he thinks its gonna be like Quake or something. Should he be worried?
I'm in it for single, btw
That's an even bigger turn off for me than the glory kills
Like a lot of people on neogaf said the shadow warrior reboot was awesome, so I bought it. It was super terrible. Basically navigate a level until you come to an open area, then doors magically lock and won't open until all the spammed enemies are dead. It had awful pacing and I hate that style
I feel Wolfenstein the new order avoided this style and was great because of it
So GAF consensus is SP is pretty good Multiplayer impressions are polarized.
On multiplayer, can you run LAN games or do you need to connect to the internet? I'm one of those who still attend LAN parties. Can you tweak the game modes without mods (remove certain powerups, adjust timers for weapons)? Did they keep the loadout thing from the beta?
Controls and shooting is amazing with PS4 controller! the game is really fast, but you can move and kill demons without any problem and enjoy the pace.
Can you change the difficulty or once you set it initially is that it for the whole game?
In the middle of Uncharted 4 still but I decided to ren this on the XBox One since my HDD space is getting tight on my PS4 and my DS4 is kinda shaky with the left analog,and I heard it shows in this game like in Firewatch or Dark Souls,where the movement stutters...theres a 25 bucks sale starting tomorrow at EBGames,getting a new one....
Anyway,I disgress lol...installing now,ill post X1 impressions later but I hear its preety sweet on there as well.
Any controller imnpressions? I'm sure mosue + keyboard is the bomb, but I'm a comfy couch player.
Wow, the multiplayer is uh.. What's the word I'm looking for..?
Oh right, terrible. The word I'm looking for is terrible.
Good stuff. Love that Rip and Tear riff.
Wow, the multiplayer is uh.. What's the word I'm looking for..?
Oh right, terrible. The word I'm looking for is terrible.
this is painful
I've literally seen people saying they won't give the game a chance because they exist. You yourself keep saying they should be a 'pickup' but they have the chainsaw filling that exact role. They aren't something you do on every enemy because you can - sometimes it's not worth getting close or losing that bit of situational awareness - they're a mechanic you use as needed.
And they're a 'bit' repetitive, presumably because right now I'm in the early game and there's only a few main enemy types. Even with multiple animations from each angle you're going to see the same ones a lot when the enemy forces are mostly imps and those big soldiers. But as a mechanic I have no problem with them. Granted I really like RE4 and RE5 where melee serves a similar role.
It definitely ties in very closely with the gameplay. Like someone else said earlier, it encourages players to wade into the middle of hectic fights to gain health, thereby keeping the combat flowing and keeping the player in an offensive state of mind. This is what Halo did so well with it's recharging shield mechanic and weapon swap mechanic - it changed FPS combat from a defensive state (gotta preserve health and ammo) to an offensive one where you're not worried about losing health and you'll never run out of ammo if you keep wading into the fray. Combined with the dynamic enemy classes, it kept combat amazingly fluid at multiple ranges.
It's also similar to the way health globes in Diablo 3 keep the player in the action, and open up risk/reward decisions in heated combat - you gotta get in the midst of things when you're lowest on health.
As far as repetition goes, there is definitely going to be some. The same way that taking out an imp with a shotgun in the original Doom got a bit repetitive by the end (same one shot kill, same death animation). Here you can at least mix up which glory kill you execute based on your position and where you're aiming.
played 2 hours of MP on ps4 last night at 110 FOV with the control scheme that makes L1 jump.... SO GOOD
God fucking damnit, there's only 7 Gb on the PC version retail disc, I need to download the rest. That's like 2 full days with the speeds I get here, and I better not need Internet for anything else. I specifically go physical because of that. Fuck that shit.
So, it's better than Wolfenstein TNO campaign?
Seems like you're enjoying the game like hell...
Okay imagine a worse version of Halo with class loadouts, obnoxious taunts, weird damage ranges on weapons, terrible hitboxes, limited (I think? They don't explain them at all.) consumables and no weapon pickups except for the DEMON MODE power up which turns the person that collects it in to a guy that can one shot you.
It's a good thing the single player is super solid.