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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done

god the map in this game is on some metroid prime levels of insane unreadability. I just finished meltdown and I missed this huge labyrinth early on. no secrets for me that time.

is there a new game+ where you get to keep your upgrades?


god the map in this game is on some metroid prime levels of insane unreadability. I just finished meltdown and I missed this huge labyrinth early on. no secrets for me that time.

is there a new game+ where you get to keep your upgrades?

you can replay each level from the main menu (and keep all the unlocks and weapons).
God this game is amazing. The fact that everyone tries to be STONE GRIMDARK SERIOUS like in most modern shooters and your guy simply doesn't give a flying fuck makes it all the more hilarious.

I love how annoyed Doomguy got at the ominous dude talking through the radio in the beginning and end of the first level. He just shoves the screen out of his face like man I don't give a fuuucccckk. Then when he uppercut the radio in the elevator LOL. I've only played this far and I hope the game has many more moments like this.


Yea mine is the same way. I didn't think it could get any louder than Witcher 3 either. It almost made me wish I had gone with the One version until I watched the DF video just now. Is it just me or does the XO version look much softer than the PS4 version? It also drops down to 50 fps and below and drops much more often than PS4. I'll gladly put up with the jet engine to play this game as close to perfectIy (on console) as possible. I wear headphones most of the time anyway.
I'm have the audio pretty loud, that's why I was baffled when I STILL heard the PS4 suddenly. I could go louder of course but I am mainly concerned about the PS4 going belly up at some point. %)

The sound mix is indeed bad as others said btw. It's a bit better with music set to 100 and effects/voices set to 85 for me.


Even for all the skepticism surrounding the game you can't tell me you didn't crack a smile at the campaign's intro. It sets the stage so perfectly in it's elegant simplicity. It was easily the best way to re-introduce Doom.

Game is so insane so far. I'm playing it on Ultra-Violence and it's giving me quite a challenge. It's crazy how well structured these encounters are, especially the arenas.


Apparently the patch fixes it (patch is still downloading...very very slowly), but damn, pre-patch the screen tearing is nuts. Like game-ruiningly bad.


Hey so how did the game turn out? Haven't caught up with impressions and haven't seen any reviews so far. Was worried leading up to the game that it might've been bad and they were just sending it out to die, but I love all the previous Doom games alot -_-
Honestly that comparison is like saying that Dark Souls 3 is 80-90% bosses. There are a lot of bosses, but there's also a meaty portion of stuff to do outside boss fights, so much so that it doesnt just feel like youre going from boss to boss. That's what Dooms arenas are like.

Now I don't know what to think


So, I'm one level in, and my impression is that this is (storywise)
actually a sequel to the original two games
, which I think is a solid move!


Even for all the skepticism surrounding the game you can't tell me you didn't crack a smile at the campaign's intro. It sets the stage so perfectly in it's elegant simplicity. It was easily the best way to re-introduce Doom.

Game is so insane so far. I'm playing it on Ultra-Violence and it's giving me quite a challenge. It's crazy how well structured these encounters are, especially the arenas.
Yeah. This feels like the Burnout 3 of shooters for me.

I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying the arena-like shootouts. And the exploration sections in between satisfy my inner collector. Nice pacing so far.
Looks like I'm going to have to put this on my get around to it eventually list. I thought Wolfenstein TNO dragged for what felt like 40% of the game in that home base and on other sort of non shoot bang stuff. How does Doom compare?


Hey so how did the game turn out? Haven't caught up with impressions and haven't seen any reviews so far. Was worried leading up to the game that it might've been bad and they were just sending it out to die, but I love all the previous Doom games alot -_-

Considering the overwhelming skepticism surrounding the game's multiplayer component (as well as arguably tone deaf marketing that only delves into surface value qualities) it goes without saying that the main game itself might just be one of the major surprises of this year. It's almost everything I could have hoped a modern take on Doom could be and the encounters are really well managed. Game Maker's Toolkit described the ingenuity of the combat as one of the original Doom's strengths in how it becomes a "dance" of quickfire decisions and I'm surprised how this is captured so well here. On Ultra-Violence this game is really challenging and action packed.

The narrative and such is hardly anything beyond puddle deep and it might not feel as creative with adventurous set pieces as something like Wolfenstein The New Order, but mechanically and level design-wise this game feels like dynamite. This is Id finally redeeming themselves.


I can't believe just how good this game is. I'm pleasantly surprised at just how much fun it is and as someone who is a big fan of old school shooters I honestly couldn't ask for a better game.

I was a little worried at first because of the upgrade systems and what not and I was really hoping they weren't gonna try to go the COD route (which I personally can't stand) and it's nice to see they didn't.

While the game has upgrades they're implemented very well and while they give you a nice added boost it's not all about that like many modern shooters with ranking up and crap. It's nice upgrading to get a little more ammo, a little more health.

I was surprised on how fast the game is.When I first started playing it was a shock and took me a good hour to get the hang of it (been years since I've played a game this fast paced) but now it's second nature again and popping around the environments and picking off enemies is straight up awesome.

The level design is amazing as well and while I'm not done the game yet I'm probably spending 45 minutes to an hour in each just looking for collectibles and seeing where you can and cannot go. Now I've gotten the double jump I'm interested in going back and finding the secret areas that I know are hidden still.Even during the spots that have you locked in an arena running around climbing, jumping and shooting is very fluid and makes you feel like a bad ass.

I wanna mess around with the multiplayer tonight but first I wanna finish the campaign I just can't put it down. The Ps4 version has been incredibly solid as well and although I had the game crash once the game play has been flawless so far with very little hiccups.

Now I don't know what to think
Each stage has 2 closed off areas where you'll need to clear out the enemies and like some have mentioned the areas are rather large. The other areas are more open and let you explore for secrets but are still packed with enemies. Right now I spend about an hour in each level and out of that hour I'd say maybe 15 minutes of it is in the two arena type areas. If you aren't getting collectibles or secrets I'd say it takes about 30-40 minutes or so to complete a stage.

Even after you clear some arena areas you can still explore them, an example is an arena I just cleared with the bottom being full of enemies and after defeating them I'm now climbing up and around the upper part of that area to move forward in the level and enemies are still spawning so even though it's an arena area it can still open up after.


I've been watching a couple streams of this game and I can't believe how much better the SP looks than the MP Beta. I will definitely try it out when I get back into town next week. I'm so glad there are good versions of new Wolfenstein and Doom in the world right now.


Honest question: how much of the game is the "you're locked in this smaller arena, kill waves of enemies by moving around until we let you out" arenas connected by thin hallways?

You're not locked in there with them.

I honestly thought the "arena" encounters would annoy me, but they are easily the most fun part of the game. It's so freaking fast and intense. One small mess up and you are toast.

I haven't felt this challenged by an FPS since Halo CE Legendary.


Guys, has anyone already finished it? I would like to know how long the campaign approximately is and if there are boss encounters?


Now I don't know what to think

I'd honestly recommend getting on PC so you can evaluate it and then return it if you're not feeling the gameplay.

As a person that was skeptical about the arena to arena gameplay like you. I've come away pleasantly surprised.
I honestly thought the "arena" encounters would annoy me, but they are easily the most fun part of the game. It's so freaking fast and intense. One small mess up and you are toast.

I haven't felt this challenged by an FPS since Halo CE Legendary.

Sudden urge to avatar quote for some reason.
I honestly thought the "arena" encounters would annoy me, but they are easily the most fun part of the game. It's so freaking fast and intense. One small mess up and you are toast.

I haven't felt this challenged by an FPS since Halo CE Legendary.

I like them as well. They feel like little increasingly difficult Quake III matches.


Checks tracking info for Collectors Edition
Estimated Delivery: Saturday May 14th



Can't decide on PS4 version now or wait until the end of the year for PC (should have a new one by then) I worry about the run speed and general speed of combat with a controller. I know I'll probably get murdered for saying that because most are in the camp of "never touching a doom game unless its mouse and kb."
Now I don't know what to think

I was about to reply to your previous post and say the exact same thing. The arena's are like having Dark Soul Bosses over and over. But to get that experience I'd recommend playing on the highest available difficulty.

This isn't just mowing down mobs Serious Sam style, it's tactically leaving pickups and your big guns for when you need them. There is a level of tactics and thought needed to do well in the encounters I wasn't expecting. The various upgrade systems ensure that everyone will have there own playstyle.

This is game is good, great even but it kind of is just enemy arena after enemy arena. The weird thing is in this particular case that is what makes the game one of the best FPS experiences I've ever had.

If you play FPS at a reasonably high level and your playing on PC then this is just pure fun. I haven't tested out gamepad yet so I don't know if it changes the experience significantly but all I know is that I'm twitching around at 100mph, changing weapons every 2 seconds, switching between various alt fires, and constantly being mindful of when I should use my chainsaw fuel to kill a big ass demon.

I can't stop playing.
Can't decide on PS4 version now or wait until the end of the year for PC (should have a new one by then) I worry about the run speed and general speed of combat with a controller. I know I'll probably get murdered for saying that because most are in the camp of "never touching a doom game unless its mouse and kb."

Its fine...
I have an R9 390, 16 GB ram and i5 6600k. Playing at 1080p.

If I have Vertical Sync enabled then I get crazy FPS slowdown to 30-40fps (It seems slower but this is how it reads) for about 10 seconds at a time till it goes back up to buttery smooth 60fps for around 10-15 seconds. If I disable it and unlock the framerate I get 80-100 FPS but terrible micro stuttering. If I lock the framerate at 60 through Riva tuner I get terrible tearing...

Doesn't matter what settings I change... What is going on? I don't have this problem in any other game I've played.


Gold Member
Oh, man...I hate to be a spoiler here, but some people are not going to be happy with having to revisit levels. It's right out of Halo's playbook.

I have an R9 390, 16 GB ram and i5 6600k. Playing at 1080p.

If I have Vertical Sync enabled then I get crazy FPS slowdown to 30-40fps (It seems slower but this is how it reads) for about 10 seconds at a time till it goes back up to buttery smooth 60fps for around 10-15 seconds. If I disable it and unlock the framerate I get 80-100 FPS but terrible micro stuttering. If I lock the framerate at 60 through Riva tuner I get terrible tearing...

Doesn't matter what settings I change... What is going on? I don't have this problem in any other game I've played.

Same here. I think there's something up with AMD's drivers. I'll get stupid high frame rates that will plummet for no reason.


Oh, man...I hate to be a spoiler here, but some people are not going to be happy with having to revisit levels. It's right out of Halo's playbook.

As far as i can determine, there was exactly one level revisited. And the level was quite different second-time around.
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