Last weapon I picked up waswhich is mapped to 4. My 3 key does nothing. Did I miss something or is it because I remapped grenades?Assault Rifle
Mind posting the config file content on pastebin or something? That file refuses to generate on my end. I can't figure out why.
Think I might end up liking this more than Wolfenstein.
A big part of that is the engine. Earlier idtech were clearly not designed around mouse look at would frequently be full of low res textures popping in way too late. No such problem here.
Only issue I have is that death and damage can really sneak up on you. Enemy attacks lack a certain amount of impact and so it can be hard to notice that you're down to half health in a flash.
1 Pistol 2 Shotgun, 3 Assault Rifle, 4 Plasma Rifle. I think, but can't recall. I use mouse wheel for switching weapons so...
Go to key-bindings and check them again.
Grenades are "equipment", CTRL by default.
Can anyone post DoomConfig.cfg contents of the file on pastebin?
The file refuses to generate for me for some reason. The location is:
C:\Users\yourusername\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM\base
1 Pistol 2 Shotgun, 3 Assault Rifle, 4 Plasma Rifle. I think, but can't recall. I use mouse wheel for switching weapons so...
Go to key-bindings and check them again.
Grenades are "equipment", CTRL by default.
Nope. The sound design is fucking legit.
couple of tweaks
launch options
right click on steam go set launch options type in
disable mouse smooth
+set m_smooth 0
if that launch option dont work go to c users saved game id software, doom base, open doom config, scroll to bottom and change m_smooth 1 to m_smooth 0
+com_skipIntroVideo 1
I think the sound design is way more complicated than you realise. As you get later in the game the encounter music has different layers that come and go depending on the action and almost every level has different encounter music.
The game is mixed like a music CD as opposed to a film, so yes, there is tight compression but I think the cleverness in the music changes based on the action makes up for any faults in the realism of the mix.
Well, Amazon didn't deliver it today and wouldn't cancel it. Had to call them and they're supposed to return it to the shipper and refund my account. Not super confident they will do that correctly though.
Went ahead and cancelled my Overwatch pre-order with them too.
I usually don't single out users but....that post from the E3 2015 demo thread sticks out to me. That user... I mean look at that post. What a goddamn idiot that person is. I am ashamed for that poster.
From the Bethsoft E3 thread! Look at the idiot go!
Note to self. Stop judging games from trailers. Like...forever.
Wait so there really is forced mouse smoothing and it's not some crappy idtech5 crap?!couple of tweaks
launch options
right click on steam go set launch options type in
disable mouse smooth
+set m_smooth 0
if that launch option dont work go to c users saved game id software, doom base, open doom config, scroll to bottom and change m_smooth 1 to m_smooth 0
+com_skipIntroVideo 1
How long is the campaign?
Damn, first Hell level is legitimate Doom. On hurt me plenty I've died about 10 times already, and didn't die a single time up to this point.
The game is fantastic.
this is the file with the mouse smooth already changed, other than that nothing has changed
some people are saying the launch option for mouse smooth doesnt disable so i changed it in the config file too
The launch options should look like this:
You can, you did. But you'll get it soon enough anyway.Thanks, turns out I have Plasma on 3 and Assault on 4 for whatever reason. I assume you can't get plasma before assault rifle though, just want to make sure I didn't miss something
Thanks, turns out I have Plasma on 3 and Assault on 4 for whatever reason. I assume you can't get plasma before assault rifle though, just want to make sure I didn't miss something
The set launch options and the cfg file both won't do anything for me. I must have some bug. If I try using set launch options to disable intro videos or disable mouse smooth, nothing happens. Even if I set DOOMConfg.cfg to read only, nothing changes.
The weird thing is the ingame settings save..I just don't know where.
Thanks for the help anyhow guys. I'll just rename the .bik video files and deal with mouse smoothing for nowI'm sure somebody will figure it out eventually.
True, Wolfenstein's narrative was excellent indeed, but I wished it truly broke from the modern convention like doom has succeeded in its gameplay.
I won't lie, the multiplayer beta made me very concerned about the final game and while some of those concerns were true, I realize that the design between single and multiplayer is very different and I'm glad my faith in the new Id team did not waver. It actually makes for an interesting design lesson in retrospect.
You can, you did. But you'll get it soon enough anyway.
If you go secret hunting you can get the weapons earlier than their <critical path reveal>
Actually, you can. I got Plasma Rifle just before the AR...
EDIT Beaten. Perhaps the PR is on 3 by default and not 4.
Around 13 hours
Might sound really weird if u use nvidia do u have newst driver. I couldn't find this file till i got the latest one
Is the PC port much better looking compared to PS4? Considering the PS4 version I'd 1080/60 I'm tempted to just get that version.
For most part yes but the PS4 version is just fine.
I love the motion blur, but it fucks up all chances of taking a screenshot that isn't just a blurred mess![]()
argh, this is frustrating.
sounds like the SP is really fun, but i just can't bring myself to purchase this game knowing how much i hated the MP beta...
cool to see the positive reviews of the SP though, wasn't sure how this would go after playing the MP.