Since everyone's talking about overall quality, I'm gonna poke my head in. Despite my scorn and skepticism in recent Doom threads, against my better wisdom I bought this one.
Good news, it did turn out good. Best single player FPS since Far Cry 4 for me, except maybe Devil Daggers. Better than Doom 3. Better than Halo 5.
Doom is my favorite game of all time. I don't think this game comes even remotely close to the glory of those classics. We're still talking about Doom 1 now, and I think it'll be talked about in the year 2200. This game? No so much. However, we can finally safely forget about the comparative shit that was Doom 3.
Level design is from standard (read

oor) FPS tier to quite good. It actually goes back and forth a lot. However, they DO have the combat scenarios in like I hoped (with enemy variety driving tactics).
I wish the music was less noise and more Doom (read: old video game music style). I love the first Hell music, and there's some other good songs, but am I going to be humming these songs on my deathbed? No.
Overall, like I said, it's a good game. Even better than I had any hope for. If the shitty recent ROTT had been of this quality, or even the Painkiller games (even the good ones weren't this good), the 'classic' FPS would have been 'back' a while ago.