Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm looking to upgrade my GPU/CPU in the next couple of months, so I'll have to revisit this game after that.
That last fight inwas bullshit, not because the demons were particularly hard, but because the arena was really annoying to traverse. I was getting killed getting stuck while trying to grab a ledge or running off one level and landing literally in front of aKadingir Sanctumbelow. I also got instagibbed twice by aMancubusbecause I was running one direction and since the demon AI always knows exactly where you are but you don't have a radar to know where they are, it literally jumped from below right on top of me and there was no way to avoid it because I didn't know it was below or jumping right at me.Baron of Hell
I don't mind a challenging fight but when the arena or cheap AI are killing me instead of the demons shooting me fair and square, I tend to get pissed. What's funny was there wasn't a single moment where I thought I had to lower the difficulty from Ultra-Violence because I was being killed in cheap ways and all I had to do was avoid cheap deaths and I would clear it.
IGN's review in progress gave the single player (only) a tentative 7. I'm actually really surprised by that.
I found a blue toy and it mentioned unlocking models. Does this game have a model viewer??
So what does that hologram item do? I remember picking it up a few levels ago, and never could figure out how to activate it. If it's like the holoduke then omg![]()
So what does that hologram item do? I remember picking it up a few levels ago, and never could figure out how to activate it. If it's like the holoduke then omg![]()
IGN's review in progress gave the single player (only) a tentative 7. I'm actually really surprised by that.
The multi-player is fantastic. I don't know why I'm turned around on it more now. I think it's more variety than the beta had? It seems faster too?
I really enjoy the chain gun.
What are the controls like on PS4? Does it use the touchpad for anything (like left side of touchpad opens a specific menu or something?)
My second DS4 broke and I'm stuck using my other DS4 with a non-functional touchpad.
Well the touchpad button itself still works so it should be good, as long as it isn't sensitive to where you press for a specific menu (like MGSV, BB, Souls). Thanks!Touchpad opens the menu, which is where the map and upgrades are
Both sides open it if only one doesn't work
The DLC is completely out of sync with what the players want from the gameLoving this game so far.
But is it really true that the only DLC planned is multiplayer stuff that will fragment the already small community and no new content/expansions for the single player (aka best part of the game) are planned?
IGN's review in progress gave the single player (only) a tentative 7. I'm actually really surprised by that.
I'm enjoying this a lot.
Sound mixing seems off though. Wolfenstein TNO had the same kind of issue too.
I don't expect this game to go over well with game journalist types. See that Polygon gameplay footage.
The Giantbomb guys seem real into it though.
I just think that using dozens of kill chambers to hide the fact that the AI is as dumb as it was 23 years ago is a bit of a cop out
That's my review. I'm not bad at the game. I just think that using dozens of kill chambers to hide the fact that the AI is as dumb as it was 23 years ago is a bit of a cop out, and the solid exploration between demon filled rooms doesn't make up for that.
I like the sound design in the game, and I really like how the music escalates when you do shit like a glory kill. I know its the same guy who did the Killer Instinct soundtrack and it does that too, goddamn its so good
Not yet. Still on second level. Just got the chainsaw. This game is pure joy!!GODDAM IT STOP BEING SO HAPPY!
(Have you tried MP yet? Thoughts?)
The AI is incredibly aggressive and dynamic. Even Imps, which are among the most basic and commonly found enemies, leap and climb all over the place almost nonstop. I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.
so the game is worth buying just for the single player or I should buy the season pass to can enjoy the full "experience"
so the game is worth buying just for the single player or I should buy the season pass to can enjoy the full "experience"
It's even more notable in later parts of the game when they are particularly aggressive and apply a crazy amount of pressure forcing almost map control levels of being pushed back.
Season pass is just MP stuff right? Then give that a pass IMO. Worth it for the SP, but you can get it for $35-$40 on PC now, which is more in-line with what I'd pay for it. Campaign took me around 10 hours but they were very fun.
That's my review. I'm not bad at the game. I just think that using dozens of kill chambers to hide the fact that the AI is as dumb as it was 23 years ago is a bit of a cop out, and the solid exploration between demon filled rooms doesn't make up for that.
The AI is incredibly aggressive and dynamic. Even Imps, which are among the most basic and commonly found enemies, leap and climb all over the place almost nonstop. I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.
The Imps are pretty complex. I'm not sure if you would really want more advanced A.I. when you have to deal with massive hordes.
That's my review. I'm not bad at the game. I just think that using dozens of kill chambers to hide the fact that the AI is as dumb as it was 23 years ago is a bit of a cop out, and the solid exploration between demon filled rooms doesn't make up for that.
I'm ready to get flamed but I can't help it...
Movement feels like absolute shit in the PS4 verison
As mentioned before, there's essentially a huuuuuge fucking deadzone with the left analog where you basically move like molasses one moment and then break out into a run, once the analog nearly touches the edge of the gate. Like, 90 percent of the analog range feels completely unused!
It feels absolutely horrid and I CANNOT get over it. If the situation where flipped and this was on the right analog, people would be rioting, but because it's nearly tied to movement, most won't care.
It feels like I'm playing on a keyboard via WASD rather than utilizing the full range of my DualShock4's analog.
I'm prepared to RedBox the XboxOne version to see if its any better
But yeah, sorry GAF, I know it's an balls out, amazing game, but I just can't stand how it feels to actually move around the environments. I'm sorry, but I like to periodically slowly and methodically move around the area/use the horizontal axis for fine aim adjustment, but I can't do it comfortably at all in DooM.
If someone needs an example of what I consider GOD-TIER movement AND aiming in a console FPS, see: Titanfall, Halo 5, or even something less intense like Wolf or Far Cry 4
And before people say, "bruh, you're supposed to running all the time!" I'm here to reiterate that having to run isn't the issue, it's that ALL you can do is either run or SLOOOOWLY talk. No in-between. period.
I'm ready to get flamed but I can't help it...
Movement feels like absolute shit in the PS4 verison
As mentioned before, there's essentially a huuuuuge fucking deadzone with the left analog where you basically move like molasses one moment and then break out into a run, once the analog nearly touches the edge of the gate. Like, 90 percent of the analog range feels completely unused!
It feels absolutely horrid and I CANNOT get over it. If the situation where flipped and this was on the right analog, people would be rioting, but because it's nearly tied to movement, most won't care.
It feels like I'm playing on a keyboard via WASD rather than utilizing the full range of my DualShock4's analog.
I'm prepared to RedBox the XboxOne version to see if its any better
But yeah, sorry GAF, I know it's an balls out, amazing game, but I just can't stand how it feels to actually move around the environments. I'm sorry, but I like to periodically slowly and methodically move around the area/use the horizontal axis for fine aim adjustment, but I can't do it comfortably at all in DooM.
If someone needs an example of what I consider GOD-TIER movement AND aiming in a console FPS, see: Titanfall, Halo 5, or even something less intense like Wolf or Far Cry 4
And before people say, "bruh, you're supposed to running all the time!" I'm here to reiterate that having to run isn't the issue, it's that ALL you can do is either run or SLOOOOWLY talk. No in-between. period.
Where? I was going to buy it tonight since I finished UC4, but GMG is out of stock and I don't know where else to look for cheaper prices.
Where? I was going to buy it tonight since I finished UC4, but GMG is out of stock and I don't know where else to look for cheaper prices.
I want to buy the soundtrack is soo fucking good!!
I'm not noticing this at all. Check your controller? Controls are buttery smoith.Welp,
I'm ready to get flamed but I can't help it...
If someone needs an example of what I consider GOD-TIER movement AND aiming in a console FPS, see: Titanfall, Halo 5, or even something less intense like Wolf or Far Cry 4