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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done


Trucker Sexologist
Are you sure its not your controller? I don't think I've had that issue, or at least haven't noticed it. Movement and aiming feels great for me on a controller.

Edit: Oh I misunderstood. That's just Doom. Moving fast at all times is the core.
It sounds like it's actually digital controls mapped onto an analog stick. Which doesn't work well for the padders, because they partially rely on movement to aim (same as trackballers).
I'm not noticing this at all. Check your controller? Controls are buttery smoith.

basically leave you're left analog untouched, then slowly press forward all the way to the gate (while paying attention to the actual analog, not the game).... notice how much of the analog range isn't actually used?


Neo Member
. It doesnt have to be smart because its not that kind of shooter, the original doom is just as fun as contemporary shooters despite advances in AI.

My point is that your expectations are low. My expectations of a reboot of Doom, the game that made me see games from a brand new perspective and blew my god damn mind as a youngster, is that it should be aiming higher.

And the argument about recognising patterns falters a little when you realise that by the halfway point you've already met all the enemies you will in the game, which means the only thing the game has left to throw at you is more complex level design (to force you to incorporate platforming into your train running) and an overwhelming number of bigger enemies, which you can usually solve by not picking up quad damage straight away or by using your instakill chainsaw or your instakill BFG weapon on them.

I think I'm being a little defensive over my review though.


basically leave you're left analog untouched, then slowly press forward all the way to the gate (while paying attention to the actual analog, not the game).... notice how much of the analog range isn't actually used?
I'm able to tiptoe if I push lightly. It just accelerates quickly because you move so fast in this game.
Yeah once I hit the hell levels and the big guys started to come out I spent a lot of time running and jumping around almost the entire fight. That's what I really like about the game, you cannot really stick still (which makes me wonder why I bought the Gauss Rifle upgrade that makes it into a stationary thing) or hide, neither will do you much good. You have to strafe and move as much as you did in OG Doom.

Once I started to get used to fighting multiple Hell Knights at the same time the Barons showed up and man when you face them sometimes you just gotta book it and readjust your tactic

That tactic? Cluster grenades on the shotgun. NOTHING ELSE REQUIRED.

Quad Damage cluster grenade = dead cyber-mancubis.It's just SO GOOD. Why bother use anything else?
I'm able to tiptoe if I push lightly. It just accelerates quickly because you move so fast in this game.

right, exactly, and I just hate that there's only either tiptoe or sprint... that's what I'm getting at

I know most don't care, but I think it feels like shit. There's should be a middle-pace somewhere in there.


I didn't expect this much platforming in Doom, but it's handled well enough that I've come around on the character progression stuff because I actually enjoy exploring and seeking out the various upgrades in each level. None of them have been too difficult to find so far which is nice. Of course, the upgrade that shows all their locations on the map helps.

Halfway through the campaign and so far the pacing has been pretty consistent.
Got this game based purely on the positive impressions from my trusted sources. GiantBomb was digging it, Eurogamer was digging it, GameSpot was digging it, and most importantly, most of DoomGAF seems to be digging it.

I have adored the crap out of most of the big releases I've gotten this year, I am insanely enthusiastic about almost everything I play, but this is the first huge surprise of the year. I'm a few hours in and I'm really, genuinely having inklings of GOTY vibes from this game (though that's without knowing much about what's coming out in the second half of the year).

I think my only gripe at this point is that on PS4, the audio mix sounds super underwhelming as a whole. I think the individual sound effects are generally fine, but when it's all thrown together, it sort of feels like it's too neutral. I kind of hope they make an attempt to update this. I'm not audiophile or audio expert, but just as a player of video games, I kind of expect a far more punchy audio experience from the visual feedback I'm seeing on screen. I play on either basic stereo speakers or with a pair of headphones hooked into the controller, and Uncharted felt really bombastic and insanely fine tuned audio wise, and it's a bit jarring going into the far more violent and extreme Doom and having a comparatively lackluster audio presentation.
Welp. Just finished the campaign.

Holy shit at the boss battles in this game. Theyre both fun and terrifying. I fucking screamed when two crucible guardians showed up after I really struggled just to kill the first one. The Spider mastermind was easier to fight but damn do you have to keep moving with her. I also couldn't believe the amount of jumping and ducking the game forced you to do in these boss fights as well. It really forces you to think and act quickly like no other first person shooter does.

The ending was good enough. I hate when a games ending has no resolution and it just cuts off for sequel baiting but I think this one time it fits because it's Doom. The story of Doom has always come second to making you feel like a complete badass. So I can understand how setting up your next badass journey is a resolution in of itself.

My one complaint is that there wasn't much variety to enemy engagements. You feel so exhausted going from one chamber to another to fight waves of enemies. Near the end I was practically groaning everytime a chambers doors would lock me in and the enemies started spawning. The powerups and weapon variety definitely helped make these encounters much more tolerable but I would hope the sequel moved away from this type of combat

With this game and Wolfenstein TNO, I feel id software have made a big comeback and I can't wait to see the sequel's for these two games.
Welp. Just finished the campaign.

With this game and Wolfenstein TNO, I feel id software have made a big comeback and I can't wait to see the sequel's for these two games.

Spot on. With Battlefield 1 (LOL) and Cowadooty infinite downvotes (Also LOL), showcased alongside Doom, Wolfenstein TNO, the new Unreal Tournament picking up steam, and even Overwatch getting that old school feel for some characters (at least, it looks like it), it's a good time to not be a CASUAL WHO STOLE FROM US A DECADE AND A HALF OF GOOD GAMES BECAUSE OF THEIR TERRIBLE TASTE NORMIES PLS GO REEEEEEE

Other than that, I'd give it a 9/10 on PC. Not quite as creepy as old school Doom was, OG Doom was creepy AND the first of its /particular/ kind. Doom 2016 is so far from what I figured a Doom game in 2016 would've ended up being and it's VERY refreshing. I am sated for now, but I'll go back to play it at even harder difficulties soon.
For those who are still on the fence about this game, I have taken the liberty of recording the intro/prologue for the game, all in glorious 1080p 60fps.

Also, keep an eye out for an easter egg at 4:10!


...that guitar riff over the title cards - the pumping of the shotgun is just the icing on the cake.


there's just something fundamentally wrong with the multiplayer. It feels terrible. Nevermind the power weapons and demon powerups that are just brainless instakill bullshit. The actual gameplay of it is bad. I can't tell if it's the feedback or the netcode or both.

the maps seem fine and the movement is okay. I was getting high up on the scoreboard despite being at a disadvantage against people with objectively better weapons and demons than the starter junk. But if Overwatch and UT4 are games that feel 'right' this is a game that doesn't.

Oh well, maybe I'll revisit it again and it'll make more sense. I'll stick to the very fun SP for now.
Those cute little demon puppies are a pain in my butt. What's the most effect way of dealing with them

Strafe to the side and shotgun them in the tail. Fleshy and weak back there.

Or explosive shotgun shots, Five should be sufficient to the face on Ultra-Violence. Getting swarmed is a death sentence so I was strafe jumping the entire time, outrunning their charges.


I've been calling them Pinky for years but I didn't actually think they'd just make that the name. I think it was before but I figured they'd change it

Nah man gotta keep the name, Pinky4lyfe

Also very much an improved design over the older one
Here's some berserk and chainsaw gameplay I recorded from level 2 (so no real spoilers or anything) I wanted to capture the sense of speed, brutality, and show just how visceral this game is. This is probably going to be the video I show my friends who are on the fence about this game. Once again, in 1080p/60FPS.



Should I start on Nightmare mode? I would like a good challenge. But. not one that makes my first play through excruciating. Thanks I'm really used to Doom and fps's in general.

The ost is killer!


I fucking love the unanimous praise of this game. It makes me so happy knowing we got a new Doom game and it's really good.

I really wonder what the overall critical reception of this is going to be like. Will it review better or worse than Wolfenstein? I'm thinking probably around the same.


Encountered my first sound bug where the music doesn't play (PC). Rebooted the game. Like hell I'm playing the game without music.


Wow, I had to lower the difficulty from UV one notch when I got to Hell. WHAT THE FUCK. That was a pretty major difficulty spike for me.
I didn't notice any huge difficulty spike but hell definitely encourages you to be running around the arenas more. You have to constantly be on the move to avoid their fire while taking them down.


right, exactly, and I just hate that there's only either tiptoe or sprint... that's what I'm getting at

I know most don't care, but I think it feels like shit. There's should be a middle-pace somewhere in there.

Its obviously just a personal thing. I love the movement in this, its so fluid, i literally wouldnt change a thing.


Holy shit that final battle and ending credits!!!

The bosses in this game... Destiny plz, learn something

My exact thoughts, though I was about to make a thread saying I think these bosses are only possible because of the speed of the game. It becomes a real game of skill on how well you can aim while dodging everything coming at you and I love it


My exact thoughts, though I was about to make a thread saying I think these bosses are only possible because of the speed of the game.

Other games need to be faster then! Fuck this slow ass ADS gameplay.

The bosses in h5 were garbage and it's supposedly "fast", lol


I suppose it was hyperbolic to say the AI was as dumb as it was 23 years ago, but I also guess that's why I explained it a lot better in the review itself. Enemies alternating between running at you as fast as possible or lobbing ranged attacks at you from fixed positions doesn't strike me as intelligent.

I think more advanced AI would be challenging to balance alongside numbers, absolutely, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen. I finished the game (apart from the boss fights, of course) by running laps through kill chambers until a train of enemies followed me to their Doom. That's the sort of thing I expect from MMOs, not a shooter in this, the year of the lord two thousand and sixteen.

Your review is exactly what i hoped wouldnt happen. You are expecting this to be something its not, and looking at the past with too much nostalgia missing the fact it was a new experience back then. This game is DOOM all the way, exactly what fans have been asking for for years. It has literally everything people wanted, and you decide to draw negatives from the AI which is perfectly reasonable and puts up a varied and decent challenge all the way through.
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