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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done


Other games need to be faster then! Fuck this slow ass ADS gameplay.

The bosses in h5 were garbage and it's supposedly "fast", lol

I do hope this does well and shows other devs fast and brutal gameplay is the way to go, taking out the bosses here felt sooooo good .
right, exactly, and I just hate that there's only either tiptoe or sprint... that's what I'm getting at

I know most don't care, but I think it feels like shit. There's should be a middle-pace somewhere in there.

Doomguy only has one speed and that's full speed. There is no time to walk when there are demons around.

Trojan X

Holy crap!


Here's some berserk and chainsaw gameplay I recorded from level 2 (so no real spoilers or anything) I wanted to capture the sense of speed, brutality, and show just how visceral this game is. This is probably going to be the video I show my friends who are on the fence about this game. Once again, in 1080p/60FPS.


... and that QUAD-DAMAGE sound effects together with some insanic gore never gets old:


Nah man gotta keep the name, Pinky4lyfe

Also very much an improved design over the older one

The only thing I don't like about the new design is that he's not pink enough. Come on id, he's fucking Pinky! Make that bastard flamingo pink so you can see his eye searing ass a mile away, like Satan intended!
Should I start on Nightmare mode? I would like a good challenge. But. not one that makes my first play through excruciating. Thanks I'm really used to Doom and fps's in general.

The ost is killer!
You can start on nightmare?!

I would recommend it. I started on Hurt You Plenty but it was far too easy so I jumped up to Ultra Violence after the first level, and other than a few segments I've still been breezing through the game without much trouble.
Wow, I had to lower the difficulty from UV one notch when I got to Hell. WHAT THE FUCK. That was a pretty major difficulty spike for me.

Hell indeed is where shit got real and the game really forces you to move around much more. Luckily my ass was bunny hopping like mad by the first level so it didn't hurt me much >.>


So I've never played Doom before and I've got to say I'm in love. I love the fast paced gameplay, it is stupid fun and I fucking love it.

I hope they improved the MP from the beta, because I really want to enjoy it.
So I've never played Doom before and I've got to say I'm in love. I love the fast paced gameplay, it is stupid fun and I fucking love it.

I hope they improved the MP from the beta, because I really want to enjoy it.

I hope you, and many others who have not played the original (there's probably more than I want to believe) decide to go back and try it. It's incredibly accessible nowadays and holds up really well! Not to mention you also have a taste of some of the maps thanks to the "classic maps" addition to the new game.


The only thing I don't like about the new design is that he's not pink enough. Come on id, he's fucking Pinky! Make that bastard flamingo pink so you can see his eye searing ass a mile away, like Satan intended!

You can start on nightmare?!

I would recommend it. I started on Hurt You Plenty but it was far too easy so I jumped up to Ultra Violence after the first level, and other than a few segments I've still been breezing through the game without much trouble.

Hell indeed is where shit got real and the game really forces you to move around much more. Luckily my ass was bunny hopping like mad by the first level so it didn't hurt me much >.>
Thanks man! Yep. From after the start game menu but not from the options menu. It's in red.
Honestly I think they only included that asstastic walk function for E3 bullshit. It's completely worthless. If you're not running full speed at all time during this game you're playing it wrong.

Completely agreed, I do like having a little more control on my acceleration rounding corners or circle strafing, and I think the complaints are legitimate. Couldn't help making the joke. :p
That first Hell level, jesus

So many intense encounters. Good shit. I find myself hesitant to use the chainsaw at times but idk why, starting to realize when its best to both take something down quick and restock ammo


Does the AI get any better at all on higher difficulties? I think I'm seeing them attack more often, but I'm unsure.


Neo Member
Your review is exactly what i hoped wouldnt happen. You are expecting this to be something its not, and looking at the past with too much nostalgia missing the fact it was a new experience back then. This game is DOOM all the way, exactly what fans have been asking for for years. It has literally everything people wanted, and you decide to draw negatives from the AI which is perfectly reasonable and puts up a varied and decent challenge all the way through.

Actually, I drew negatives from the way the game is constructed, which uses a series of repetitive kill chambers to provide a sense of challenge without needing to splurge on good AI. It has literally everything some people wanted. Not everyone. Not even everyone in this thread (myself obviously excused). I wanted more than a Doom clone.

And I don't know how you can claim it puts up a varied challenge. Even on higher difficulty levels the only differences are health pools, potential dps and range of omniscience.


Do anyone else keep getting disconnected from MP when trying to play with a friend? I keep trying to play with two of my friends and one of us usually get disconnected before a game starts, it gets tiring trying to keep remaking the party :l
I enjoyed that part a lot, getting Serious Sam vibes here with how frantic things are becoming.
Multiple Barons
are a 'shit just got real' moment but it felt great doing that finisher on the last one.

I definitely think I could manage on Nightmare if I wanted to. I think I only had one combat death in that level, and one smooth leap away from a demon into a bottomless pit.

I guess I'm just bad at this game. I got stuck at the big fight outside
Samuel Hayden's office
for awhile too. Finally got past that but it took longer than I care to admit.

The way the fights are designed are very clever and force you to figure out tactics, weapon strategies for each kind of demon, and when to get the powerup. I've also mostly relearned out to run backwards while shooting, something I haven't done in an FPS game in at least a decade. I still get hung up on corners sometimes though, that's usually when the Hell Knight stomps my face in.


Actually, I drew negatives from the way the game is constructed, which uses a series of repetitive kill chambers to provide a sense of challenge without needing to splurge on good AI. It has literally everything some people wanted. Not everyone. Not even everyone in this thread (myself obviously excused). I wanted more than a Doom clone.

And I don't know how you can claim it puts up a varied challenge. Even on higher difficulty levels the only differences are health pools, potential dps and range of omniscience.

Um you can't be called a Doom clone when you are Doom. This game is exactly what all Doom fans who loved the originals wanted.


It's pretty far from a DOOM clone, and even if it was, it's a DOOM game. That criticism doesn't really make sense.

If you still think it plays like DOOM 1 and 2 enough to elicit being called a clone, you may need to replay them.
That first Hell level, jesus

So many intense encounters. Good shit. I find myself hesitant to use the chainsaw at times but idk why, starting to realize when its best to both take something down quick and restock ammo

I have actually never felt the need to use it for some reason. I see a lot of chainsaw ammo. I beat the game on Ultra Violence and never used it once >_<

On my Nightmare run I'm going to consciously use it.

Does the AI get any better at all on higher difficulties? I think I'm seeing them attack more often, but I'm unsure.

Unless I never encountered it on Ultra Violence, I noticed enemy soldier types target explosive barrels next to you on Nightmare. The soldiers with laser beams seem to sweep the area with their laser and catch me off guard while jumping.

Other than that, they seem to just hit way harder and are perhaps a bit more aggressive.


I have actually never felt the need to use it for some reason. I see a lot of chainsaw ammo. I beat the game on Ultra Violence and never used it once >_<

On my Nightmare run I'm going to consciously use it.

Chainsaw is definitely required to get through the most intense fights. Fuel isn't everywhere but there is enough in each map to keep you from getting smashed into giblets when things get crazy.


Neo Member
This game is exactly what all Doom fans who loved the originals wanted.

All Doom fans wanted a game where the multiplayer is some loadout-infested nonsense. I hadn't even realised that.

And of course something by the same name can be a clone. It refers to the idea of it mimicking without building upon it. They set out to make a version of Doom and they succeeded, which I think is awesome. But they didn't do much beyond that and I find that a little disappointing.


Played the first 3 or 4 levels. Yeah this is fantastic, the combat and movement feels so good and is just ridiculously fun. Map design is excellent and it's surprisingly easy to wrap your head around the labyrinth structure and multiple height levels without actually opening the map. Exploring the map is especially rewarding; if you find ammo or health it helps you refill (which you constantly need to do) or serves as a reserve for later. If you find suit modules or secrets they both contribute to character and weapon upgrades, a lot of which aren't boring throwaways and you'll look forward to acquiring.

So yeah, it's really good. It's scratching an single player FPS itch that hasn't been scratched in a very long time. Other than SP I don't plan on playing any multiplayer but I am curious about the Snapmap stuff.

I think my only gripe at this point is that on PS4, the audio mix sounds super underwhelming as a whole. I think the individual sound effects are generally fine, but when it's all thrown together, it sort of feels like it's too neutral.

Yeah that's my only gripe as well (playing on PC). There's just not enough punch to the sound overall sans the music. Shotgun and rifle are kinda disappointing in this department, both should sound beefier.
Might muck about on Snapmap for a bit. Really don't want the campaign to end!

And oh god one of the Classic Doom maps is Slough of Despair... I hate that map with avengeance.


All Doom fans wanted a game where the multiplayer is some loadout-infested nonsense. I hadn't even realised that.

And of course something by the same name can be a clone. It refers to the idea of it mimicking without building upon it. They set out to make a version of Doom and they succeeded, which I think is awesome. But they didn't do much beyond that and I find that a little disappointing.

While Doom became famous for a lot of things the campaign was always it's focus. Mp is just extra.

It's Doom in 2016 adding anything to it would have just fucked it up.


While Doom became famous for a lot of things the campaign was always it's focus. Mp is just extra.

It's Doom in 2016 adding anything to it would have just fucked it up.

Things would have been different for Doom multiplayer if it didn't basically require a LAN party because the Internet didn't even really exist at the time (for the general user). How many people were running LAN parties in 1993? My PC didn't even have a NIC and only had a 14.4 modem. I did two player multiplayer with a friend's PC using a null modem cable plugged into the parallel port.

Those were the days.

And yeah the quality of the campaign was always the top item in Doom. Not the multiplayer.




I've found the best way to deal with Pinkies is to use the Plasma Cannon's Stun blast which lets you just mosey behind them with a supershotgun. Two blasts should do it. Plasma's stun has proven quite useful.

Boss Spoiler:
I just beat the CyberDemon and I was like, that was easy. Then shit occured.


Things would have been different for Doom multiplayer if it didn't basically require a LAN party because the Internet didn't even really exist at the time (for the general user). How many people were running LAN parties in 1993? My PC didn't even have a NIC and only had a 14.4 modem. I did two player multiplayer with a friend's PC using a null modem cable plugged into the parallel port.

Those were the days.

And yeah the quality of the campaign was always the top item in Doom. Not the multiplayer.

Pretty much. Although I still wish they didnt put loadouts in.


Actually, I drew negatives from the way the game is constructed, which uses a series of repetitive kill chambers to provide a sense of challenge without needing to splurge on good AI. It has literally everything some people wanted. Not everyone. Not even everyone in this thread (myself obviously excused). I wanted more than a Doom clone.

And I don't know how you can claim it puts up a varied challenge. Even on higher difficulty levels the only differences are health pools, potential dps and range of omniscience.

Man you make no sense at all, you wanted a doom clone, and this isnt one? Jesus...are you trolling or something?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Things would have been different for Doom multiplayer if it didn't basically require a LAN party because the Internet didn't even really exist at the time (for the general user). How many people were running LAN parties in 1993? My PC didn't even have a NIC and only had a 14.4 modem. I did two player multiplayer with a friend's PC using a null modem cable plugged into the parallel port.

Those were the days.

And yeah the quality of the campaign was always the top item in Doom. Not the multiplayer.
The older id games really needed the community to shine. The included MP with Doom, Quake and Quake II wasn't great out of the box. Quake World changed things big time but the game itself still relied on the community to grow (which was awesome at the time). Q2 didn't really even ship with multiplayer. I believe the boxed version didn't even contain any multiplayer maps - they were added in a patch. Initially you just played on single player maps. Of course, Q3A was all about MP.

Doom 3 and Rage weren't great MP games either, however, and I think Doom 2016 beats both of them. Rage was especially bizarre in that regard.


While Doom became famous for a lot of things the campaign was always it's focus. Mp is just extra.

It's Doom in 2016 adding anything to it would have just fucked it up.

Exactly. This guy just doesn't get it, and wont listen to reason either.

The MP is ok as a tacked on addition, pretty fun even, but not the main focus. So many reviewers will miss the point.


So this game seems more well-recieved than I had expected. Might check it out after I'm done with Uncharted. Does it play well on the PS4? And is the game genuinely good, or are most of you just nostalgic?

I kind of feel like playing a mindless shooter campaign for a bit, is the game weekend-able (like, easy to just blow through in a few sessions)?


Neo Member
Exactly. This guy just doesn't get it, and wont listen to reason either.

I "don't get it" because we disagree on whether Doom should aspire to be more than what it was. And I won't listen to reason, which in this case is you claiming I said things I didn't.


Managed to get an hour or so on it last night, I have
just witnessed that crazy bitch that's tried ripping open the portal, I'm now outside trying to shut her plan down, I have a feeling I missed something off to the left after the cinematic as I went right and straight outside.


So this game seems more well-recieved than I had expected. Might check it out after I'm done with Uncharted. Does it play well on the PS4? And is the game genuinely good, or are most of you just nostalgic?

I kind of feel like playing a mindless shooter campaign for a bit, is the game weekend-able (like, easy to just blow through in a few sessions)?

Its about 8-12 hours long, and plays really well on PS4. Its genuinely good, if you liked the old DOOM games you will like this, they recaptured the feel of the old games really well.


Neo Member
So this game seems more well-recieved than I had expected. Might check it out after I'm done with Uncharted. Does it play well on the PS4? And is the game genuinely good, or are most of you just nostalgic?

I kind of feel like playing a mindless shooter campaign for a bit, is the game weekend-able (like, easy to just blow through in a few sessions)?

Yeah definitely doable in a weekend, and very much something you want to play over a handful of sessions instead of marathoning through.


Its about 8-12 hours long, and plays really well on PS4. Its genuinely good, if you liked the old DOOM games you will like this, they recaptured the feel of the old games really well.
If I didn't play the old games because I didn't have a PC until CS 1.6 was the big PC FPS (I played a few hours of Quake 3 mp on my schools LAN setup and that is probably my closest reference), is there a chance I would still like it? I liked the new Wolfenstein a fair bit. Length sounds good though, perfect actually.
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