I saw my friend play his PS4 version firsthand before launch and I own the Xbox One and PC version.
All three versions are exceptionally solid.
With the XB1 version being the weakest of the 3.
And PC the strongest of the 3.
No bs. That is correct.
When you find a lever and pull it, you hear a sound. Go investigate.
You can then select classic maps from the menu a you can roll in nostalgic environments with new enemies and guns.
I have just two maps....Need to explore even more
Too bad most PC owners cannot play it as the strongest version.
I'm about to find out if I can.
My point is that even the "weakest" of the three is strong and plays every bit as good as the "best" of the three.With the XB1 version being the weakest of the 3.
The damn challenge is utterly broken. I glory kill 5 imps, and only one registered...
What's the replayability situation for the SP component.
I have literally 0 interest in the MP nor will there even be a serviceable community close to my area for me to play with so yeah.
SP is my basis for whether or not I get this game.
The ones buying it for PC, most probably can.
Dis game man fuck me..bethesda fucked it up with the marketing but word of mouth goes a long way.
The damn challenge is utterly broken. I glory kill 5 imps, and only one registered...
I know about the classic small Doom maps when you pull the lever. What I mean is, if you find every lever and Doom map in every mission, it unlocks the FULL original doom to play? Someone mentioned this but unsure if it's true.
Yep. This game's a real treat.
How's the PS4 version in terms of framerate?
The PC performance thread shows that some people are having issues even with a beefy rig.
The PC performance thread shows that some people are having issues even with a beefy rig.
Actually people are getting performance out of graphics cards that really shouldn't.
It's literally the opposite if what you're saying.
Too bad most PC owners cannot play it as the strongest version.
I'm about to find out if I can.
The PC performance thread shows that some people are having issues even with a beefy rig.
Yeah absolutely. I glory killed at least fifteen for it to register 5.
You sure you got the right ones? it's sometimes overly specific (from behind or right leg).
You cought my unedited post - I have edited is as you can see.
I haven't seen that after collecting all levels that it would open up Doom game.
Doomguy could probably beat Dante. At the very least, it would be a tough fight.
Rock solid 60fps. Consistent too.
Actually people are getting performance out of graphics cards that really shouldn't.
Actually people are getting performance out of graphics cards that really shouldn't.
It's literally the opposite of what you're saying.
My point is that even the "weakest" of the three is strong and plays every bit as good as the "best" of the three.
What exactly is your vendetta against the Xbox One version? Save that for tech threads.
I'm still knee-deep in the campaign (pun intended) and I too am absolutely loving it. I didn't immediately fall in love with Wolfenstein New Order, but this, DOOM, is rekindling my old-school + new school love for FPS.
I actually really like the weapons, despite some of the minor gripes I've read on here about them not being "bass-y" enough. The alternate fire is fun, and I love the ease of being able to switch in between 'em o the fly. The variety is spot-on, and plays a strategy on how you tackle the field of monsters. The weapon unlocks, coupled with the challenges, keep me cycling through my arsenal in order to try new things--it also encourages you to perceive each battle with a different strategy.
The real show-stealer, however, is the crafty level design; coupled with the themes and atmosphere. You truly feel you're on Mars/. It's incredible. I find myself in awe of the draw distance, looking at the terrain and action in the far background.Hell
I rented my copy via recd box, but this game warrants a purchase, no questions asked. I would've bought but I don't have the $ right now...
So far I've only seen people with AMD cards having issues, and that's not on the game. That's AMD's fault for having crappy OpenGL support (and it may be fixed once Vulkan rolls out)
Yeah, this I agree with. The sound effects on the weapons are mostly poor - just like Doom 3 (without the E3 sound pack).
Hoping someone can improve it via a mod.
With this, both Wolfenstein games, and The Evil Within, Zenimax is quickly turning into my favorite publisher of this generation.
The more I play this game the more the marketing makes no sense
like why didnt they show off more of the maps to let people know there was actual level design
The more I play this game the more the marketing makes no sense
like why didnt they show off more of the maps to let people know there was actual level design
Marketing was Elzar tier.
I blame Elzar for Doom's marketing
As expected mainstream media isn't going to love this. 7.1 from IGN review in progress.
I feel like there should be room for games like this to still exist.
random tweak too
+com_skipKeyPressOnLoadScreens 1
add to steam launch options
Maybe Bethesda actually knew what they were doing because the fanbase impressions and word of mouth has been very positive.not sending out review copies was a good thing