I pop DD, flak cannon, and calll down. Delete entire team, rampage in 3 seconds.
Was pretty funny
Happens at 28 mins
I pop DD, flak cannon, and calll down. Delete entire team, rampage in 3 seconds.
So what you are saying here is that this patch is what PPD actually had to say about 6.83 about it rewarding bad teams? These two last games I think the draft/skills factor earned both teams a victory more so than anything regarding 6.84 changes.
i think that's the case at the top level, though it still feels like a coin flip. with less skilled teams playing in the qualifier i'm worried it will just look random.
i think we need some changes ASAP or we might see some really stupid qualifier results. this tournament it does seem like the top 3 teams are clearly the best, but when a bunch of t2/t3 pubstars go up against each other for a spot at TI i could easily see someone who doesn't deserve it getting first place.
not that qualifier teams have ever done well at TI anyway, but it's still a concern.
I was going to make an ihl joke but then i realized that GZZZ is permabanned from ihl
Anyone else notice how ridiculously one sided most 6.84 matches are?
Even in this series, each game was significantly in one team's favor throughout.
I don't agree about EG right now, they seem really sloppy.
VG vs EG
Secret vs VG - Best of 5
EG ain't beating VG
.VG going to do this again next match, they have the momentum
Who will win the last coinflip stomp? I'm thrilled boys
I couldn't disagree with you more. The teams you're watching now are top tier teams and know when to push an advantage and how to secure it even futher. They are good at minimizing mistakes, especially when in the lead. The laning stage is hyper important and the teams know how to capitalize on it.
The backlash on this patch is, like always, coming way too soon. Give it some time to breath, guys.
I agree. Dota is always evolving. Even at Starladder, when people were whining about Troll/Sniper and the meta being so stale, the top picks were still changing as the tournament went along. Misery said yesterday that most games are so short right now because the teams don't really know how to draft for the new patch yet, so there's lots of outdrafts, which results in shorter, more one-sided games. Not sure if I agree 100%, but it definitely sounds reasonable.
This Kuro interview is awesome. I really enjoy hearing him talk about Dota (or anything, for that matter). Hard to imagine that he was a flamer when he was younger.
Hard to imagine a 15 years old wasn't tbh. He got humbled many, many times.
What are you saying this is best patch ever
This isn't even the coemback gold, it's just that getting 3 kills early on give you like 3k gold it's stupid. You never saw 15k golds leads at 10-12 mins before, now it happened i think 2 or 3 times already only in this tournament. Icefraud plz staph what are u doin
EDIT: and to make matters worse, HG is still relatively absurdly strong so you have to see stomps dragged 15-20 mins more because of it zzz
I got asked by two random people to play in a tournament. New scam or am I getting popular or something
Secret drafting those inhouse strat
Drow pick is auto loss