Yea it seems like any hero that requires farm or jungle is almost useless this patch. Picking them to be forced into early fights at tower pushes will just end up in deaths. It's rare you have time on hero's especially like doom or void.
I've yet to really see a team counter deathball this patch. Even before you could delay and counter it. Has that just not been figured out yet? I actually like push strategies but it seems extreme at the moment.
Your never gonna see Doom in a tourney game again. Or if he is drafted, his team will most certainly lose. Garbage hero.
Some truly quality posts in this thread...
He was still picked after that, just not disgusting first pick/ban material. Right now he'll never get the time to get online, so teams don't pick him, but Doom will come back sooner or later.Making aghs necessary to shut down passives killed him.
At all the poeple saying 6.83 laning/early game didn't matter, VG won SL12 with their superior support aggressive rotations, and a majority of games in DAC were still decided by winning lanes (especially mids). Again, VG came second in DAC always on the back of their support duo superiority (Fy was basically winning game solos for them) EG actually lost in winner bracket finals when they picked greedy vs VG (Lycan/Furion and Sylla + SF) and then they crushed VG 3-0 when they went for more aggressive midgame drafts against Dusa/Terrorblade lineups of VG. In last patch you were also rewarded for taking always good engages and not being inordinately chasing for kills because of the higher creeps worth relative to hero kills and the possibility for the enemy team to come back. As of now, the games of this Summit3 have all basically been decided by a single skirmish at 8-12 mins giving 3-4 kills advantage and then 10k+ leads really soon after. The longer games were those ones where said skirmishes ended in reatively even trades, or where the team actually avoided fights until later cause of how on the "razor edge" this patch seems to be, with a game being decided by 1-2 early fights, with all towers down and almost no kills because of how scared teams are to lose teamfights.
The one EG game where they actually came back was a basically a timely autodestruction by secret's draft which had to win incredibly early or be steamrolled by a lancer which they had no answers for. In most other cases, even with Ezalor which is one of the strongest hg defenders, or even Eza + Tinker (EG vs VG g2), teams just get constantly rolled after 1 lost teamfight which completely tips the scales and give absurd golds advantage.
For people to whine for old 3-4k gold swings, which had to fulfill so many conditions to actually happen (a teamwipe by the losing team), and not for the current 3-4k gold swings at 10 mins is honestly perplexing.
Of all the TI, TI4 was considered the worst and mostly because of the finals (average game lenght was still around 40 mins, only slightly lower than TI3), this tournament had a game average lenght way shorter than that. This is like vanilla 6.82 with how absurd the gold swings feel. It's not even a matter of letting the patch getting figured out, you shouldn't see consistently 10k+ advantages at 15 mins every game, it just the game's way too volatile to be actually an accurate reflection of skill. This increase in kill bounties /decrease in creeps gold need to be seriously re-evaluated because all i'm seeing is games being way too volatile which in turn is just removing a huge pool of heroes from the game because you need to be able to fight early on.
Also TI3 was best TI and [A] way of playing was the most revolutionary thing this game has ever seen, give me rat every day of the week, the tension was amazing.
Making aghs necessary to shut down passives killed him.
Community consensus was that we don't want to see comebacks that resulted from the trailing team trading inevitable high ground kills in one or two engagements. OK, I guess that's fair enough.
But I wonder if the creep and kill gold changes have meant that early kills are too valuable, and moreover that splitting the map and farming is useless as a way back into the fight. Either way, many of these matches feel even less satisfying than the TI4 finals, and that's saying something. Though EG's draft in that last game was awful. Who is wanting LD? Is it Fear, or does PPD actually rate the hero?
Community consensus was that we don't want to see comebacks that resulted from the trailing team defending high ground successfully. OK, I guess that's fair enough.
But I wonder if the creep and kill gold changes have meant that early kills are too valuable, and moreover that splitting the map and farming is useless as a way back into the fight. Either way, many of these matches feel even less satisfying than the TI4 finals, and that's saying something. Though EG's draft in that last game was awful. Who is wanting LD? Is it Fear, or does PPD actually rate the hero?
It usually isn't this bad, right now it feels like the stupid posts are being "countered" by stupider posts even by people who normally make good posts here.I hope youre joking because this is DotaGAF behaving
Wait till the shit posters get unbanned
It usually isn't this bad, right now it feels like the stupid posts are being "countered" by stupider posts even by people who normally make good posts here.
However, the last few posts have been good and an intersting read. If people have problems with the patch then they should be making constructive criticisms with data backing up their claims not "15 min gg shit meta deathball TI4 finals again".
I hope youre joking because this is DotaGAF behaving
Wait till the shit posters get unbanned
Pitches done early, Secret win, #AUDREY win, free witcher and batmang codes. Today was a good day.
Pitches done early, Secret win, #AUDREY win, free witcher and batmang codes. Today was a good day.
Making aghs necessary to shut down passives killed him.
6 games were over 40 minutes
15 games were over 30 minutes
22 games were under 30 minutes
6 games were under 20 minutes
EG was in 4 of them games under 20 minutes
6 games were over 40 minutes
15 games were over 30 minutes
22 games were under 30 minutes
6 games were under 20 minutes
EG was in 4 of them games under 20 minutes
So are those <20 and >40 games counted in the over/under 30 minutes category or are they separate?REAL BABYRAGE STATSTHE SUMMIT 3 LAN:![]()
6 games were over 40 minutes
15 games were over 30 minutes
22 games were under 30 minutes
6 games were under 20 minutes
EG was in 4 of them games under 20 minutes
real question is how many were actually over at minute 10
Apparently talking about Doom summoned the eternal fire Doom set from my treasure. Free to anyone in the thread who will actually use it and not just junk it since I can do that myself.
Can I have it? It's one the few doom sets I like.
sorry bro came with a video card