Gentle Rodriguez
"Sand King has 2k gold in the bank you know what that means"
based spooky fire skeleton
I am still like 20 games till style 2.
I miss these evolving sets/items. they were really awesome when coupled with tourny ticket bundles and '# of games watched' gems.
Noob question, but when I'm watching some pros on Twitch they have a green arrow that kinda points towards the direction their skills will be used. What setting is that? question, but when I'm watching some pros on Twitch they have a green arrow that kinda points towards the direction their skills will be used. What setting is that?
A command in a config text file that enables range display.
It's in the autoexec.cfg. Some useful stuff you can enable in there.
Nice nice, thank you, I'll take a look.
And that's why you generally don't want to Blink in the middle of the fight as QoP.
Of course now I finally get to play some Splatoon the servers are fucked
Of course now I finally get to play some Splatoon the servers are fucked
Of course now I finally get to play some Splatoon the servers are fucked
I wish I got even one game inGot 1 game in and now can't connect. Gonna need an extra hour ffs.
Game is shit you're not missing anything
Game is shit you're not missing anything
Holy crap how can Americans suck at monster hunter this badly, how do you manage to triple cart to raging brachydios of all things even though you're G crown.
And i need 2 of the damn immortals.
Speaking of immortals where are my immortals valve?
Did you play Tri? Nothing has come close to annoy me as much as people posting Barroth Urgent plz and carting 3 times.
Yeah I played tri, and it wasn't as bad honestly. Vanilla Tri had like 1 actually hard quest which was the entry quest into hr 70, the Alatreon, that one was a bitch to get through with newbies. And TriG was even easier, the onyl mosnter i've seen people strugglin with were the Rust Duramboros, Lucent Narga and Abyssal Lagi.
In this game, it seems like 90% of the population is aweful at it, people tripple cart at everything past G2. Ignoring obvious unfair stuff like Kushala knocking you into an Hurricane or rajang in general, people always die to the Ziggys, the Brachys and worse of all S.Dalamadur and non quild quest Apexes. Drives me nuts.
Kade are you playing Splatoon
or is someone impersonating you
Kade are you playing Splatoon
or is someone impersonating you
I got to play a few rounds before I left. I need to add you guys on Wii U.I am.
Takes getting used to, but you will get to the point where you can just "feel" it and it becomes pretty natural.what the fuck this gyro aiming is killing me just give me a mouse ffs
Then we totally rekt you one gameI am.
what the fuck this gyro aiming is killing me just give me a mouse ffs
i wish i had a Wiitney Uston for splatoon
i wish i had a Wiitney Uston for splatoon
that doesn't help when the alternative is a stickYou can disable gyro aiming.
you want a Wii Urinal for splatoon??????????
it's in their OPi need a pop-gaf dictionary
it's in their OP
its not extensive enough
Paint Roller players = Jungle Legion Commander players
someone play with me and coach me on Io
I'm never going to finish this 10 hero challenge
someone play with me and coach me on Io
I'm never going to finish this 10 hero challenge