Niche (❤︎

These are heroes that don’t exactly fit well into the roles carry/support or you have to play them a certain way that may you may find unintuitive or esoteric. Their difficulty stems from you have to learn them essential from the base up and not apply the rules and method of other heroes to them. On the flip side most of these heroes are very interesting, and people find themselves falling in love with their unique play style.
Bungler (✖︎

This is a hero that can mess up your teammates’ day. They are usually heroes that have abilities which can change your teammates’ position, or accidentally disable them. They also can have abilities which just backfire on you. For example one bad chronosphere can get your entire team killed and even loose you the game. Avoid these heroes like the plague if you are just starting out.
Highly farm dependant (✦

Heroes in this category aren’t necessarily just carries. Some carries are not going to be in this category if they can bounce back pretty easily. The heroes in this category require you to have farming down 100% and absolutely need items to be effective.
Skill Shot (✔︎

Heroes in this category have skill shot. However this doesn’t exactly mean new players can’t play them; if you have a good sense of timing and space feel free to try these heroes out. Just try them out in a bot match first.
Micromanagement (❖

Some heroes have abilities which allow them to control other units leading to having to manage multiple units. In Dota this is very difficult, micromanagement heroes are considered some of the hardest. They should be the last heroes you try when starting. However people with experience in RTS games like Starcraft & Warcraft may find them not as difficult. Make sure to go into your advanced control setting and set up your group unit controls when attempting these heroes.
Combo/High Skill (✱

These heroes have many abilities, and these abilities may be used in several combinations to achieve different affects. Their abilities may also have a high burden of knowledge or insanely quick reflexes to use correctly. Heroes in this category require a very high level of skill and deep understanding of the game from the player.