Dual Wielding Juggernaut set https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by2tXv-O1CY&feature=youtu.be
This is more like something that would be an arcana imo because it changes a lot about the hero.
Dual Wielding Juggernaut set https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by2tXv-O1CY&feature=youtu.be
This is more like something that would be an arcana imo because it changes a lot about the hero.
I don't see a problem with it, tbh.
just played a game against an octarine core naga with radiance
i think i want to uninstall now
i have never felt so claustrophobic
five illusions every 15 seconds coming right at us
Original idea do not steal
Fuck this dude for stealing a joke made by valve that buzzed, hope it never makes it in
just played a game against an octarine core naga with radiance
i think i want to uninstall now
i have never felt so claustrophobic
five illusions every 15 seconds coming right at us
honestly, I agree. I think they did a fantastic job bringing it to life, but the fact that it was pretty much just directly lifted from valve leaves a strange taste in my mouth. Still awesome though.
Naga is one of these heroes that I really want to learn how to play but don't know when to pick it.
Yeah.Isn't that the same guy who didn't have his polar bear courier in the game because it had a hockey stick
honestly, I agree. I think they did a fantastic job bringing it to life, but the fact that it was pretty much just directly lifted from valve leaves a strange taste in my mouth. Still awesome though.
this game doesn't deserve a "gg"
yeah when that item came out my first thought wasI wouldn't be surprised if Valve say "fuck you lol we using that now" and make their own
DotaCinema Blackhole that Valve recreated themselves as this years high level enigma reward
This is beyond the scope of a random workshop contributor, imo. Give him the opportunity and let him animate for Valve directly, either to help create new heroes or as part of remaking older heroes or something.Dual Wielding Juggernaut set https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by2tXv-O1CY&feature=youtu.be
This is more like something that would be an arcana imo because it changes a lot about the hero.
This is beyond the scope of a random workshop contributor, imo. Give him the opportunity and let him animate for Valve directly, either to help create new heroes or as part of remaking older heroes or something.
yeah when that item came out my first thought wasDC ultimate chest![]()
I wouldn't be surprised if Valve say "fuck you lol we using that now" and make their own
This is beyond the scope of a random workshop contributor, imo. Give him the opportunity and let him animate for Valve directly, either to help create new heroes or as part of remaking older heroes or something.
I guess hat makers have to do stuff like this to get noticed in a super over saturated market
I wouldn't be surprised if Valve say "fuck you lol we using that now" and make their own
DotaCinema Blackhole that Valve recreated themselves as this years high level enigma reward
Valve one looks like a piss whirlpool. I like DCs better
I wouldn't say it's beyond the scope of what other workshoppers can do at all, the only thing he added was a lot of animations. Most people just don't go this far because there's no support for it, and it's usually a complete waste of time.
My 2k friends are uncarryable
I feel that you guys are getting screwed by all their stupid restrictions. No new animations or particles must throttle you heavily in a creative sense.
I can only hope that in 25 years when Source 2 releases they have a much better workshop support
teach me ur ways senpai-san~~![]()
Dual Wielding Juggernaut set https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by2tXv-O1CY&feature=youtu.be
This is more like something that would be an arcana imo because it changes a lot about the hero.
I still think changing animations, adding particle effects and swapping color pallets of heroes and abilities is something that should never have been done. The game relies too much on the visual recognition of what's happening on-screen and changing how those the visual cues will only lead to confusion and make it harder and harder to perceive what is going on.
completely agree.
but there's people that are willing to pay up the ass to look 'cool' and different from everyone else, and so in the effort to make money valve concedes and allows stuff like this. It's not out of nowhere so much as these things getting ridiculous exposure and outcry from the community to be accepted. I do wish Valve would have at least stayed strict with their policies so we know exactly what we have to work with and so everyone has the same expectations.
at this point I just hope we don't go down this path further than we already have, but I'm fairly certain with Source 2 we will see some particle treasure packs and maybe even finally official animation support. If anything winds up REALLY breaking the game I'm sure people will throw a giff diretide though.
Not happening. People who buy cosmetics buy them for themselves and to show them off.I'd like the following option to be implemented:
[ ] Allow all cosmetics
[ ] Allow only my cosmetics
[ ] Disable all cosmetics
At the very least everyone is happy this way. I'd only see what I want to see, be it default skins or the clusterfuck that hats are becoming.
can we go back to hat or anime talk