Upload your own MP3 which gets played when she uses her ult.
Upload your own MP3 which gets played when she uses her ult.
Upload your own MP3 which gets played when she uses her ult.
yeah, why wouldn't they?
Screw you Haly for coming up with this idea that I really want implemented but which will never ever happen.
I have about a billion songs lined up that I want to force everyone in the match to listen to.
Second idea:
Upload your own MP3 which gets played when she uses her ult.
literally picking naga to subject them to titanic flute and/or friday
every body say sniper, keep it going![]()
eggs bacon grits sniper!
imma miss a hook get killed by sniper!![]()
gonna try to ult killed by sniper!![]()
imma try to blink and get killed by sniper!![]()
i'm a melee hero get killed by sniper!![]()
I'm a ranged hero but I still get killed by sniper!![]()
hnnnngghnngghhgnghgn sniper!![]()
sniper sniper sniper sniper!
every body say sniper, keep it going![]()
eggs bacon grits sniper!
imma miss a hook get killed by sniper!![]()
gonna try to ult killed by sniper!![]()
imma try to blink and get killed by sniper!![]()
i'm a melee hero get killed by sniper!![]()
I'm a ranged hero but I still get killed by sniper!![]()
hnnnngghnngghhgnghgn sniper!![]()
sniper sniper sniper sniper!
now give us the 6.84 remix![]()
Here is the original song by rap artist Lil Mama
Is there any videos/guides on Storm Spirit? I've started getting into him and I'd like some advice. I've played 5 proper games on him and I've done okay-ish.
My main problem at the minute is always running out of mana, and feeling useless early on. I want to zip zip zoop all the time but obviously can't.
I will bear this in mind in the future, thanks for the the tips.4 stacks should find 1 extra friend or fuck right off. It's bullshit matchmaking is skewered towards them.
4 stacks should find 1 extra friend or fuck right off. It's bullshit matchmaking is skewered towards them.
What are the remaining immortals we know of:
+4 unkown
I have a 100% winrate on Meepo.I got meepo 10 hero challenge done in one try. Miracles do happen.
bloodseeker is broke as shit![]()
You know with Leshrac being so popular you'd think we'd see more Huskar.
He still has a lot of counters and edict being physical doesnt helpYou know with Leshrac being so popular you'd think we'd see more Huskar.
Would like to take this moment to plug this site which gives Dotabuff Plus esque statistics for free.