Gentle Rodriguez
Rubick can't drop a target early, he can only pick where he wants them to drop.
I was assuming he was talking about spells that you can press a second time to get a different effect.
Rubick can't drop a target early, he can only pick where he wants them to drop.
Thanks a lot![]()
QoP is definitely not tier 2. She requires teamwork and ganking and has a massive cooldown skillshot.
I can see the Zeus one, just remember this is about entry skill level, not mastering. You can still win with a Zeus who has no mobility who is a relatively new player.
spent $12 to get the Smoldering Journey Lina set... feel so bad.
On the plus side I got sets for Nyx, Leshrac, Silencer, Doom, and Riki to sell/trade when I can sell/trade them.
naw that lina dress looks hella good, youre all just h8rs
[Insert rant about 6.84 here]
I'm certain I'd be done with this game if it weren't for the Compendium/The International.
We pick a fairly decent team comp. The other team picks 4 hard carries. We own early game. Have kill and tower advantage. We push. We get racks. We give away a couple of high bounty deaths. They snowball back at us. GGWP.
[Salt Intensifies]
I played a lot of 6.82 and a bit less 6.83. I just think the issues have been exacerbated. Cheap heroes are even more devastating.did u not play 6.82 or 6.83?
dota stans come get ur lashings. yall thot it was a one time thing. splatoon is the 2nd most popular moba now. poor dota
[Insert rant about 6.84 here]
I'm certain I'd be done with this game if it weren't for the Compendium/The International.
We pick a fairly decent team comp. The other team picks 4 hard carries. We own early game. Have kill and tower advantage. We push. We get racks. We give away a couple of high bounty deaths. They snowball back at us. GGWP.
[Salt Intensifies]
I'll let you know whenhey are the immortals out yet
It's a nice set, but I don't like the fanny pack![]()
You know, those 450 IP champs.
Psh fanny pack hater, speaking of Lina I wish they fixed the lighting on the Catalyst (Wizard) Hat and some minor clipping issues.
Man whenever I see or hear the term Fanny Pack, I always think Vagina Pack
I have some time off to start working on my mmr. Wish me luck :3
Has any hero ever been as cheap as 6.83 Sniper?I played a lot of 6.82 and a bit less 6.83. I just think the issues have been exacerbated. Cheap heroes are even more devastating.
Sniper. Slark. Troll. Phantom Cancer. Leshrac. Zeus. Now Lich, Undying and Ursa are on this heroes?
Of course, I want Fire Lotus Belt,
He's been getting significant buffs for quite a while now. I've been seeing people rush Agh's more and more frequently; sometimes even solo laning.Wait, why Lich?
What has Lich done to deserve being on that list?
It's just a little too much, in my opinion.6.84
Increased Chain Frost projectile speed from 675 to 750.
Reduced Chain Frost cooldown from 145/115/60 to 120/90/60.
Aghanim's Scepter now removes Chain Frost's bounce limit.
dota stans come get ur lashings. yall thot it was a one time thing. splatoon is the 2nd most popular moba now. poor dota
Maybe it's just because every time I've come up against Lich I've had team mates completely unable to deal with it lately.Aghs change is a joke. It only works against teams that are completely and utterly uncoordinated.
He's been a potential pub solo for a long time thanks to Sacrifice, which was nerfed very heavily a few patches ago when it changed from being a straight deny to a pseudo-deny.
I don't take much issue with your list but Lich is just very odd. I can think of a lot of support-ish heroes far more cancerous than he is.
Phoenix (no attacking allowed)
Treant (no ganking allowed)
Omni (no physical damage allowed)
Visage (HEY BIRDS ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Sand King (I'm going to threaten roam across the map and farm up a 10 minute blink at the same time)
Earth Spirit (self explanatory)
Shira I will write Cloud 9's
And Syder, there's no way you lose one fight and they instantly snowball 15k gold. Your throw has to be extensive this patch.
shira can i just write the rtz profile?
Released less than a week and can't even compete with a game made in 2011 when there's no tournament going on or streamers streaming![]()
Named after its sales
Where you now tentacle hentai fans?![]()
I played a lot of 6.82 and a bit less 6.83. I just think the issues have been exacerbated. Cheap heroes are even more devastating.
How do you even kill Storm Spirit past 40 minutes
seriously its so impossible
How do you even kill Storm Spirit past 40 minutes
seriously its so impossible
Of course, I want Fire Lotus Belt, but barring that this is my Lina dress of choice:
Wait, why Lich?
What has Lich done to deserve being on that list?