Honestly why do any of you still have heroes you've never played?
I dunno
Honestly why do any of you still have heroes you've never played?
I really want to get into meepo, but I just can't get the hang of him
Why not try him in a game if you want to get into the hero?
*i can't get the hang of him in bot games is what I should have written
oracle is a shit hero you don't need to play that guy
worst heroes of 6.84
1. sven
2. oracle
3. elder titan
Fuck bot games. You're not gonna actually learn anything there. Just play the hero in a real game.
you guys need to stop playing all pick and get some single draft or all random going
Fuck bot games. You're not gonna actually learn anything there. Just play the hero in a real game.
Problem is you lose MMR if you play ranked with a new hero, because MMR is not just player-dependent, it is hero-dependent too.
Meh you can practice things like blink poofing 5 meepos, other than that, better to play real games.
I still can't poof all my meepos fast enough
Fuck bot games. You're not gonna actually learn anything there. Just play the hero in a real game.
White Drow
Well he has explicitely said he doesn't care about MMR multiple times so he can't be serious~Are you serious? How about
1) Play unranked
2) Don't care so much about 25 MMR
Take your pick.
How can you expect to learn a hero if you are scared to play them in a real game? And how can you ever truly understand how to play against a hero if you've never played it yourself?
Right, practice and bots are good for mechanical practice but it's no substitute in any way for playing a real match.
Fuck bot games. You're not gonna actually learn anything there. Just play the hero in a real game.
Play unranked
do people actually believe this
oracle is a shit hero you don't need to play that guy
worst heroes of 6.84
1. sven
2. oracle
3. elder titan
what the fuck is this
you guys are blowing my mind
oracle is a shit hero you don't need to play that guy
worst heroes of 6.84
1. sven
2. oracle
3. elder titan
Plebs i have like 10k hours.
Have you guys actually just never played the heros in your lists? Not in a bot game or anything?
oracle's spells suck
Yep they made an announcement on their steam forums and there's a thread going on about it.?
Did it get canned too?
Have you guys actually just never played the heros in your lists? Not in a bot game or anything?
They really do. Froggu dropped the ball on Oracle, went too burden of knowledge for his own good.
Proper Lina cosmetics:
Guys I came up with a funny Dota goof but I don't have the PhotoShop means to act upon it so you can have it if you want.
You know. Like Tim Burton.
Guys I came up with a funny Dota goof but I don't have the PhotoShop means to act upon it so you can have it if you want.
You know. Like Tim Burton.
They really do. Froggu dropped the ball on Oracle, went too burden of knowledge for his own good.
Edit: I tuned in to TheFluffiestBunny you guys mentioned. Wtf did I just watched????? She was dancing to animu music with cat-like steps.
ellen pudge
is this what becomes of us when there is no pro doto to watch during the day
this is 100% legit right guys?