is this what becomes of us when there is no pro doto to watch during the day
excuse me?
is this what becomes of us when there is no pro doto to watch during the day
my bro has cancer and wants to borrow ur dragonclaw hook, it's the only thing that will make him feel better
milk whats something dumb to combo with tusk
hes my new favourite hero
excuse me?
Another Tuskmilk whats something dumb to combo with tusk
hes my new favourite hero
2100 hours, 700 games, get on my level:
I'd like to try night stalker, tiny and bloodseeker sometime, and maybe some of the relaxing farming heroes like spectre, naga and alchemist. Don't have much interest in the other heroes here though, aside from knocking them off my all hero challenge.
no ta
no qop
TA is one of the heroes I just can't wrap my head around after 100s of bot games. QoP is meh, but she's on my 10 hero challenge so I'll play her soon.
milk whats something dumb to combo with tusk
hes my new favourite hero
oracle is a shit hero you don't need to play that guy
worst heroes of 6.84
1. sven
2. oracle
3. elder titan
how is ur radiance naga going to defend ur base? sounds like hes playing naga correctly
I'm sorry whatProceed to buy midas and keeps farming.
how is ur radiance naga going to defend ur base? sounds like hes playing naga correctly
One thing that still puzzles me: When do you actually decide it's worth buying Radiance on her, and when do you buy it if so? Do you get it just immediately? (Brown Boots into Radiance) or get maybe Vanguard first?
In response to last page, here are the proper Lina cosmetics:
Pretty sure you always want Radiance on her, she's one of the heroes on which it's always good. I really don't like seeing mid-game items like Blademail/Vanguard/etc on her though, it just either delays her radiance or your end game items. Manta is also super good on her for obvious reasons.
vanguard into radiance tbh then buy whatever
get into PMS -> RoH -> Diffusal or Radiance
use RoH to build a refresher later
screw vanguard
oh damn didn't realize we had some good DOTO to look forward to tonight
solo q ranked makes me nervous
for no reason at all
but it does
its just a game
remember that
Some games you're going to want to buy vanguard. The life pool helps against heavy nukes
But then you hit like a wet towel.
Doesn't really ever work out like that except in the late game where you have 3000 HP as Spectre.
solo q ranked makes me nervous
for no reason at all
but it does