Is it better to buy a set with 1k coins or buy 10 items???
Anyone have any perspective on what happened here?
I have a remnant sitting safely in base. I jump to it while in Sleight, the remnant disappears, the sound effect goes off, but then I just end up where I was and die. It was like it was a dud.
Anyone have any perspective on what happened here?
I have a remnant sitting safely in base. I jump to it while in Sleight, the remnant disappears, the sound effect goes off, but then I just end up where I was and die. It was like it was a dud.
Anyone have any perspective on what happened here?
I have a remnant sitting safely in base. I jump to it while in Sleight, the remnant disappears, the sound effect goes off, but then I just end up where I was and die. It was like it was a dud.
link game
looks like you clicked in the wrong spot, since you actually move to a remnant right in front of you.
Happens as my 7th death.
That's not a remnant on screen, it's the one from Sleight. You can see on my buffs I have two remnants left, so only one placed. "Hey, maybe you can accidentally choose to jump to your Sleight remnant and I just never knew that?" Tried replicating it in a bot game and I always finished Sleight then automatically jumped to the "real" (created by using the ult) remnant.
Happens as my 7th death.
That's not a remnant on screen, it's the one from Sleight. You can see on my buffs I have two remnants left, so only one placed. "Hey, maybe you can accidentally choose to jump to your Sleight remnant and I just never knew that?" Tried replicating it in a bot game and I always finished Sleight then automatically jumped to the "real" (created by using the ult) remnant.
Happens as my 7th death.
That's not a remnant on screen, it's the one from Sleight. You can see on my buffs I have two remnants left, so only one placed. "Hey, maybe you can accidentally choose to jump to your Sleight remnant and I just never knew that?" Tried replicating it in a bot game and I always finished Sleight then automatically jumped to the "real" (created by using the ult) remnant.
i explained this in my post
but thanks for the gif to show people hylian, easier to understand that way
edit: i see i worded it very poorly sorry guys. meant to say if you ulti while still sleighting rather than the other way around
Got a riki set I already had.set. you have a chance to get nexon shit.
I was getting that last week (as was most of the Australian server apparently).Edit: I'm also getting really strange packet loss going on. Stuff like I throw an autoattack and don't see the projectile, things stutter, and I get the last hit. Same thing happens with spells like Raze.
I was getting that last week (as was most of the Australian server apparently).
What servers do you play on?
Did they change the way Huskar's ult works recently? I thought that used to be one of the spells that didn't get disjointed by anything. I've seen it get cancelled more times in the last 3 weeks than the entire time before that.
Huskar leaps at a speed of 1000 and cannot be disjointed.
Theres your answerIf Huskar is disabled during the leap or the distance between the target and Huskar becomes more than 1400, the leap stops.
maybe its the same reason why dropbox/google docs doesn'tdoom with no items smh
why the hell won't the emotes plugin work on my work computer gah
Can one of you guys tell me to stop playing Radiance Doom, please? I only really like it because it fits him thematically and it got buffed in 6.84
Today I learned that you cannot shift queue Urn+Nether Strike after Charge. I got stuck at a cliff and damn that was embarrassing
Is Spectre's Desolate a UAM
Does it stack with orb of venom, skadi, lifesteal and/daedalus?
Not a UAM so yeah
diffu skadi sanic all day erryday
No isn't, why would it be if it only works under a very specific condition, I don't think it stacks with other stuff though, since the damage is entirely separate from the hit damage.