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DOTA 2 BETA 2 |OT10| Reborn

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Low Tier
I like you milk



My new approach of playing a game then taking a break and not just play for the number has been a great success so far. Climbing 200mmr points like nothing. Let's keep it going. Road to 2k.


Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Finally buckled down and started hitting the Dota books lately and I honestly feel like a Dota sponge over the past week or so. Purge, Merlini, SimplyDota, plus whatever else I could find on Youtube I've just been absorbing it all. Warding guides, roaming/ganking guides, supporting a hard carry, offlaning, farming efficiency, itemization, teamfighting, positioning, plus whatever else I could find. Fruits of my labor are starting to really show in my games the past few days. Lots of stomps, lots of wins and a Dota enlightenment sort of feeling of understanding the game on a much more thorough sense than before.

Last ranked game was a real oddball. Playing Jugg with a WD vs a Legion off and had to lasthit against both the legion and WD who past the first few minutes of single pulling gave up on trying to pull altogether. Elder Titan and Void went bot, spent a few minutes bitching at each other after a bad start so I just muted them and chatted it up with our mid QOP. Sub 40 min victory which is kinda rare and nice that we managed to not drag it out, though I'd like to think part of that was me shotcalling for grouping and towerpushing over voice chat.

9 points away from 3k and then the real climb starts.


Finally buckled down and started hitting the Dota books lately and I honestly feel like a Dota sponge over the past week or so. Purge, Merlini, SimplyDota, plus whatever else I could find on Youtube I've just been absorbing it all. Warding guides, roaming/ganking guides, supporting a hard carry, offlaning, farming efficiency, itemization, teamfighting, positioning, plus whatever else I could find. Fruits of my labor are starting to really show in my games the past few days. Lots of stomps, lots of wins and a Dota enlightenment sort of feeling of understanding the game on a much more thorough sense than before.

Last ranked game was a real oddball. Playing Jugg with a WD vs a Legion off and had to lasthit against both the legion and WD who past the first few minutes of single pulling gave up on trying to pull altogether. Elder Titan and Void went bot, spent a few minutes bitching at each other after a bad start so I just muted them and chatted it up with our mid QOP. Sub 40 min victory which is kinda rare and nice that we managed to not drag it out, though I'd like to think part of that was me shotcalling for grouping and towerpushing over voice chat.

9 points away from 3k and then the real climb starts.

inkls take notes



I haven't looked at any individual games yet, but just taking a brief overview here.

First of all, I have to ask before I watch this: What happened here? http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1618012012

Also here: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1615623655

On a strange note, I'm curious how you won a game where you died 32 times as Slardar?


I'm seeing a lot of cases where you have a significant number of deaths more than your teammates. What's going on there?

Another thing I noticed, and maybe this is a case of "I bought them right before the ancient fell and didn't have time to sell the Treads", but why are you getting two feet on Clinkz?

Overall, just taking a glance at things, I would say the number one thing is to just play the "don't die" game. Maybe don't go yolo on that iffy tower dive, maybe watch your positioning and try to be at max range to stay out of range of an enemy's spell or attack, watch the minimap, things of that nature.

In my own case, I feel like this is something I have made an improvement on, and still continue to improve on. I just looked at my most recent 6 pages of Dotabuff matches, and I haven't had a single game where I died more than 15 times. That includes games that we got completely and utterly rekt for whatever reason.

Above all, just don't die. Remember: Sometimes your teammates are right, sometimes they are wrong. You aren't always obligated to listen to them or follow them. If you see them going into something you know is stupid, don't follow.


surely you could have built a medallion at least once

do you have a foot fetish or something

edit: wait no, foot phobia

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Is Medallion in the 6.84 TorteDeLini guide? B/c I'm pretty sure a large majority of players in the normal skill bracket just use whatever the guide says.


surely you could have built a medallion at least once

do you have a foot fetish or something

edit: wait no, foot phobia


He has built it 22 times in his Dota career, 27% winrate with it at the end (although keep in mind this doesn't count games where he made it into Solar Crest)


Is Medallion in the 6.84 TorteDeLini guide? B/c I'm pretty sure a large majority of players in the normal skill bracket just use whatever the guide says.

That's entirely possible, they may still not be familiar with all the options for whatever reason, which is why we have guides. There's a ton of items, people that still don't know a good chunk of the ins and outs of the game (I say good chunk because I guarantee you that nobody knows every single facet of the game, it simply is impossible).

Still though, I've always believed guides and other people's suggestions are a good way to learn the items and heroes for yourself so you can come up with these decisions on your own.



Yep, a couple of examples of this.

I remember Loda at TI3 (I think?) tried to buy another Diffusal Blade Recipe to refill the charges on his level 2 Diffusal Blade. Didn't work.

There's also things like bugs, such as the Centaur Aghs + Undying shenanigans, or the fact that some of people grew up on Dota 1 or HoN, where things were different for whatever reason, whether intentional or not.

Weird example of this is when Pudge hooks someone, the hook turns the victim to face Pudge, while in Dota 1 it does not. This means if you are Mirana and you get hooked, you actually have to turn before just mashing E if you want to get away.


same thread, this one gave me a good chuckle too, dude comes with a straight face and drops this like he believes in it

I think it's the avatar+post combination that makes me laugh

and I wouldn't say dota is the most physically demanding either

physically demanding?? geez, definitely not lol or dota. If anything Starcraft (or hell, even Street Fighter) are more demanding. It's an interesting question though I gotta peruse that thread.
£240 cat dish. Assuming you don't do anything to level up your compendium for free (which is noticeably slower than last year). I'd say absolute cheapest you could get this thing is £200, and you'd need to play a lot, and predict good.



This is the game where two teammates abandoned, and the other team spiraled out of control. I was warding like crazy and genuinely trying to salvage it, but they just had so much damage that all of us died super quickly. I feel like there's not much I could do here. (Also, I was muted so I couldn't communicate. That was a mistake. I shouldn't have tried to play ranked while muted.)

Also here: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1615623655

On a strange note, I'm curious how you won a game where you died 32 times as Slardar?


I gotta admit, these games were both me going on tilt and just not trying.

Another thing I noticed, and maybe this is a case of "I bought them right before the ancient fell and didn't have time to sell the Treads", but why are you getting two feet on Clinkz?

I know boots don't stack, if that's what you're wondering. My inventory wasn't full so I held on to the Treads for the attributes alone. I know it doesn't add much, but it's better than nothing. As soon as I need room for something else I would drop the Treads.

Overall, just taking a glance at things, I would say the number one thing is to just play the "don't die" game. Maybe don't go yolo on that iffy tower dive, maybe watch your positioning and try to be at max range to stay out of range of an enemy's spell or attack, watch the minimap, things of that nature.

I'm absolutely aware that this is my problem, and it has definitely improved over time, just not nearly as quickly as I'd like. I tend to play support where I have the feeling that it's okay if I die as long as we make progress, but I know that I still shouldn't.

I'm well aware of my failings, I just have to work on developing the calm and patience to get better. Thanks for the advice!

surely you could have built a medallion at least once

Is Medallion in the 6.84 TorteDeLini guide? B/c I'm pretty sure a large majority of players in the normal skill bracket just use whatever the guide says.

DING DING DING we have a winner!

I'm getting better at making situational item choices, but for the most part I tend to follow the TorteDeLini guides as a template. And I actually do build Medallion and Crest quite a bit these days. I didn't build it on Clinkz those games because I was trying an idiotic strategy of just being a rat and only split pushing, not fighting.

Yes, it's a low point in my Dota career, it was absolutely intentional feeding. I still feel bad about this one and the 3 or 4 other games where I just went full rage mode. Also I think it was low prio which we all know doesn't really count


Wouldn't it be more cost effective to invest the money you spent on bots on some other item and just carry tps if you have the inventory space anyway?
I'm well aware of my failings, I just have to work on developing the calm and patience to get better. Thanks for the advice!

According to Dotabuff, you die on average 8.13 per game which is too much for a primarily core player.

Try to avoid any of these things:

- Split pushing without TP
- Split pushing when 3 to 5 heroes are missing on the map unless you have a very good escape (AM, Morph, Weaver and so on)
- Don't join fights when you don't think your team can win them with or without you
- If you get repeatedly ganked in your jungle and map control is lost, farm the enemy jungle. Normal bracket players are too narrow-sighted to harass you in their own jungle when they're busy invading your jungle. However, when you walk past the Dire easy camp, beware of the creep wave as it can spot you and expose your plan.
- If the enemy team has few stuns, try to TP out just right in front of them as a last resort
- If you see one of your team mates getting picked off, don't follow him and risk dying for no reason. Instead, use that information to farm the side of the map that your ganked team mate freed up. People just tend to go in 1 by 1 in low level pubs and die for no good reason whatsoever
- If you realize you are being ganked, you can BKB + TP if you have a BKB that is. And a TP. That is usually worth it.

I'm the best EUW carry player around so try to play it as I do: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/180637124/matches (by the way, that last WK game was a position 5 WK but I went on to become our #1 dmg dealer sadly)

Also, doing one session of that last hitting tutorial per day will increase your MMR by astonishing amounts.

In fact, add me if you want some coaching. Carrying, farming and (split)pushing are pretty much the only things I'm good at.
Wouldn't it be more cost effective to invest the money you spent on bots on some other item and just carry tps if you have the inventory space anyway?

Well again, I was trying a pure pushing strat, just moving from lane to lane. I TPed so much that I'm sure the BoTs paid for themselves in every one of those games. (Whether or not it was the best item choice is obviously debatable.) And plus the cooldown is much lower so you can move more often.


im still pissed that valve took the lazy route on the void remodel and dont give me that "bubububu what could valve do???" They put void in there so its clearly their own problem to figure out. Not mine


im still pissed that valve took the lazy route on the void remodel and dont give me that "bubububu what could valve do???" They put void in there so its clearly their own problem to figure out. Not mine

I'm pissed that people voted for void instead of heroes that needed remodel because "obviously those heroes will get remodeled anyway"


I'm pissed that people voted for void instead of heroes that needed remodel because "obviously those heroes will get remodeled anyway"

I feel thats a fair reason to be upset. However, the public spoke and they picked void. What did they do? Give him a new tattoo and abs. VIOLA NEW VOID MODEL FOLKS!
Had £1.30 in my Steam account, so added £10 because I was being bothered by being 5p short for a Cache. Bought my final cache and got the Doom bundle which is the only one I wanted :)

This is probably a very stupid question, but how do you recycle items for Charms properly when the recycle screen blocks the Armory, and seemingly can't be minimised?

Slark is so much fun, just won an hour long game with him, one of those matches where it could have gone either way until the final push. My Leaping has gone to shit though, missed so many of them
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