Seriously. Pro-casters are sooooo good, i don't care about the lack of hype, the insight is much more entertaining, especially from a panel of 2-3 pros.
Yep, at least some of it. It was so good. They have great chemistry.
EE voice give me homicidal thoughts
This is a worse stomp than yesterday's VG-C9 embarassement
"best patch ever" - said random 4k americlap![]()
This message was hidden because it was written by a random 4k americlap
Jokes aside, deathballs have never been a problem in pubs. This patch would've been fine with just the new items, hero changes and gold distribution change. The nerf on comeback gold make comp games just so unwatchable i'm seriously hoping for an emergency 6.84c because if after 2 weeks tournaments are already this bad it's gonna be even worse than TI4.
Jokes aside, deathballs have never been a problem in pubs. This patch would've been fine with just the new items, hero changes and gold distribution change. The nerf on comeback gold make comp games just so unwatchable i'm seriously hoping for an emergency 6.84c because if after 2 weeks tournaments are already this bad it's gonna be even worse than TI4.
Jokes aside, deathballs have never been a problem in pubs. This patch would've been fine with just the new items, hero changes and gold distribution change. The nerf on comeback gold/creeps gold make comp games just so unwatchable i'm seriously hoping for an emergency 6.84c because if after 2 weeks tournaments are already this bad it's gonna be even worse than TI4.
Deathball really can be a problem in pubs, I've seen games lost that are only dragged out just because the other team is just playing with their food before ending it (aka not grouping up and pushing to end).
ee is highlighting my issue with the comeback mechanic of 6.82/6.83 (rubberband) right now:
He's talking about how shortly after 6.82 he didn't give a shit about the draft, just yolo draft and pick terrorblade, get outplayed the whole game, down 50-20 in kills (c9 being the 20), yet still win the game because of the rubberband. Shit like that should never happen. The comeback mechanic took a lot out of the drafting stage and marginalized the laning stage. You can argue that now the drafting stage/laning is too important, but I'd rather see some happy balance between 6.83's comeback mechanic and 6.84's lack thereof. Meet in the middle with small buffs to the xp/gold factor.