Back from uni, how were the games today?
second secret ig game was good
Back from uni, how were the games today?
I just don't want another TI4.
Eh dunno finals were so shit it retroactively fucked the whole tournament.TI4 was pretty good outside of the finals.
snowball meta
My pub games are still long on average (42 min vs 43 min for patch 6.83c). I am skeptical. Only time will tell.
5 sub balls death today is invictive the secret demoli
Next time just invite 6 teams![]()
We lost steve? There's no religion anymore in this wolrd.
Just invite the best 8 teams by your own reckoning, don't artificially force tournament slots to regions of the world which don't have teams good enough to justify them.
I see he is going for the G.ZZZ record of consecutive bans.That's his 14th ban this year...
If he needs an interview with one of the most successful players in ihl2 I can do it.and refleksey watches IHL2![]()
If he needs an interview with one of the most successful players in ihl2 can do it.
this patch sucks. give 6.83 but with troll and sniper nerfs
I'm 4k and i like to talk a lot
Na, just needs a lil tweaking is all. 6.83 was by far the worst patch in dota history imo (of the patches ive played)--troll and sniper were way out of hand and the overtuned comeback mechanic took away a core part of the game.
This patch seems to encourage killing above all else (which is what most people wanted out of dota); however, it looks to have maybe taken it a bit too far. There's no longer any reason to farm for an extended amount of time or much downtime between fights. You have the laning stage, then you have the kill kill kill stage. This isn't a push oriented deathball (hence why you don't see lycan, ss, and dp though all 3 are plenty viable--I still think lycan is a tier 1 pick this patch but pro's don't seem to care about him). It's snowball off kills rather than towers like TI4.
Little nudges to slow the game down and encourage some farming downtime like +tower armor or +creep bounty is what I wanna see. Maybe a 5-10% buff to the gold/xp factor (comeback mechanic), but I NEVER want to see that return to 6.82 or even 6.83 levels, ever.
Nobody is going to pick Elder Titan until he's OP again.
Yeah they should bring back part of farming strategy back because all kills lead to these fast games and makes coming back too hard. Even if the losing team gets a teamwipe the carry still wont get the most of the bounty.
Elder who now?
Tbh i think ET is already super good. 1.2 channel stun is much more reliable now, and 5 seconds sleeps on 11 sec cd? The hero can setup some absudrly strong fights. Need his ulti to be 2 lines, one from hero and one from spirit, both doing 18% hp in magic or physical damage
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Hylian sevin vindicated cannot paly more farm hero into thus patches cannot pray no moor
I gotta say though, all this talk about 6.84 is just about competitive to me. Pubs have been extremely enjoyable (way better than the pubs of the last 3-4 patches), and everything feels fun and usable (item, strat, hero) with no troll or sniper in sight (yet). Visage, Ursa, and Undying were dealt with pretty quickly.
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The thing I don't like about this patch is how it has really cut out the rewards of efficient farming. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying encourage AFK farming, but it's almost to the point where it's much less rewarding to be like "I need a bit of farm for one more item before I can really fight well." because if you aren't there killing them, you are missing out.
AM is kind of case in point in this, as he's effectively not that great this patch as you have to do "battle AM" or you basically lose, and even then, battle AM isn't that great compared to other more early-game oriented carries, so he pretty much loses.