Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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You do get the stuff. Cause an opened compendium is used up and only exists in your profile

Hmm that is a good point though. I don't think my Compendium is in my inventory after activating it...

I activated the compendium, and then got the Smeevil automatically.

Interesting... guess it ties it to an account when bought then? Maybe the loss of points if a deterrent from reselling.
Hmm that is a good point though. I don't think my Compendium is in my inventory after activating it...

Interesting... guess it ties it to an account when bought then? Maybe the loss of points if a deterrent from reselling.
You can buy a compendium and trade it or give it away before activating. Once you activate is when itstied to yyou .


Corporate Apologist
I have bought my compendium from the Steam Market. And now, on the first page, there is the name of the guy I bought it from.

Moreover, my contribution to the prize pool is $0...

I bought a Ticket to the event and my Contribution to the prize pool is $0 :/


Did you get the BP boost as well?

I don't know what Steam Support would say now, but at that time, you could negotiate with them, because it was not apparent the compendium was any different on the store and on the market.


Fuck my graphics card died today and I'm now using my on-board graphics, will have to endure and play Dota 2 using 109 settings.


Not Wario
Mouz still winning the cs war.

Edit: Lvl 8 treant with no ulti? Thats a new build.

Edit 2: NS goes for furion without a point in silence?


75 % of my bets loss come from me betting on QPAD when I really shouldn't.

Don't have much hope for them turning this around


Is it just my imagination or will your hero occasionally take buffered inputs while you're stunned? It seems like every so often I'll come out of a stun and cast whatever it was I was trying to cast before without hitting anything.





hahaha thanks

Yes, he looked simple enough on paper (I randomed him).

SMH Hylian... Don't really know what you expected to do vs a SF mid. Last hit with Shards? AoE stun works well in combo with shards. You either open with Snowball or Shards. Use whichever one isn't on CD, then Punch. Snowball snowballs heroes for good initiation.

Get shadowblade, activate ult, stealth, and punch someone. Shards/Snowball, then Snowball/Shards, punch again. Rinse, repeat.


Get in his face and harass him early. I usually have trouble with melee heroes where a lot of their damage comes from right click. This is why I'm bad at Bloodseeker, Bristleback, and more. The exception is if they're hard carries and I have farm.

Yeah I can see this, as you're used to mid-centric heroes. This is harder to learn/acquire in games with random people where you can't necessarily rely on others for help. Even more so if you get an unfortunate lane combination.

Actually, you could have treated him like you do Mag, and just use his shards as a nuke to secure CS. More costly though, so you'd have to get regen accordingly.


Yeah I can see this, as you're used to mid-centric heroes. This is harder to learn/acquire in games with random people where you can't necessarily rely on others for help. Even more so if you get an unfortunate lane combination.

Actually, you could have treated him like you do Mag, and just use his shards as a nuke to secure CS. More costly though, so you'd have to get regen accordingly.

But Ice Shards doesn't hit creeps unless they're right next to the hero they hit...


But Ice Shards doesn't hit creeps unless they're right next to the hero they hit...

Na (at least I'm pretty sure of this), you can just cast it anywhere and whatever is in its path will take the damage. Only once it reaches a hero or has run it's max length of cast will it expand and cause it to block/trap.

That's how I interpret his wiki, and how I remember it from playing him last:
Tusk compresses 5 shards of ice into a ball of frozen energy that damages all enemies it comes in contact with. If the ball comes in contact with an enemy hero or reaches its maximum range the shards are released, creating a barrier that lasts for 5 seconds.


Na (at least I'm pretty sure of this), you can just cast it anywhere and whatever is in its path will take the damage. Only once it reaches a hero or has run it's max length of cast will it expand and cause it to block/trap.

That's how I interpret his wiki, and how I remember it from playing him last:

I never knew that, I was always under the impression it only hit in the nuke trap area.

On a random note, I got the email saying I got in the Steam Trading Card Beta!
I think it's time for me to remove some friends from my friends list, because the temptation of joining when invited overrides my greater sense of self-preservation.

For example,


the ET and Sven invited me to the party. I knew the Sven was bad in the past, but I hadn't played with him for at least 2 months. I decide to give him a shot. Call it a call-back audition. You know what I mean...hoping a guy who disappointed you in the past will have his shit together in the present. Every time, I end up greatly disappointed. Both have well over 1200 wins, and that experience should count for something. Everyone on the team had between 875 - 1300 wins worth of experience...and they played like it was their first month of doto. no chain stuns, despite 4 nuke stunners. No sent wards purchased to counter invis heroes. No BKB's in production. There wasn't even anything to be said.

I think the only safe solution for me is to just start pruning my friends list again. If for no other reason than to remove the temptation of joining their parties.

The most ironic thing?
We had a long discussion before the match started about how # of wins mean absolutely nothing. The ET was adamant that MM was sticking him with bad players because they have less than 300 or 400 wins and that they weren't on his level because of all his 1200 wins of experience. As if # of wins have anything to do with anything other than how much Dota2 MM you've played. Fuck outta here scrub. MM is clearly pairing you with the right caliber of players. Take your 1287 wins or whatever and eat a dick, scrub.
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