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Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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Yonex's Rage
IG's Courier!
by Thiago Vidotto (every great courier IE wyrmeleon/shagbark) & kpax


WOW!!!! Instabuy!

Quoted for new page.
Upvote GAF!


Corporate Apologist
Nah, I bet you Valve doesn't even implement both. Fearless Badger had a Dire Version but nothing came with it, only the green variation made it into the game.


ComeWithMe @leCEWEME 14h

@Leemitless @Trancez0r @skrff If scrims are irrelevant then why do people scrim ?! #fucklogic :D

Comedy gold right here!


Corporate Apologist
what dota hero is she like

Lulu is pretty unique to LoL, none of her skills really have Dota counterparts.

She has a built in passive that a bit like Weaver's Geminate, it will add 3 projectiles to her auto attacks that do fix Damage. Her Q is a Skillshot nuke that will slow anyone it hits (Fires two projectiles at different angles), Her R is an ability that will ether give an ally bonus movement speed and magic damage, or Hex an enemy. Her E will give an Ally a Shield and temporarily give her passive to the shielded ally or if casted on an enemy will Simply nuke and give sight of the enemy for 6 seconds. Her Ult will give an ally bonus max HP and a slowing Aura (It will also knockup any enemy in melee range of the ally)



Yonex's Rage
IG's Courier!
by Thiago Vidotto (every great courier IE wyrmeleon/shagbark) & kpax

If it wasn't branded is buy it in a heart beat but alas it is. Also I've spent 70 quid on dota the shirts to get the courier and axe. So I'm feeling a little tight fisted now. :(


Speaking of cosmetics I love the new PA set.
Assasin's Creed chicken?

If it wasn't branded is buy it in a heart beat but alas it is. Also I've spent 70 quid on dota the shirts to get the courier and axe. So I'm feeling a little tight fisted now. :(
No need to buy, just upvote - support the artists that way.

I personally think it looks ugly, but I haven't seen it in game.
Saw dat liger.
what dota hero is she like
The one guy I know that works at Riot mentioned she's supposed to be Invoker (her skills do different things based on certain conditions).

I say this is bullshit since me and a buddy were annoying him about how there was no Invoker port in LoL.


I'm going through another Rubick phase...I had about a 15% winrate with him before, up to 55% now.

Can't say the same for Lion. 9% win rate :x


You're right, so Mouz, Empire, EG, and DD shouldn't have been invited to the qualifiers right?

All the teams you listed in your previous post make the argument for an expanded qualifier stronger. Why's it hurt to have a 12 or 16 man qualifier? What's there to lose? What's negative about that? This is what I don't understand about people that are so defensive of Valve, that they can even find fault with adding a few extra teams to each qualifier. What's the harm?

Again, like I said in my first post there are no teams that didn't get invited directly that have had a completely stable roster, but they have pairs or trios in their teams that have been long time teammates. I'll list them again with further explanation (in the ones you bring up):
From DD: 7ckngMad, Sockshka, and Funzii have been playing together since April of last year, Goblak and Silent have been playing together for 7 months.
From Mouz: Black, Fata, and PAS have been playing together for 5 months, and Black has been the core that the team has been based around for a year
From EG: Demon and Fear have been together for 1.5 years, and everybody besides Bamboe has played together for 6 months
From Empire: Scandal and Blowyourbrain have played together for a year.

Rox.Kis has the least amount of time of any pair of familiar players and at least they have 2 pairs of players that have 4 months together, and in that time they placed second in a lan against 3 international invites. Similarly, iCCup has the next lowest amount of time together, and they also placed second in a lan with 2 international invites.

Not a single pair of players from Kaipi has played together for more than 3 months. The pair that does have at least 3 months is pieliedie and bone7. If you asked the same panel of people who whine about Kaipi not getting in if they would invite the team "pieliedie and bone7 plus 3" they would say no.

They have only really shown their strength for about a month, and that's fine. I hope that they meet the potential that they are showing, and all they have to do is what Dignitas did this past year. They only really showed up the month before the qualifiers last year on PotM bottom, but they stayed active, stayed consistent, stayed together, and they were one of the clear picks for TI3. I just am tired of a lot of the community who only seem to talk about Kaipi in terms of "EE worked so hard for this he deserves an invite," so what? Everybody in the teams both invited to the main event and the qualifier has worked hard. (I am not necessarily saying you are arguing specifically for Kaipi, its just that 99% of the community speaking out against the picks is and that is more what I am ranting about than you specifically.)

Sorry if I was unclear on the second point though. I would have been glad to see a larger qualifier; I don't think there's anything to lose by doing so. I do think however from a logistical and organizational standpoint limiting the invites for the qualifier makes plenty of sense, because running open qualifiers would be a huge undertaking and would take so much time that it would be hard to keep focus, and if its not open the question will always be how many invites is enough? Choosing to be stricter on invites has also led to many more teams being in contention for the qualifiers (only maybe 3 teams were really considered to have a chance to win the qualifiers last year, as opposed to it being relatively even this year) and a likely more even overall tournament. (again, as opposed to people thinking at the very least 5 of the teams not having a chance)

Maybe the knowledge that the qualifier pool will be limited will make people start shaping up earlier and really get them going to the point where everybody will even say anybody including just the qualifier teams would have a decent chance at winning the international.

(It did make me laugh a bit a few nights ago when iceiceice said he didn't really care about the western qualifiers because it was a bunch of teams that don't have a chance of placing at the international.)


I personally think it looks ugly, but I haven't seen it in game.

Well PA is pretty ugly no matter what, it's pretty much a joke at this point. But the mantle and hood do look cool to me, especially the subtle hair inside the hood. The blade and belt are meh, but they're at least unique and new.


Well PA is pretty ugly no matter what, it's pretty much a joke at this point. But the mantle and hood do look cool to me, especially the subtle hair inside the hood. The blade and belt are meh, but they're at least unique and new.

She's actually my favorite looking character. A couple pieces of the new set are nice, but I don't think I would use the whole thing.


but ever so delicious
rasoi[bguidbguidafbgiuadbuigbai gfuuuuuuu

I have no idea what happened in this game. I have no idea how we really won, I was really happy with my performance though. First major time messing around with euls and force staff after 300 games.

There was still a bunch of mistakes I made, But if I played like that 90% of the time I would really enjoy the game a heck of a lot more. I'm dead tired after that game.



At which point are beginners (less than 20 games played) don't appear in a game?

I have played 150 games, and the last game included a pair of russians who feeded a lot. One was using Lina as carry and achieved 14/8 thanks to the ulti, he had 300 games played. His friend had played around 10-15 games and sucked with jakiro, 2/11.

All the other players had a likewise amount of games played as me, so it seems Valve takes this heavily into account. But having a total beginner in the match, specially if he does not understand english (and they did not use teamspeak between themselves, only text), is a big hindrance.


(by the way, first match as Treant Protector. Funny hero, might use it again)


At which point are beginners (less than 20 games played) don't appear in a game?

I have played 150 games, and the last game included a pair of russians who feeded a lot. One was using Lina as carry and achieved 14/8 thanks to the ulti, he had 300 games played. His friend had played around 10-15 games and sucked with jakiro, 2/11.

All the other players had a likewise amount of games played as me, so it seems Valve takes this heavily into account. But having a total beginner in the match, specially if he does not understand english (and they did not use teamspeak between themselves, only text), is a big hindrance.


(by the way, first match as Treant Protector. Funny hero, might use it again)

It's always possible, especially if people queue as a pair. If dendi hits find match with a guy that has played 5 games they are gonna be in the very high skill bracket with people that have 500 wins.


I think he was picked once or twice before, but this seems to a bit more of a serious tournament.. unless navi/puppey doesn't see it like that.


I think on a good day for QPAD/bad day for Navi the odds might be close to 50/50 depending on how much Puppey throws the draft.

Didn't bet on this one though.

Actually last time they played it was really close, i think qpad lost mostly off Waga wasting a BKB charge just before the push and an hack shackle that should have never landed.
QPAD sealed their fate with this draft. Pretty bad. 2(3 if you count LD) offlaners, and weird lanes to boot. Would've put Nyx mid vs. Skywrath. Nyx is also a legit offlaner at times.


God Rubick is so awesome. Windowing back and forth and it took me a minute to figure out why the hell LD switched teams.

11 minute gg....


God Rubick is so awesome. Windowing back and forth and it took me a minute to figure out why the hell LD switched teams.

11 minute gg....
250/400/600 bonus health on a support hero is pretty damned sweet (I assume he doesn't get the additional bonus from Synergy).
It's like they picked 5 good heroes without even thinking about laning or sinergy.

Also if you count the Lone Druid it was 4 melee vs. the 4 ranged (+Naix which is pretty much the best laning carry atm) of Navi. High likelihood to be brutal regardless of heroes with that setup.
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