spending none of your starting gold seems incredibly dangerous and just doesn't seem worth it.
The things I've seen people do. Don't let me get started please
spending none of your starting gold seems incredibly dangerous and just doesn't seem worth it.
Well if you got every single creep in lane and spent none of your starting gold, you could theoretically get a ~3:50 midas.
You are forgetting devour and stacking + periodic gold(?). Also assumes you have semi-competent team.
3 minute Theorycraft - averaged out:
periodic gold (75x3 = 223)
start (603)
last hit most of 5 creep waves (43+43+43+48=177)(177x5=885)
devour big creep (~105)
2x stack pull camp(and or first blood ~200)
= 2016
(1900 midas)
Well if you got every single creep in lane and spent none of your starting gold, you could theoretically get a ~3:30 midas.
Maybe in a defensive trilane with some very aggressive supports on your side. Who is gonna let the other guy free farm?
If she didnt have the stupid jester scarf thing it would be much better
Also, carry WD is amazing
Rampaged at the end.
And look at his gold
All star play from our permabanned streamer Kapura on his signature hero ES
All star play from our permabanned streamer Kapura on his signature hero ES
All star play from our permabanned streamer Kapura on his signature hero ES
Why was Kapura perm'd?
Also, is KP hoping for a wildcard spot or is that spot in TI3 going to 1 of 2 teams from the qualifiers?
Why was Kapura perm'd?
Also, is KP hoping for a wildcard spot or is that spot in TI3 going to 1 of 2 teams from the qualifiers?
If a team dropped out they'd be replaced with the Wildcard team that didn't make the cut, and if two teams dropped out they're going to choose one of the teams that was, you know, actually invited to participate in the qualifier to fill in.
What exactly is Synderen's problem? Why does he so constantly have connection issues
Well he doesn't exactly have anything else to do either.Do you know how hard EE works. He scrims and practices everyday.
Well he doesn't exactly have anything else to do either.
Blademail on shaman instead of ghost scepter? Noob!http://dotabuff.com/matches/189659299
Remember, you either push or get pushed. Feel the wrath of Skymage bros.
um yeah.
love the unconventional picks but yeah
where is RTZ?????
thanks a lot kp i lost that axe axe
thanks a lot kp i lost that axe axe
yeah i have no idea why kp wasnt invited to qualify for ti3
Why are you betting on flavour of the month instead of known quantities? You are the reason why the gambling industry perseveres!thanks a lot kp i lost that axe axe
What the hell? 15-minute GG?