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Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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What possible reason did he have to dive that? It looked like a full health Sylla.and Bear to me.

Also he got perma'd? I don't remember this.

There is no rhyme or reason to Kappy's ways, they just are.
As for his ban, yea he got banned like half a year ago for responding to devolution.


okay I'm still level 1 on my profile or whatever have only played like 5 games, is it better to concentrate on a few heroes or just random everything until I know everybody?


SnY heroes: dk, naix, sk, sb, jugg, riki, ck

My favorite SnY heroes are chasing heroes like Night Stalker and Bloodseeker. SB also somewhat fits in this category, but he really needs more attack speed (in addition to a BKB so you can get in and get out safely) than SnY gives, so its more of a mid game item there.

In most cases a manta is a better item because of the ability to disjoint spells, but given the extra HP and the maim relative to the full manta, if I am playing a hero that needs to be really aggressive chasing down kills early, SnY is a good choice, then disassembling it into manta. I find this also can work as a safe build up for STR heroes who need mantas in the late game, like tiny.

SnY is a really safe build since none of the components cost more than 1g, which can be useful if you aren't getting the greatest start. I have on occasion bought the yasha, planning to get the ultimate orb right after, but then I get ganked before I can farm the gold, so I buy whatever sange components I can so I don't lose gold.

SnY is a super nice, safe(but still allows you top play aggressive) early game item, and you have options to build out of it late game.


okay I'm still level 1 on my profile or whatever have only played like 5 games, is it better to concentrate on a few heroes or just random everything until I know everybody?

You'll hear people tell you both ways. Just do whatever you find more fun. Personally I can't stand grinding out the same hero for 100 games.


Hmm, I forgot that SnY is dissembleable. That definitely changes things. I can also see the argument for it on Slark.

I forgot to mention, in the Weaver game earlier, I did 1-3-1 by level 5 instead of my usual 0-3-2. I maxed Swarm after Shukuchi and I think it worked better. It helped pick up those early kills on Tusk. I also realized that having Germinate faster might not be the best because without the attack speed to supplement it, the animation takes a while. With low early game damage, this is not worth investing more points into just to double last hit, so one early game is enough. Swarm's armor reduction is no joke.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'd rather get Skadi on Slark than SnY.

SkadiSlark best build, just ask pro.
SnY might be the worst item in the game.

i like orchid on slark.

Nope. Radiance and maybe Vanguard are worse.

SnY's problem is that the situations where you want it are very few in number. Radiance and Vanguard's problem is that any situation where you want either of those has a better alternative.

I'd rather get Skadi on Slark than SnY.

SkadiSlark best build, just ask pro.

Skadi's incredibly shitty buildup is the real problem with it, so I think it's better to get it as your 2nd or 3rd big item (except for the OoV and maybe the Booster) instead of going for it as a core.


I don't know what this game does to people. One of my friends likes to watch tournaments, and even if he is a beginner he acts as our tactician. Other of my friends is a veteran, with more than 600 games (most of my friends have 100).
Every time the veteran and the tactician get into heated arguments, where it usually ends as "you are a noob" and "even with +500h you have no idea". It begins with a humble request/advice from the tactician.
The veteran decided not to play with any of us anymore (though he only gets angry with the tactician) and play solo queue. He did this for two weeks, until I convinced him to come to a 5 man stack. The tactician was there... It ended in shouts and a statement of not playing again. So I lost my 2nd most common dota 2 buddy.

Did I mention they have been friends for more than 20 years?


There is no rhyme or reason to Kappy's ways, they just are.
As for his ban, yea he got banned like half a year ago for responding to devolution.

He got permed for calling overweight people sub-humans and then telling people who disagreed with him to fuck off over the course of the entire thread (while also having four previous bans).

Devolution had nothing to do with it.
What are the situations in which you want a SnY?

There are two main ones: Where a hero's kit is built such that he benefits almost equally from more Str and more Agi, like Slark.

Second, when you are playing from behind and you need cheap stats with an easy buildup because you can't be certain that an enemy won't jump you to force a loss in gold, (and you already got Drum).

Radiance is a terrible item and anyone who wants to build it has a better alternative.
Second, when you are playing from behind and you need cheap stats with an easy buildup because you can't be certain that an enemy won't jump you to force a loss in gold, (and you already got Drum).
To articulate further, CK can get SnY if he's behind as it builds into Manta Style and Heaven's Halberd which are both good on him.


Corporate Apologist
Usually only grab Radiance to prevent enemies from using Blink Daggers. Maybe it would be more useful if the aura was bigger.


Usually only grab Radiance to prevent enemies from using Blink Daggers. Maybe it would be more useful if the aura was bigger.
It needs to be cheaper really. It costs too much to (usually) hold any weight. Maybe the recipe should be changed not to involve Relic or something? If the aura was bigger you would be jungling all the camps by merely existing.


Usually only grab Radiance to prevent enemies from using Blink Daggers. Maybe it would be more useful if the aura was bigger.
Rule of cool buffs: Minute burn damage up to 1300 AoE, with vision of tickled targets. Force dem Blink initiators to get creative with force staffs and the like.
Could make it give evasion like in the old days.

Alternatively, enemies get tagged with 'Burn' damage for like 3 seconds and you get normal vision of them during this period.


Radiance gives you 300 damage nuke on 4 second cooldown called "Spirit Radiance" that spawns an illusion on whoever it hits.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
He got permed for calling overweight people sub-humans and then telling people who disagreed with him to fuck off over the course of the entire thread (while also having four previous bans).

Devolution had nothing to do with it.

A shame he got permed, but he definitely needed to be a bit more respectful. Seem him go off like that more than once. Too bad it turned out that way for him.
Radiance is a terrible item and anyone who wants to build it has a better alternative.
I still like it (in concept) on heroes that are hard to kill.

PL - you have to kill off all the illusions just to stop the burn damage you're taking. I know it doesn't have a place in the current diffusal --> manta --> heart --> bfly meta, but in pubs against mostly squishy lineups, radiance makes everything you want to do with PL easier if you can get it quickly. It also makes you fairly scary even in early mid-game fights because you're actually doing damage, even if indirect. But I don't play PL (maybe 5 times in life?) so I can't really comment further.

Druid - Still a great item for pushing lanes. you can just sit the bear at a creep wave and make money. And of course, it's impossible to outrun the bear, so the radiance will burn down many a enemy just by being present.

Weaver - Again a hero that poses problems simply trying to kill him. Where just being present inflicts pain...that's something Weaver excels at.

I know it was once pretty popular on Doom too. It just seems to me that if you have a naturally tanky hero (whether direct like Doom or indirect like PL) and are up against a mostly squishy lineup (mostly int/agi)...and if you can get it fast (<20?) it can pay off pretty well by accelerating your farm and ability to help in team fights sooner. But I haven't seen a radiance bought in a looong time and I think I've only bought it 10 times in 2,000 games...so what do I know.

What are the situations in which you want a SnY?

Hmm. When you want a hero to move a little faster, have a maim to slow down the enemy, and have a little more tank and dps on one slot in a match where perhaps you're having trouble staying alive long enough to buy a single expensive item. It's popular on Bloodseeker, Lifestealer, Omniknight, Riki, Luna (racecar build), and probably a few others. I'm not a big fan of it. There are probably other items you'd rather have...but if that's the combination you need and don't feel like you have time (or space) to farm something bigger it's a good alternative to help you survive to late game.
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