What happened after Riki got lvl6? They were like 4-0.
They bought sentries LOLOLOLOLOLOL
Seriously, they bought sentries and 5 man'd with a mek, gg
What happened after Riki got lvl6? They were like 4-0.
What happened after Riki got lvl6? They were like 4-0.
So typical Riki?Surprisingly, 90 cs with no kills is better than 20 cs and being 4/1 on a carry.
So typical Riki?
I only saw the disconnecting at the end.
First game was like 15 mins gg and second game like 10?
Only time I see KP win is in small pub tournaments and they always pick PL..
What if they changed the Radiance recipe so it required a Demon Edge instead of a Relic?
Also why the hell does PL's ult give him magic resistance? I never realized that before someone said it a page or two back since I just glance over descriptions when I'm in a match.
Because he's a bullshit hero. Magic resistance, 4.2, movespeed bonus on invis escape
Bullshit all around
What if they changed the Radiance recipe so it required a Demon Edge instead of a Relic?
Also why the hell does PL's ult give him magic resistance? I never realized that before someone said it a page or two back since I just glance over descriptions when I'm in a match.
I read this in Pyrion Flax's voice. That PL vid was hilarious...especially the lore wheel...
I read this in Pyrion Flax's voice. That PL vid was hilarious...especially the lore wheel...
I like Radiance, but yeah, it's definitely not felt economical for a good, long while now.What if they changed the Radiance recipe so it required a Demon Edge instead of a Relic?
Also why the hell does PL's ult give him magic resistance? I never realized that before someone said it a page or two back since I just glance over descriptions when I'm in a match.
Could be an interesting change, but that's getting close to half price. It would almost be too good if it was that cheap.
And yeah, my one nerf to PL at the moment would be to reduce (or axe) the magic resistance from the ult. Change nothing else from his current state but that. Though I do think he's somewhat balanced at the moment. You just have to be coordinated and push early (starting at least by 15 minutes) to disallow him room to farm, including his jungle.
The problem I have with PL is always always his escape. People ask what differentiates it from Wind Walk or any other invis escape. Here's what differentiates it: it has no cast animation and it leaves an illusion in its place, and because his illusion army can push on its own, you have to damage the real one before even using dust just to make sure you don't blow a charge without him anywhere near by. And if he sees you coming he can pop invis and be 1000 units away and you'll never even know it because, again, no cast animation and an illusion in its place
Shouldn't you use dust on him? That way when he runs you can see the real one moving away from you. Then it's just stun and stomp (assuming your or ganking team members have a stun).
Because he's a bullshit hero. Magic resistance, 4.2, movespeed bonus on invis escape
Bullshit all around
Remember kids, Cancer Lancer can be beat, PROOF:
Half the time he isn't even there though, and dust has both a ridiculous 60 second cooldown as well as a shop cooldown.
I mean, people say gank him early, but I don't even see competitive teams doing that. What I see competitive teams doing is focusing all their attention on the other four heros and trying to push and end quickly before PL becomes a problem.
Dendi streaming pudge. So good. He has 6 kills at 9 min. Nobody else on his team has any
Edit. This is insane.
I find it a bit funny that Venomancer's Poison Sting isn't an Orb, but Sand King's Caustic Finale is.
Also, the slow of Poison Sting goes though magic immunity.
TL you so cray
Poison Sting is too weak to be an orb. Caustic shouldnt be though.
thanks a lot kp i lost that axe axe
yeah i have no idea why kp wasnt invited to qualify for ti3
In other news, Elder Titan is trash unless you're good.
How did they lane Slark? What build?
Slark 100% comp winrate. Suck it!
And he built Vladimir's. I loves me the shit out of Skadi for him, but Vlad's definitely seems like a better choice early when you're not rolling. More attacks equals more agility equals more attacks (and hence healing).Slark 100% comp winrate. Suck it!