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Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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Oh snap, watching Merlini stream and see him TPing away as Invoker and then casts Ghost Walk mid TP and it doesn't interrupt D: that's a handy little tidbit to know


Oh snap, watching Merlini stream and see him TPing away as Invoker and then casts invis mid TP and it doesn't interrupt D: that's a handy little tidbit to know

I'm assuming it's all Windwalk based spells don't cancel channeling, right? So Shadow Walk, Skeleton Walk, Shadow Blade/Amulet, Ghost Walk, and more.


Holy crap at these odds for the games tomorrow. Tempted to bet on the underdogs in the hope to win a lot of stuff.
So I guess using her blink to get in range for the scream is a bad idea? Trying that out against bots usually led to me dying. Although when I try out anything against bots they tend to somehow casually walk away with barely any hp left so maybe I need to try it against real players.


So I guess using her blink to get in range for the scream is a bad idea? Trying that out against bots usually led to me dying. Although when I try out anything against bots they tend to somehow casually walk away with barely any hp left so maybe I need to try it against real players.

You need the element of surprise, so do it from where they can't see you coming. Also CC helps too. Remember there's a slight delay on the ultimate, so be careful with clicking it directly on the hero. I used to do that and missed so many Sonic Waves because of it.
So I guess using her blink to get in range for the scream is a bad idea?
that's the only way to do it. use blink to get in. use blink to get back out again.

Your level 6 build is going to look like 1-1-3-1. max scream first, then max blink, then max shadow strike while taking the ult when available.

generally speaking, you're going to be in the middle of the action when you blink in, so make sure your teammates are right there with you and not behind the play, because you will get murdered if focused for a few seconds.
Dignitas is decent, but nowhere near the level of NTH. Not going to win unless NTH has 3 standins or something.

And EG throws too much (nigh unlosable games!) to beat Na`Vi. Another real long shot. Unless banned, they'll probably get wrecked by Dendi's Skywrath.


Damn, talk about tunnel vision sometimes. The Lone Druid I played with today went double Hand of Midas and didn't leave the jungle or top lane... ever. When the entire enemy team was swooping in, three wards indicating this, with TEN FUCKING SECONDS of warning time, he just kept on farming. I would have been shocked if he ever actually looked at the minimap once in that game, it was that bad. It's like he poured every ounce of his brainpower into farming (poorly).


Had a fun game today with Phantom Lancer again.

Only got 2 kills (17 assists) but I spent the game farming and decimated the enemies base. They had no dust. No gem. They also had a divine rapier (supposedly to fight me and my 3k health) but they lost it :lol sadly I didn't pick it up but if I had I would have a nice 500 damage.

First time I've taken a back seat and farmed in a game. Felt good but I felt bad when friends died.


Had a fun game today with Phantom Lancer again.

Only got 2 kills (17 assists) but I spent the game farming and decimated the enemies base. They had no dust. No gem. They also had a divine rapier (supposedly to fight me and my 3k health) but they lost it :lol sadly I didn't pick it up but if I had I would have a nice 500 damage.

First time I've taken a back seat and farmed in a game. Felt good but I felt bad when friends died.

As a scrub PL picker myself, ive found that going for kills is usually pointless. PL is not about getting kills. Hes about massive split push and base demolition.

If you manage to pick up a kill or 2 in a team fight, good for you. But then get straight back to pushing towers/rax, because thats what you were made to do

Do you have diffusal/heart/hyper stone/drums? Time to push their base for the gg


Low Tier
Blink TA is out. treads drums yasha manta crit is in.

Puck is stronk mid, silencer is stronk mid, bat is stronk mid, od is stronk mid


As a scrub PL picker myself, ive found that going for kills is usually pointless. PL is not about getting kills. Hes about massive split push and base demolition.

If you manage to pick up a kill or 2 in a team fight, good for you. But then get straight back to pushing towers/rax, because thats what you were made to do

Do you have diffusal/heart/hyper stone/drums? Time to push their base for the gg

envy would beg to differ


As a scrub PL picker myself, ive found that going for kills is usually pointless. PL is not about getting kills. Hes about massive split push and base demolition.

If you manage to pick up a kill or 2 in a team fight, good for you. But then get straight back to pushing towers/rax, because thats what you were made to do

Do you have diffusal/heart/hyper stone/drums? Time to push their base for the gg
Had Diffusal, Drums, Heart, Butterfly, Daedalus and Manta (game was over before I got it delivered).

Was GG when I got heart. I was unstoppable. 3 people including pudge tried to take me out but ran away because I had too many clones :lol

PL fucking sucks to go up against but is amazingly fun to play. You feel so powerful. Seriously though. A gem or dust would have foiled many of my close escapes.



Anyone else have this. . . what is the onyx king?
It's there for every hero.


Low Tier
What makes Blink TA "out" so suddenly?

That hero scales well into late game, so there's no point in wasting 2150g on a blink that's only good for her midgame, when you can get a yasha that lets her do the same thing (close gaps via traps+running) while scaling into late game with manta. Combined with treads (which also scale better into lategame vs phase) and drums (cheap stats), she becomes a killing machine early game without gimping her late game potential.


Yasha doesn't allow TA to escape after Melding, Blink does. Blink amplifies her chasing, initiating and escaping potential exponentially. Blink TA isn't going to be "out" for quite some time now especially when she is not going to be played as the main carry on the team any time soon.


Low Tier
Yasha doesn't allow TA to escape after Melding, Blink does. Blink amplifies her chasing, initiating and escaping potential exponentially. Blink TA isn't going to be "out" for quite some time now especially when she is not going to be played as the main carry on the team any time soon.

? Do you even play TA? If you're melded there's no way they're not gonna drop sentries/dust/aoe for a whole 3 seconds, in which case why not just meld forever in spot LULULULULULULUL.

I already explained, but drums+treads+yasha gives her like 400+ ms, and with traps, allows her to cover distances easily. You say blink ta isn't out, yet almost every professional ta player has transitioned out of blink TA. Just because its summer doesn't mean you shouldn't do your homework.


? Do you even play TA? If you're melded there's no way they're not gonna drop sentries/dust/aoe for a whole 3 seconds, in which case why not just meld forever in spot LULULULULULULUL.
Sometimes you are waiting for a cooldown on one of your spells and you need that extra second of invis time to turn on Refraction or the cooldown on your Blink. Not everyone is going to have detection all the time on the map but they may have some AOE which if you have low health you can't afford to sit there forever. So you Refract, Meld (Blink cooldown finishes), Blink away before they set up their detection.

I am not even saying Yasha TA is bad at all but there's still a place for Blink TA, it's not completely out of the meta.


Low Tier
I was gonna leave it alone, but then you used the word meta.

You talk about how blink TA isn't going to be out because teams wont be running her "as the main carry on the team any time soon" yet the meta is now more focused on multiple carries, as opposed to the old rely on one carry everyone else is either ganker/support. Thus, any hero in your lineup that can both gank and perform early game and go into late game as a carry is going to shine, such as naix, gyro, syllabear, and to a lesser extent (lesser because she's easily countered) TA.

Besides, if you're actually going to rely on meld for escaping, why not just save up another 850g and get shadowblade? Can meld->shadowblade and watch them sit around confused, shadowblade hit->meld->hit, and it lets you scale into late game as well. Face it, blink dagger on any hero with any sort of right-click carry potential is as outdated idea, and its actually "out." ie. sf, tiny, ta
You need the element of surprise, so do it from where they can't see you coming. Also CC helps too. Remember there's a slight delay on the ultimate, so be careful with clicking it directly on the hero. I used to do that and missed so many Sonic Waves because of it.

I noticed it travels outwards in like a cone. I haven't missed any of them yet (except my first one) as I've been targeting the ground in front of me and trying to get them within the expanded cone at the end. She doesn't have any hard CC yeah so getting someone to help me with the ganks in lane seems like a good plan.

that's the only way to do it. use blink to get in. use blink to get back out again.

Your level 6 build is going to look like 1-1-3-1. max scream first, then max blink, then max shadow strike while taking the ult when available.

generally speaking, you're going to be in the middle of the action when you blink in, so make sure your teammates are right there with you and not behind the play, because you will get murdered if focused for a few seconds.

I see. All the times the bots escaped I was ganking on my own so I guess I should refrain from that from now on unless I've calculated damage.

So is the optimal combo ult>blink>scream>shadow strike? I figured that since the ult cone has travel time you could theoretically blink in and scream at the same time the ult hits them.
Hey guys, this is a real noob quesiton, but for the life of me I can't figure out how people do those Missing automatic messages. Can someone enlighten me?


Sadly, I'm not going to get to go this year. It's unlikely I'll have the cash to go by that time, and I have no way of knowing right now.


God that's horrible. The last LD I had always used midas with his bear, I think I outleveled him by 3-4 levels while playing support elder titan :|.

Jungling makes people extreme sloppy. Generally speaking a jungler will fall far behind on the leveling curve AND gold curve because they're not turning the safe farm and surprise into ganks and they also don't try to stack at all which causes more downtime than needed.

People who play Ursa seem to level Overpower/Fury Swipes which is ok if you're just going to sit in the jungle but it's been far better in my experience to level 1 fury then go earthshock/overpower so you get the ballin slow. It turns into kills and makes you better in the long run but people just level OP/FS because they only want to farm farm farm and don't even look at the lanes.

Same thing with Doom. People don't gank even though he is a great great ganker when you come charging out the woods and destroy some bitch.
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