Very high impact, powerful hero. One of the strongest mid solos in the game along with Templar Assassin and Skywrath Mage.
Man, I still can't really wrap my head on TA.
Oh snap, watching Merlini stream and see him TPing away as Invoker and then casts invis mid TP and it doesn't interrupt D: that's a handy little tidbit to know
I'm assuming it's all Windwalk based spells don't cancel channeling, right? So Shadow Walk, Skeleton Walk, Shadow Blade/Amulet, Ghost Walk, and more.
Ask ksan about his TA.
TA is just so boring to me. A-clicking and setting traps is just not fun.
Holy crap at these odds for the games tomorrow. Tempted to bet on the underdogs in the hope to win a lot of stuff.
While I'm pretty good at mid, nothing beats your skills at soloing rosh
Well betting on [A]lliance gets you 0 items . . .
So I guess using her blink to get in range for the scream is a bad idea? Trying that out against bots usually led to me dying. Although when I try out anything against bots they tend to somehow casually walk away with barely any hp left so maybe I need to try it against real players.
that's the only way to do it. use blink to get in. use blink to get back out again.So I guess using her blink to get in range for the scream is a bad idea?
Had a fun game today with Phantom Lancer again.
Only got 2 kills (17 assists) but I spent the game farming and decimated the enemies base. They had no dust. No gem. They also had a divine rapier (supposedly to fight me and my 3k health) but they lost it :lol sadly I didn't pick it up but if I had I would have a nice 500 damage.
First time I've taken a back seat and farmed in a game. Felt good but I felt bad when friends died. thought double Midas on LD was fixed about a month after he came out? Was it intentional after all?
As a scrub PL picker myself, ive found that going for kills is usually pointless. PL is not about getting kills. Hes about massive split push and base demolition.
If you manage to pick up a kill or 2 in a team fight, good for you. But then get straight back to pushing towers/rax, because thats what you were made to do
Do you have diffusal/heart/hyper stone/drums? Time to push their base for the gg
Had Diffusal, Drums, Heart, Butterfly, Daedalus and Manta (game was over before I got it delivered).As a scrub PL picker myself, ive found that going for kills is usually pointless. PL is not about getting kills. Hes about massive split push and base demolition.
If you manage to pick up a kill or 2 in a team fight, good for you. But then get straight back to pushing towers/rax, because thats what you were made to do
Do you have diffusal/heart/hyper stone/drums? Time to push their base for the gg
What makes Blink TA "out" so suddenly?
What makes Blink TA "out" so suddenly?
What makes Blink TA "out" so suddenly?
Yasha doesn't allow TA to escape after Melding, Blink does. Blink amplifies her chasing, initiating and escaping potential exponentially. Blink TA isn't going to be "out" for quite some time now especially when she is not going to be played as the main carry on the team any time soon.
? Do you even play TA? If you're melded there's no way they're not gonna drop sentries/dust/aoe for a whole 3 seconds, in which case why not just meld forever in spot LULULULULULULUL.
Sometimes you are waiting for a cooldown on one of your spells and you need that extra second of invis time to turn on Refraction or the cooldown on your Blink. Not everyone is going to have detection all the time on the map but they may have some AOE which if you have low health you can't afford to sit there forever. So you Refract, Meld (Blink cooldown finishes), Blink away before they set up their detection.? Do you even play TA? If you're melded there's no way they're not gonna drop sentries/dust/aoe for a whole 3 seconds, in which case why not just meld forever in spot LULULULULULULUL.
272 GPM with two Hands of Midas. He didn't have an aggressive bone in his body either, I don't recall a single instance in that game where he actually sought out a kill.
You need the element of surprise, so do it from where they can't see you coming. Also CC helps too. Remember there's a slight delay on the ultimate, so be careful with clicking it directly on the hero. I used to do that and missed so many Sonic Waves because of it.
that's the only way to do it. use blink to get in. use blink to get back out again.
Your level 6 build is going to look like 1-1-3-1. max scream first, then max blink, then max shadow strike while taking the ult when available.
generally speaking, you're going to be in the middle of the action when you blink in, so make sure your teammates are right there with you and not behind the play, because you will get murdered if focused for a few seconds.
God that's horrible. The last LD I had always used midas with his bear, I think I outleveled him by 3-4 levels while playing support elder titan :|.
come at me bro