Need advice...
I know I fucked up hard in this match (fed nyx blindly teleported in to defend and died etc)...but I'm not sure how to approach the midgame in this case...what items should I have built? etc? I'm kinda confused about NP itemization in general (I know he's not super hard but should I have gone sheep earlier?)
xboct is by far the weakest link on na'vi
he really needs to learn how to play safer and farm better
lmao at Lumi's face that his beloved IG got destroyed. He's wounded!
Drow's face looks more ethnic and looses some of her intensity for sex appeal.
Is it wrong if as a support I refuse to upgrade the courier when they got it killed and when asked who was no one aswers ? Or if at the start X carry says "courier" as if I didnt know how to play support and I refuse to buy it until they ask nicely ? I mean, Im not tellling the carrys "please kill the enemies and dont feed"
Drow's face looks more ethnic and looses some of her intensity for sex appeal.
oh yeah then why do I have a boner
Makes her sexier.
Drow's face looks more ethnic and looses some of her intensity for sex appeal.
Is it wrong if as a support I refuse to upgrade the courier when they got it killed and when asked who was no one aswers ? Or if at the start X carry says "courier" as if I didnt know how to play support and I refuse to buy it until they ask nicely ? I mean, Im not tellling the carrys "please kill the enemies and dont feed"
right or wrong in irrelevant. you're not helping overall.
If you are playing with randoms how do they know you know what you are doing before the match starts?
Sorry but I dont find pleassure in helping ungrateful and rude players.
Because if I pick a support its because I want to play a support role. If i leave the fountain with non support items call me out for being an idiot but if not mind your own bussines. And my main problem isnt when they ask for it, but when the order you to do it.
Unless you're leaving out the part where you told/asked nicely about how you would buy the courier if they asked nicely, then you're no different from them. It seems, in this instance, you've dedicated yourself to the support role. By doing so, regardless if the team is nice or not, you should do what you're dedicating yourself to do: support. That's not to say you can't up and decide to go carry or whatever and stop supporting as that is completely your prerogative.
Not everyone is going to say thanks for you buying wards, dust, a courier, etc.
edit: Your original question was whether it was right or wrong what you were doing. Someone says you're in the wrong then you attempt to justify why you were in the right. So why are you asking if you think what you did was right in the first place?
Sorry but I dont find pleassure in helping ungrateful and rude players.
Because if I pick a support its because I want to play a support role. If i leave the fountain with non support items call me out for being an idiot but if not mind your own bussines. And my main problem isnt when they ask for it, but when the order you to do it.
Im not expecting them to say thanks for my work, but getting the courier killed and not admiting it its shitting on your work.
And he didnt say it was wrong, he said it wasnt helpful.
whenever I ask someone to buy something I always add a 'pls' after it. Is that enough? For example, solo queue and we have a bunch of people who random. One guy randoms a support role last, after everyone bought their items. I say 'courier pls' when they pop into fountain, just in case they are new/unawares there isn't a courier already out. That's fine, right?
you sound like you have some anger issues to work out
monocromo said:
monocromo said:
monocromo said:
Zzz. Are you trolling us? Who's alt is this?monocromo said:
Ok, then let me rephrase: Do you think not helping your team, as a support, is right or wrong?
As a pure support I think its wrong and its when I usually decide to not give priority to support them them and go for other build. Or i give priority to support another player.
Dat refresher omni build - no ags - would get so boring.The huskar guy is one thing but why would anyone ever want to do this?
I do. I like being the better player that's supporting the team regardless, instead of being petty and sinking to their level.Sorry but I dont find pleassure in helping ungrateful and rude players.
Is it wrong if as a support I refuse to upgrade the courier when they got it killed and when asked who was no one aswers ? Or if at the start X carry says "courier" as if I didnt know how to play support and I refuse to buy it until they ask nicely ? I mean, Im not tellling the carrys "please kill the enemies and dont feed"
The constant whining does get old, though. If there's one thing this game teaches you, it's that people can't handle their own failures and will quickly blame someone else.I do. I like being the better player that's supporting the team regardless, instead of being petty and sinking to their level.
Because if I pick a support its because I want to play a support role. If i leave the fountain with non support items call me out for being an idiot but if not mind your own bussines. And my main problem isnt when they ask for it, but when the order you to do it.
This is really self-important, but most of it's true.I absolutely despise it when people tell me to mind my own business or pay attention to my own hero in dota. At the end of the day, it's a team game and I'm going to make calls that you may or may not agree with. Sometimes you don't need to listen, especially if you see the call is bad, as long as you speak up. But doing something like refusing to upgrade a courier? Now that's just bad play. Always try to improve your own game, even if your team is rude. Don't be a petty player.
Pretty much.Supports really are the unsung heroes in matches. You get abused all match having people yell at you for wards even though you are warding as fast as you can and buying support items. Then when you end up winning, the main carry wants to go "Commend plz" when it should have been the damn supports getting props! ;__;
This is really self-important, but most of it's true.
Never ever ever make calls when I'm playing exceptionally though."6/0/11?!?!?!? COME ON STEP IT UP!"