Hey, guys! We finished a new set.
Video and promo art soon!
It looks nice. Not paying $18 for it though.
Hey, guys! We finished a new set.
Video and promo art soon!
Synderen just keeps doing whatever everyone else has done in the past weeks, not surprised he gets on the bandwagon on this too. Plus different metas and all.
Can anyone tell me how a Weaver is ever gonna kill you before 40 minutes if you have a Vanguard? Try to farm an early vanguard on a Bristleback and then come tell me how the item is shit.
It's not a good item in every situation on every hero but sometimes it's really good, i would say it's even less situational than something like a Dagon or a Necrobook.
So it's looking ultra-archie-likely that we're getting new heroes, the release of dota 2, and the steam summer sale on July 11.
A devastating combo.
Vanguard is a pretty bad item but still hilariously underrated. I like it on Axe, Bristleback, and Magnus. It's super niche.
AFAIR all the sales have started on a thursday, so that.What makes you say that?
What makes you say that?
That doesn't work for every hero or it isn't as good. Coming back to Bristleback: you're reducing any physical damage you take on the back by 40%+the 40 damage block from the Vanguard, you're basically getting no damage from autoattacks until really late in the game, similar logic for Spectre (which is why Burning bought it on her, that and the fact that it counters Weaver pretty well). If you bought a Mek instead you would have more hp against magical damage but basically no mana unless you buy arcane boots that don't synergize nearly as well as phase boots on BB and no damage block.If you want early game tankiness, get an Armlet or a Mek. Hell, if you're a Hero that builds Heart, get a naked Vit Booster and have it sit in your inventory.
I can only think of one situation where you'd want a Vanguard. If you're a melee hero that expects to be diving towers early in the game like Night Stalker. Other than that, there's always a better item to suit your needs.
Wiki says Naga's song is blocked by magic immunity, her 45 attack power at start put her at a disadvantage for last hits. Naga is a support hero not a hard carry.
Naga's song being blocked by magic immunity is a huge plus: what is their bkb'd carry gonna do when he's netted, no one in his team can help him and every opponent is gonna hit him? He's gonna fucking die, that's what.
Naga is horrible, they nerfed her base damage to much
Naga's song being blocked by magic immunity is a huge plus: what is their bkb'd carry gonna do when he's netted, no one in his team can help him and every opponent is gonna hit him? He's gonna fucking die, that's what.
Wiki says Naga's song is blocked by magic immunity, her 45 attack power at start put her at a disadvantage for last hits. Naga is a support hero not a hard carry.
So I guess they aren't doing sales anymore?
Am I insane, or does Clairvoyance sound exactly like Epi?
I wonder how this PA will handle AM late game.
All according to keikaku.
VP not being able to win fights decisively was more contributory to their loss than NP's split pushing. Buybacks aren't free and you only get one.NP split pushing makes for such a boring playstyle. Every teamfight you win is a pyrrhic victory.
I love when you spectate pro games and still miss out on map awareness. How they rotate in to turn around ganks is pretty amazing.
You kids are garbage at CIV5, I'd whomp all of you, just like I destroy Moody at Quake Live and Procarbine at SSF4.