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Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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Synderen just keeps doing whatever everyone else has done in the past weeks, not surprised he gets on the bandwagon on this too. Plus different metas and all.
Can anyone tell me how a Weaver is ever gonna kill you before 40 minutes if you have a Vanguard? Try to farm an early vanguard on a Bristleback and then come tell me how the item is shit.
It's not a good item in every situation on every hero but sometimes it's really good, i would say it's even less situational than something like a Dagon or a Necrobook.

If you want early game tankiness, get an Armlet or a Mek. Hell, if you're a Hero that builds Heart, get a naked Vit Booster and have it sit in your inventory.

I can only think of one situation where you'd want a Vanguard. If you're a melee hero that expects to be diving towers early in the game like Night Stalker. Other than that, there's always a better item to suit your needs.


So it's looking ultra-archie-likely that we're getting new heroes, the release of dota 2, and the steam summer sale on July 11.

A devastating combo.


Vanguard is a pretty bad item but still hilariously underrated. I like it on Axe, Bristleback, and Magnus. It's super niche.


So it's looking ultra-archie-likely that we're getting new heroes, the release of dota 2, and the steam summer sale on July 11.

A devastating combo.


Vanguard is a pretty bad item but still hilariously underrated. I like it on Axe, Bristleback, and Magnus. It's super niche.

What makes you say that?


Vanguard got its mindshare/benefits et by Rod of Atos, Bloodstone, etc. Maybe give it a 100% block active that lasts for a second and that puts it on cd for a period?


My 2 cents on BH:

  • Phase pretty much always
  • Medallion is legit (activate after jinada+ww ofc) but I prefer a Urn most of the time
  • Skill order 3-2-2-1-3-4 if laning against easy opponents, else 3-1-3-2-1-6 with early basi
  • I don't like Orchid as first item because I have to rely on group ganks (you probably lack the muscle to kill someone full hp)
  • Stygyan deso if the team has a strong early-midgame, Vlads, bkb and MKB if late oriented


What makes you say that?

-Russian Steam Page headed by a Valve Employee says Steam Summer Sale is July 11-23 (pulled this from the buy/sell/trade thread)
-Past two blog updates focused on preparing for release
-Last blog update has an Abaddon line as its title, hinting toward new hero release


Reached 180 games, I can safely say my favorite heroes are Storm Spirit, Lone Druid, KOTL and Gyro.

Do you guys think its a solid line up?


If you want early game tankiness, get an Armlet or a Mek. Hell, if you're a Hero that builds Heart, get a naked Vit Booster and have it sit in your inventory.

I can only think of one situation where you'd want a Vanguard. If you're a melee hero that expects to be diving towers early in the game like Night Stalker. Other than that, there's always a better item to suit your needs.
That doesn't work for every hero or it isn't as good. Coming back to Bristleback: you're reducing any physical damage you take on the back by 40%+the 40 damage block from the Vanguard, you're basically getting no damage from autoattacks until really late in the game, similar logic for Spectre (which is why Burning bought it on her, that and the fact that it counters Weaver pretty well). If you bought a Mek instead you would have more hp against magical damage but basically no mana unless you buy arcane boots that don't synergize nearly as well as phase boots on BB and no damage block.

I find it incredible how everyone keeps shitting on the item without even knowing what makes it useful in the first place (hint, it's not the bonus hp) and stopping to think about situational uses.
Wiki says Naga's song is blocked by magic immunity, her 45 attack power at start put her at a disadvantage for last hits. Naga is a support hero not a hard carry.


Wiki says Naga's song is blocked by magic immunity, her 45 attack power at start put her at a disadvantage for last hits. Naga is a support hero not a hard carry.

Naga's song being blocked by magic immunity is a huge plus: what is their bkb'd carry gonna do when he's netted, no one in his team can help him and every opponent is gonna hit him? He's gonna fucking die, that's what.


Naga's song being blocked by magic immunity is a huge plus: what is their bkb'd carry gonna do when he's netted, no one in his team can help him and every opponent is gonna hit him? He's gonna fucking die, that's what.

Yeah it is dangerous picking up bkb against naga because if you are the only one left out in a song it is a 1v5 while the rest of your team is slept.


I stopped getting Vanguard on NS a long time ago too. Now I go Bottle, Treads, Urn, BKB almost always. Stopped getting it on Razor too, go for something like Scepter/Drums or Yasha, hell even SnY over Vanguard. Same for Viper, its all about the Scepter. There's no Intel hero you should ever get Vanguard for, Mek, Scepter or Rod of Atos suffices.

I think I still get Vanguard on BB and sometimes Axe if someone else wants to make Mek but otherwise not much. Its just not a very good item but if you make it really fast on a tanky hero for a good portion of the game you become really hard to kill especially someone like BB.


Alliance vs VP game 1

Fucking VP throws by team focusing on a fucking Bear out of nowhere and got wiped on a team clash 3 secs later.
Naga's song being blocked by magic immunity is a huge plus: what is their bkb'd carry gonna do when he's netted, no one in his team can help him and every opponent is gonna hit him? He's gonna fucking die, that's what.

BKB rubick to steal the song m8

It actually happened to me only once as Rubick. Rushed BKB for kicks and managed to steal the song. It was glorious.


PA not getting a battlefury baffles me.

They cant outpush AM and furion without it.

Jesus those crits. Lol

Edit: and vp throws again


VP could have won it twice if they didn't:

a.) Lasso that fat summon bear in game 1
b.) PA buying an MKB without thinking of buyback gold.

Fucking VP. lost my 4 rares.


NP split pushing makes for such a boring playstyle. Every teamfight you win is a pyrrhic victory.
VP not being able to win fights decisively was more contributory to their loss than NP's split pushing. Buybacks aren't free and you only get one.


I love when you spectate pro games and still miss out on map awareness. How they rotate in to turn around ganks is pretty amazing.


venison crêpe
I was a little bored earlier so wanted to pass the time by practicing batrider in a co-op bot game. I wasn't really paying attention.

Logged back in just now...


That's right. I got Goblak's card. Oh and CB.
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