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Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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And another LAN tourny win for Alliance. I know Starladder isn't as big as G1, but still, it keeps adding up.

Edit: So funny, Alliance just keeps collecting checks every LAN they go. Wonder how much $$ they made since they ditched envy.

They also cancelled their EMS LAN finals. So they might be hunkering down after Dreamhack Valencia and cooking up some new shit.



He's not? Could have sworn I've seen it :(

He is though, isn't he? Did they revert that change? Anyways it's a slippery slope to bring logic into dota balance. What about Beastmaster, should he be immune to his roar?

Well BM shouldn't be immune because roar isn't a racial trait thing, just a really loud shout that physically stuns enemies.

Enigma is a better example I think. In that instance I see it as a separate black hole being created, unless there's something about his lore that allows him to traverse space-temporal phenomenons


Well BM shouldn't be immune because roar isn't a racial trait thing, just a really loud shout that physically stuns enemies.

The shout is loudest inches from his ears with the way sound energy works. If he is able to shout and stun someone without stunning himself at the same time he should be immune from other people shouting at him!


Ya but 99% of the time your time walking in and using sphere. It basically gave rubick sphere everytime. It was kinda silly before IMO.

Edit: in before beast master is immune to berzerkers call.


The shout is loudest inches from his ears with the way sound energy works. If he is able to shout and stun someone without stunning himself at the same time he should be immune from other people shouting at him!

Well you just bought the ult itself into question :p

Um...the stun comes not from the roar itself, but rather from the air blast being propelled forward, ie. away from him and his ears, generated by the soundwave created.

Ya but 99% of the time your time walking in and using sphere. It basically gave rubick sphere everytime. It was kinda silly before IMO.

Edit: in before beast master is immune to berzerkers call.
Kind of like RP no? :)


Morphling does double dmg vs Lina, 1/2 dmg vs nature's prophet.

Edit: no RP is clearly based on magnets, how the fuck do they work?


Well you just bought the ult itself into question :p

Um...the stun comes not from the roar itself, but rather from the air blast being propelled forward, ie. away from him and his ears, generated by the soundwave created.

So it's more like a Primal Blow instead of a roar? Where can I get one of those?


Oh god what have I done...

Well it's only ADL and twitch chat's fucked, so here goes:

Morphling does double dmg vs Lina, 1/2 dmg vs nature's prophet.

Edit: no RP is clearly based on magnets, how the fuck do they work?
Morphling should heal Nature's Prophet :DDD

So it's more like a Primal Blow instead of a roar? Where can I get one of those?
The roar comes from the BM, the blast is the resultant effect.

Add one in myself: Timbersaw should be able to instant-kill treant protector and treants.


Just got kicked out of a game I was winning too. (well, it was only like 3 minutes in, but it looked like my lane was doing well). Really annoying. Dunno if it counted for anything.

Checked dev forum and Valve knows and it's something with EU west only.


Since friday, every single game I'm playing with new players... why?! Matchmaking used to be not that bad, but jesus, this weekend is BANANAS.


I once died over 20 times in a single game, couldn't even get a single kill. I don't think I've gotten a kill yet in the 3 of 4 hours I've played.


Oh god what have I done...

Well it's only ADL and twitch chat's fucked, so here goes:

Morphling should heal Nature's Prophet :DDD

The roar comes from the BM, the blast is the resultant effect.

Add one in myself: Timbersaw should be able to instant-kill treant protector and treants.

Well at least I know it's not just me now.
Weekend Doto hasn't been as awful as it normally is, been playing with a lot of friendly, communicative players. Normally it's a gongshow of uncooperative, hostile people who can't even speak with one another.


I once died over 20 times in a single game, couldn't even get a single kill. I don't think I've gotten a kill yet in the 3 of 4 hours I've played.


Did you uh win?


So I thought the sheepstick item was going to be the reward for the 2.6 mil goal in the compendium but cybrogmatt just posted on twitter that it will be available this month. Summer sale item? Reward for everyone who played before the official launch?


So I thought the sheepstick item was going to be the reward for the 2.6 mil goal in the compendium but cybrogmatt just posted on twitter that it will be available this month. Summer sale item? Reward for everyone who played before the official launch?

On his blog it is Genuine so it appears to be linked to some purchasable item. For example you buy a pair of Razer Kraken headphones inside is a code to redeem the sheepstick.

But who knows what volvo does. They added the Wyvenguard on the store. I would like a IRL compendium booklet or those Dota WETA items. Make it really rare.


Found the GAF stream and just watched the first match. It just makes me realise how bad I still am at this game, my CS, roaming and everything just sucks compared to the play in that game :(

How am I not decent with 270 hours played? D:


Forever Platinum
Found the GAF stream and just watched the first match. It just makes me realise how bad I still am at this game, my CS, roaming and everything just sucks compared to the play in that game :(

How am I not decent with 270 hours played? D:

We've been playing for years so don't feel that bad.
I also hate watching guides, just tell him he needs to sit trough 50-100 games until he gets the hang of them game/heroes. There is pretty much no other way if you don't like to watch Guides. And let him pick a easy STR hero first.

Ok, this might be the way for him. And the advice for letting him use STR heroes is actually a really good idea, because he doesn't seem to have any interest in playing a support (part of the problem, I know... I'm hoping he'll reconsider once he actually plays one). I had him use Lifestealer in a bot match, because I feel he's a relatively straightforward and strong hero. I'm thinking Dragon Knight, Sven, Centaur, and Slardar would also be decent choices for him.

If he can't see himself putting in about 100 hours learning the game, then I wouldn't recommend DOTA or this genre in general to your friend.

Remember he has, kinda sorta, already put in a decent amount of time into Smite — he has a level 30 and several smurf accounts, probably with a combined playtime to have almost two level 30s — so he knows that Mobas have high learning curves. (And before anyone starts: I know Dota has a way steeper learning curve than Smite.) But I get what you're trying to say, and it worries me.

yeah, it comes down to your friend (or anyone getting into the game) asking himself that question: does cracking into the game seem worthwhile? does the idea of playing it at a high(er) level seem appealing? I knew after playing around a bit that it would take a lot investment to get decent, but I concluded that it would be worth it. I liked the idea of pulling off some serious strategies and teamwork and big plays

that said, Dota isn't the first game I've put serious time into learning. if your friend is fundamentally not hardcore about games or isn't down with the idea that learning and playing a game can take a lot of work, it won't pan out.

anyways, one practical tip would be to show him more interesting/exciting content, like vids or gifs of cool shit happening, unconventional and interesting strategies, etc. show him some of the depth and possibilities.

I think that's where we're stuck at the moment. I'm finally on the other side of the hill, so to speak, having learned the basic mechanics, item choices, skill choices, and general roles/strategies of the game. It took me months to get here. I'm trying to convince him that it's worth it. I can't really tell how hardcore of a gamer he is. He has a nice gaming PC that he built himself, and he has played CS 1.6, Source, and GO competitively, so I wouldn't call him a casual gamer.

And your last point is interesting — I showed him a video of "the play" from TI2 where NaVi made a huge reversal against iG, and the next day is when he wanted to play Dota with me. So I think that actually does work.

When I teach my friends Dota, I play a match without bots with them to teach them all the important basics, then I play a bot match to practice what I've taught them, then I play real matches.

The thing is, to make Dota fun for beginners, ALWAYS make a dual lane. Don't let him play with a random while you mid. Play lanes like Veno/CM and Juggernaut, which you will basically never lose. He won't have to last hit, and he will be able to easily set up kills for you so he will feel like he contributed a lot. Do this for the next 10 games, always choosing strong lane combos and giving him the support. Then try to start giving him a strong ganker like Nightstalker or Nyx. He will feel like a baller and be happy to learn more about the game.

Also: if you have a lot of wins, consider getting a smurf account and give him the carry earlier and you play support. That way you won't ruin the gane by stomping everyone.

Thanks for the tips. I think your last point might be what I should do. I don't have a lot of wins or anything, but when we played a real match together he was clearly in above his skill bracket. I'll probably make a smurf and play support, because as I mentioned earlier he only seems interested in carries at the moment.

Typed this up before but it didn't go through on my phone -.-

I only started playing over a month ago, and until then I'd looked into it and was intrigued, I told my buddy about it and he wasn't that interested. It's an alien game genre to most. But after persuading him to give it a go with me, we now both have over 200 hours of game time. I think the thing with this game is, you need to invest a lot of time just to grasp the basics, and with so many people used to pick up and play games like CoD it is quite the shock. But it is a really rewarding game when you win, and once it gets you hooked you are really hooked.

If any new players want to play a couple bot matches with me and I can try give some tips (I'm not pro or anything but I'd have appreciated some help at the start) I'd be glad to. And if anyone with around 100 wins want to do some MM some time, add me also.


Edit: Just realised why Valve haven't officially released yet, they are waiting for the new OT, we're almost at 20,000 posts!

Thanks man, this is what I'm trying to make him feel. It's overwhelming to him at first and I can tell it hasn't captured his interest yet, but I know he'll love Dota if he gives it a chance. He is almost always better a games than me; he is smart and has excellent gamesense and reactions. He has a lot of potential as a Dota player.


Time to start the weekly:
Valve pls give us Abaddon


Had an horrible game as Centaur yesterday. I literally got relegated to 5 by my team because Necrolyte wanted farm. Since they were my friends (Except Sniper) I said ok as long it works out
It didn't

I got no kills, no items, and got useless in every teamfight being the first to die, and as such, was the lowest XP hero in the game. I literally just blinked, stunned, and died. That was my purpose.

Our TA still tried to win the game since our Sniper was most uncooperative and very slow farmer. She managed to make 3 Rapiers and win many team fights. But the opposite team was also managed to counter her with... Blade Mails

Epic game all around, but it's hard to eat such defeat.

How could I increase my usefullness as Centaur in this cases with no farm?
I'm trying to party up with my friend, I gave him an invite and he just installed. He's kinda stuck at the training screen. Is there anyway to skip it? It's not giving him the standard menu I boot up with.


I've been playing a lot of Dark Souls and its been eating into my DOTA time.

I wish the messages on the floor in Dark Souls were in Russian and telling me to go fuck myself. I'd feel so much more at home.


the SB isnt useless, you guys just arent doing enough

you gotta go ham with him whenever he charges. dive that sniper past 2 towers


Im so sick of seeing Spirit Breaker in every game I play. Theyre almost always useless too

I have played as Spirit Breaker a few times lately. It either goes really, really well or really, really badly.

If everyone is playing as a team it works well - SB charges, stuns and everyone helps take down the other team whilst SB takes the punishment. Everyone gets kills, levels and it all goes well.

It goes abysmally when people on your team insist you charge and then proceed to run off and spend the next minute abusing you. If you don't back him up then yes, it will go badly. I'm not going to charge someone if you refuse to back me up, no matter how much you tell me I suck.

I know I'm not the best player but I know enough (generally) not to feed or disadvantage the team. I find that he's one of the type of heroes that if your team is getting destroyed it is always your fault, irrespective of how badly the rest of the team is playing or what they are doing.


Ah see you expect teamwork. What seems to happen to me is the Spirit Breaker charges without a care for where his team is and if theyre even ready for the fight
I'm trying to party up with my friend, I gave him an invite and he just installed. He's kinda stuck at the training screen. Is there anyway to skip it? It's not giving him the standard menu I boot up with.

I'm pretty sure new players have to go through at least part of the tutorial. Too many people joining games then just abandoning 10 minutes in because they dont know what's going on.
OK I have a question about Dota 1 CM

a) Is Pit Lord in CM?
b) If so, does he get picked?
c) If not, why the hell doesn't he get picked?


Ah see you expect teamwork. What seems to happen to me is the Spirit Breaker charges without a care for where his team is and if theyre even ready for the fight

I try to. I'm guilty of stuffing up as much as everyone else though, I played one game that was just abysmal. Had a game yesterday that I know I played badly in, had charges shut down etc. and struggled to adapt.

Naturally, my team let me know it in a helpful fashion. Never mind the fact that they too had died a large amount of times. If your team is spread across the map and the enemy is rolling around 5 strong it doesn't matter what you do or if you make a couple of mistakes. We didn't have a courier until I bought one at the 15 minute mark. Such a bad game all around.
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