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Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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Ah see you expect teamwork. What seems to happen to me is the Spirit Breaker charges without a care for where his team is and if theyre even ready for the fight

Charging someone a lane away is just fun. It's hard to ignore that urge even when you know better. Once mask and treads are up it's just time to start hitting and damn the consequences. Playing with a SB is a little like playing with a Pudge on your team. The enemy team should live in fear of the hook(charge), even if it doesn't get kills every time.


I try to. I'm guilty of stuffing up as much as everyone else though, I played one game that was just abysmal. Had a game yesterday that I know I played badly in, had charges shut down etc. and struggled to adapt.

Naturally, my team let me know it in a helpful fashion. Never mind the fact that they too had died a large amount of times. If your team is spread across the map and the enemy is rolling around 5 strong it doesn't matter what you do or if you make a couple of mistakes. We didn't have a courier until I bought one at the 15 minute mark. Such a bad game all around.

Maybe its the combination of sb being so popular and it being so obvious when they screw up, its harder to tell with a drow ranger or sniper or someone unless theyre feeding
Charging someone a lane away is just fun. It's hard to ignore that urge even when you know better. Once mask and treads are up it's just time to start hitting and damn the consequences. Playing with a SB is a little like playing with a Pudge on your team. The enemy team should live in fear of the hook(charge), even if it doesn't get kills every time.
Pure truth right here. That kind of unabashed agression can change a game. I know whenever I'm playing against a good pudge or SB you play and move differently around the map, and that limits your options for strategies.


Time to start the weekly:
Valve pls give us Abaddon


Had an horrible game as Centaur yesterday. I literally got relegated to 5 by my team because Necrolyte wanted farm. Since they were my friends (Except Sniper) I said ok as long it works out
It didn't

I got no kills, no items, and got useless in every teamfight being the first to die, and as such, was the lowest XP hero in the game. I literally just blinked, stunned, and died. That was my purpose.

Our TA still tried to win the game since our Sniper was most uncooperative and very slow farmer. She managed to make 3 Rapiers and win many team fights. But the opposite team was also managed to counter her with... Blade Mails

Epic game all around, but it's hard to eat such defeat.

How could I increase my usefullness as Centaur in this cases with no farm?

Your skill build looks bad. Why max return? Double Edge should usually be maxed first, return last. Maxing return gives you about 30 extra damage when an enemy right clicks you, when you could have a 400 damage nuke instead.

Centaur can also jungle okay at the start of the game if the other lanes can handle themselves.

Ogre also didnt max fireblast first...


Guys, tips for Lich?

Also, the build I'm using says "hard support" what's the "hard" part suppose to signify?
You're all-in on supporting, so you go without a lot of luxuries in favor of support items (wards, sentries, dust, gems, mekansm, pipe, etc).


Can depend, if you're the only support then it's a good idea. You can look forward to luxuries if you do your job correctly and are rewarded from teamfight/tower gold.

I see I see, anything else I should know about playing Lich?
I see I see, anything else I should know about playing Lich?

Get Sacrifice as your first skill, always use it the second it is off cooldown. By doing this you constantly deny exp and gold to the enemy lane and pulls the creep equilibrium closer to your tower.

Don't be the first in to a teamfight. Your ult is best cast in the few seconds after the enemy team has made the decision to commit to the fight because it forces them to sacrifice their positioning or to eat a lot of damage.


Yeah, Sacrifice is really what I would consider Lich's best skill. I don't always max it first, but I frequently find myself getting it to rank three first, because it makes you an unholy terror in lane. The amount of nuke damage you can pump into your lane counterparts for free is ridiculous. Abuse it.


Yeah, Sacrifice is really what I would consider Lich's best skill. I don't always max it first, but I frequently find myself getting it to rank three first, because it makes you an unholy terror in lane. The amount of nuke damage you can pump into your lane counterparts for free is ridiculous. Abuse it.

My favorite is frost armoring creeps if there is a melee carry on the other team.
They can't last hit and if there is a decent teammates they can folowup slow and stun their ass if the opposing carry is dumb enough to hit the frosted creep.
Sigh. I love that Valve implemented the build/guide system so I hate to complain about it... but my god is it broken a lot. Half the time I use the build creator I either get errors or it just gets stuck loading indefinitely. People can't even view the guide I published right now.


As a person who started dota 2 days ago I was pointed this thread and advised that the AusGaf dota community is lovely to newcomers. So who here has a lot of patience, and doesn't mind teaching me a thing or 2.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You can never trust those australians.

Present company excluded of course.


As a person who started dota 2 days ago I was pointed this thread and advised that the AusGaf dota community is lovely to newcomers. So who here has a lot of patience, and doesn't mind teaching me a thing or 2.

Oy! Ur asking for like dozens of hours of someone's time there mate.


Guys, tips for Lich?

Also, the build I'm using says "hard support" what's the "hard" part suppose to signify?

Get Sac as your first skill like others have said, but max your Q first.
I usually don't bother taking Sac past level 3, some people don't bother taking it past level 2.
Use your Q to harass the people in your lane, its hits pretty hard.
Try to keep Ice Armor up on everyone around you once you have it.

You can never trust those australians.

Present company excluded of course.

its true


Corporate Apologist
Guys, tips for Lich?

Also, the build I'm using says "hard support" what's the "hard" part suppose to signify?

The Hard Support tends to be the one getting the least money on the team, and spending all his money on team oriented consumables, and maybe building cheap utility items if they get money, while taking minimal last hits from the lane creeps. So you would spend the 75 gold/minute you get on things like Courier, Wards, Dust, Teleport Scrolls, Regen items, and the bulk of your money will likely come from killing the enemy or towers.

Characters who play a hard support spell usually are very strong early/mid game, and have disables and spells that can still help the team even with minimal items or levels.

For items outside of team oriented consumables, you would want to somewhat rush a basic boots/magic stick/TP core, and after that mainly working on some utility items. On the cheaper end, there are things like like Urn of Shadows, Medallion of Courage, Ring of Basilius, but if you can find a good amount of money look for things like a Mekansm, Force Staff, Blink Dagger, or a Vlads (People tend to overlook Vlads as a support item, it gives a melee Life Steal Aura, a bonus damage aura, and a 5 Armor aura). If you find your self with even more money or the game is going late, try to get things like Aghanim's Scepter, Scythe of Vyse, or Refresher Orb.

Now, onto Lich. Level 1 sacrifice is usually the way to go, to deny the enemy a lot of XP. Grab it right away, deny a creep when the wave spawns, then make use of it as often as possible. Usually go for a deny on the melee creep, but if your creeps are getting too close to the enemies side, deny the range creep instead (It does the most damage of them all, and usually is the last to die). Max your Frost Blast first, getting points in it at levels 2, 3, 5, and 7. Frost Armor can some times be good early game, but normally can be left along until level 10, maxing the other two skills out first. Try to use your ult when the enemies can't get to far apart, don't early game it can be worth it to use it on an enemy even if it won't bonce, if you can get the kill. Lich's ult will stop teleport scrolls and other channeling spells too on the target it is casted on, so if an Enigma is using black hole or an enemy you can kill is trying to teleport out, you can use it on them to stop them.

For starting items, grab a courier or a set of wards (Maybe both if no one else will buy them, but try to split up the purchase), a healing salve, a set of tango's, and fill the rest of your empty slots with Iron Branches. After you get boots, try to pick up a magic stick, and try to always have a tepeort scroll on you (If you are teleporting out of base, try to have a second one on your to use later). Tranquil Boots is usually a good boot upgrade on lich, to give him a large amount of sustain, but all the boots work well on him so pick up what fits the situation (Treads will give more HP, Phase can help you move though the map when if there are a lot of summon units in play, Arcane's can be good if other team mates need mana). Itemization beyond that gets a bit wordy, it comes down to a bunch of how well you are doing and the team is doing. Mekansm is a great item if you can get it quickly, but if not, try and grab an urn of shadows if the team doesn't have one.


How come Anti-mage gets to live it up at 1.45 BAT when everyone else has to slum it at 1.6< without steroids? I mean, it used to be ridiculous at 1.35 but 1.45 ain't too shabby either. What's the deal?
As a person who started dota 2 days ago I was pointed this thread and advised that the AusGaf dota community is lovely to newcomers. So who here has a lot of patience, and doesn't mind teaching me a thing or 2.

come join the ausgaf steam chat, we play for a few hours pretty much every night
I second this, I too would like to know more about AusGAF Dota.
I didn't know we had AusGAF dota.
need to be apart of the ausgaf steam chat to get in on the action

I am the AusGAF Dota community and I can confirm that I'm lovely. In all seriousness, feel free to add me and I'll do my best to help you out.



How come Anti-mage gets to live it up at 1.45 BAT when everyone else has to slum it at 1.6< without steroids? I mean, it used to be ridiculous at 1.35 but 1.45 ain't too shabby either. What's the deal?

AM wasn't picked in competitive games for a long time, so Icefrog gave him the Treant Protector treatment. AM was then picked as a counter to Morphling and eventually he became popular enough on his own to get nerfed and the way Icefrog does balancing is by small steps (unless it's Morphling).
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