How is RTZ even playing this game? Still school hours unless he has one of those Fridays off or something.
Isn't he in College?
How is RTZ even playing this game? Still school hours unless he has one of those Fridays off or something.
Isn't he in College?
High school done in early May? Wow lucky. I'd say he's probably skipping class.Pretty sure high school. Though it's possible he's hit summer break already depending on the school.
A lot of people tend to go tanky on him. I think its a waste.
In the late game, your link ability will steal all the damage off their carry rather quickly and give it to you, might as well use it.
Get yourself a desolator, and a lot of attack speed. This will stack both your damage, along with his fed carry damage, plus a great attack speed. The harder their carry snowballs, the harder his whole team will die, provided you can steal said damage.
Stack with a troll warlord ult and roflstomp.
It's actually irrelevant how much damage is on the enemy carry. They can go into the negatives and you can still keep stealing it.
It's actually irrelevant how much damage is on the enemy carry. They can go into the negatives and you can still keep stealing it.
I've gotta say I really don't like the way EE plays...they always drag out games and farm. Was like that when he was in NTH as well.
Man, fuck this, its my birthday and I've lost three games in a row, including both as Phantom Lancer and Troll
Man, fuck this, its my birthday and I've lost three games in a row, including both as Phantom Lancer and Troll
You learned a valuable lesson: never play with Forkball. Especially when I pick Elder Titan twice in a row. I don't know how we lost that last game though, it was just one bad dive and then moments later it was the end of the game.
Man, fuck this, its my birthday and I've lost three games in a row, including both as Phantom Lancer and Troll
Why would anyone pick viper?
Seriously, I got him in an all random game yesterday and I can't find any reason to pick him over drow ranger.
Viper' orb slows less than drow's, and while his ult slows even more and does some decent damage over time, drow can actually sustain that slow forever, and I will take her +80 damage and +80 attack speed any day over viper's ult.
Furthermore, viper has ZERO teamfight presence while drow can silence a whole team for a long time and turn a fight around.
Again why would anyone pick viper?
Why would anyone pick viper?
Seriously, I got him in an all random game yesterday and I can't find any reason to pick him over drow ranger.
Viper' orb slows less than drow's, and while his ult slows even more and does some decent damage over time, drow can actually sustain that slow forever, and I will take her +80 damage and +80 attack speed any day over viper's ult.
Furthermore, viper has ZERO teamfight presence while drow can silence a whole team for a long time and turn a fight around.
Again why would anyone pick viper?
Why would anyone pick viper?
Seriously, I got him in an all random game yesterday and I can't find any reason to pick him over drow ranger.
Viper' orb slows less than drow's, and while his ult slows even more and does some decent damage over time, drow can actually sustain that slow forever, and I will take her +80 damage and +80 attack speed any day over viper's ult.
Furthermore, viper has ZERO teamfight presence while drow can silence a whole team for a long time and turn a fight around.
Again why would anyone pick viper?
Why would anyone pick viper?
Seriously, I got him in an all random game yesterday and I can't find any reason to pick him over drow ranger.
Viper' orb slows less than drow's, and while his ult slows even more and does some decent damage over time, drow can actually sustain that slow forever, and I will take her +80 damage and +80 attack speed any day over viper's ult.
Furthermore, viper has ZERO teamfight presence while drow can silence a whole team for a long time and turn a fight around.
Again why would anyone pick viper?
So about two or three weeks ago I made the transition from HoN over to DotA 2 entirely. It's a bit of a learning curve, but not too much. I don't miss concedes as much as I thought I would. The biggest thing I miss is not having wards and consumables at the SS, and no default courier. I find myself warding WAY less than I did in HoN and it really negatively impacts the game. I need to get in the habit of getting more wards, but it takes forever to wait for the courier.
I still need a lot of practice to get any sort of proficiency in this as I wasn't all that great in HoN as it was. I'm still having a lot of trouble being aggressive enough to play a ganker or a carry and I've found myself relegated to support roles.
Why would anyone pick viper?
Seriously, I got him in an all random game yesterday and I can't find any reason to pick him over drow ranger.
Viper' orb slows less than drow's, and while his ult slows even more and does some decent damage over time, drow can actually sustain that slow forever, and I will take her +80 damage and +80 attack speed any day over viper's ult.
Furthermore, viper has ZERO teamfight presence while drow can silence a whole team for a long time and turn a fight around.
Again why would anyone pick viper?
Odd how Nyx Assassin has been slipping through to the second pick phase recently. I suppose people figure they know how to deal with him (predictable), but that doesn't make him any less scary IMO. The stun alone is brutal, even if you don't get much accomplished with your other spells. Though I suppose with the prevalence of Lifestealer he's less powerful.
Odd how Nyx Assassin has been slipping through to the second pick phase recently. I suppose people figure they know how to deal with him (predictable), but that doesn't make him any less scary IMO. The stun alone is brutal, even if you don't get much accomplished with your other spells. Though I suppose with the prevalence of Lifestealer he's less powerful.
So about two or three weeks ago I made the transition from HoN over to DotA 2 entirely. It's a bit of a learning curve, but not too much. I don't miss concedes as much as I thought I would. The biggest thing I miss is not having wards and consumables at the SS, and no default courier. I find myself warding WAY less than I did in HoN and it really negatively impacts the game. I need to get in the habit of getting more wards, but it takes forever to wait for the courier.
I still need a lot of practice to get any sort of proficiency in this as I wasn't all that great in HoN as it was. I'm still having a lot of trouble being aggressive enough to play a ganker or a carry and I've found myself relegated to support roles.
Why would anyone pick viper?
Seriously, I got him in an all random game yesterday and I can't find any reason to pick him over drow ranger.
Viper' orb slows less than drow's, and while his ult slows even more and does some decent damage over time, drow can actually sustain that slow forever, and I will take her +80 damage and +80 attack speed any day over viper's ult.
Furthermore, viper has ZERO teamfight presence while drow can silence a whole team for a long time and turn a fight around.
Again why would anyone pick viper?
And what's with those OD pickers? Don't they realize that Drow's orb cost way less mana and also slows?
I didn't know wards and consumables were sold at the side shop (secret shop too?). That sounds kind of broken. Can you get sentries too I'm assuming? I feel like that would break Dota if those things were sold at the side shop.
On the free courier thing though, I'm on the fence about how I feel on that. It is a tactical decision on who spends part of their starting gold to buy a courier, especially in bad All Random situations, where you have to make a decision to run something like a support Naga Siren (which actually works!). On the other hand, it's a real pain in the ass when the support forgets/refuses to buy the courier and you're stuck without one until someone takes the XP hit to walk or TP back and buy one, and they still have to walk at least one way regardless.
Why would anyone pick viper?
Seriously, I got him in an all random game yesterday and I can't find any reason to pick him over drow ranger.
Viper' orb slows less than drow's, and while his ult slows even more and does some decent damage over time, drow can actually sustain that slow forever, and I will take her +80 damage and +80 attack speed any day over viper's ult.
Furthermore, viper has ZERO teamfight presence while drow can silence a whole team for a long time and turn a fight around.
Again why would anyone pick viper?
Viper is better in lane and also is less item dependant. He's not a 1 but he's definitely solid in the 2-3 position. I still say that aghs viper is the best way to go on him unless you have to be the carry. Orchids/Pipe/Mek are all good pick ups on him as well, I view him as a flexible utility damage dealer.
So the compendium has raised 200k in 4 days.
$1 million actually seems possible.
Second goal is pretty close already. 42k left.
So the compendium has raised 200k in 4 days.
$1 million actually seems possible.